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Everything posted by Butterfly66

  1. Butterfly66

    Phase 2 a.k.a mushy food

    Here is the protein powder I have been using combined with fat free flavored yogurt and a cup of water. "Body Fortress" Super Advanced Whey Protein. One scoop = 140 calories, 2 g of fat, 8 g carbs, 26 g of protein. I find I don't get hungry between shakes and you can find it at Wal Mart for $15.95.
  2. Butterfly66


    It's nice to be normal. To wear normal clothes, fit in an airplane seat and have the seatbelt reach around, to know that you finally fit in! Congratulations. I can't wait!
  3. That is fantastic. What have you done in the past 27 days to lose 32 pounds? I will be having surgery in the next few weeks and am so excited to show the same results!
  4. Butterfly66

    flavored water

    I found that water at an airport snack bar. Great stuff. I also like Sobe Life Water. Sweeter than Hint, but no calories compared to other flavored waters.
  5. Butterfly66

    After a 10 year wait

    I think we all who are counting down the days to surgery are having "buyers remorse", doubting ourselves and our decision. It's important to remember that the surgery is a spring board to a new life, not a quick fix. Yes, your body is now forcing you into eating smaller portions and in some cases what types of foods (dumping syndrome with sugary foods), but there is still work to be done and we must be diligent and realize that the work is just beginning and the surgery will speed that work along. You'll do great. Picture yourself at your goal weight and keep that in focus. Best of luck. Christi
  6. Butterfly66

    Exercising what week Did U Start

    I was doing circuit training (cardio, weights, bands) before starting on this journey. You think a few months after surgery and I could go back?
  7. Butterfly66

    If Not Food Then What?

    I would suggest replacing the food addiction with exercise.
  8. Butterfly66

    Unflavored Protein Powder

    I haven't tried it yet. What does it taste like?
  9. Butterfly66

    Phase 2 a.k.a mushy food

    That isn't the one. The one I got actually has double the protein, but the same amount of carbs and it's $5.00 cheaper. I used this one before and it is good and tastes good with yogurt. Next time, look for the bottle that says "52 grams of protein" across the top. I'll let you know what it is called tonight. Good luck! By the way, if you decide to try the fat free yogurt, I really like the Tillamook brand Dark Cherry or the Yoplait light Orange Cream.
  10. Butterfly66

    Date Night/Social Hour

    I haven't had surgery yet, but I would think that focusing on protein would be important as you get into solid foods.
  11. Butterfly66

    Finally...... RNY Surgery Set !

    LilBoo007, welcome! I love this site and go to it for inspiration when I get frustrated. I started my journey to RNY back in July and had to meet all insurance requirements. Finally done and my paperwork will be submitted so insurance on Monday. Congratulations on your choice to have surgery and change your life.
  12. Butterfly66

    Reached my goal weight

    I would like to know "a day in the life" of those who have reached their goals in 6 or 7 months. What do you eat? What type of exercise do you do? How much water do you drink and what about lose skin? Thanks. Christi
  13. Butterfly66

    Phase 2 a.k.a mushy food

    Um, I have it at home. I got it from the pharmacy section at my local Wal Mart Super Center. It was $15.95. I will let you know when I get home. It's chocolate and tastes really good. I mix a container of fat free yogurt and a cup of water. Very filling.
  14. Butterfly66

    Love my new life

    My paperwork goes to insurance on Monday. I am so excited and have been dreaming about what life will be like thin. I want to get down to 110 and haven't weighed even close to that since I was in my early 20's! So excited to shop at Victoria's Secret and wear beautiful heels, have more energy and everything! I feel the same way, I have lost over 100 pounds on my own throughout my life and now it is time to stop the yo-yo!
  15. Butterfly66

    Phase 2 a.k.a mushy food

    I am doing my 2 week liquid diet and find that whey protein fills me up better and longer than others.
  16. Butterfly66

    Eating before workouts

    USAFMom, how long has it taken you to lose the 52 pounds? I am starting at about the same point as you were and will be having surgery the end of the month. Thanks!
  17. Butterfly66


    I know how you feel. As I was going through my six month doctor visits and having to lose 15 pounds, I felt like I would never stop eating! Now I am on my two week liquid diet to prepare for surgery. You get used to it by day three or four. Good luck.
  18. How long have you waited to hear from insurance? My paperwork will go in on Thursday.
  19. Remember, there is light at the end of the tunnel! You've jumped through all the hoops. Now you are finally at the end. Good luck!
  20. Butterfly66

    Caffeinated coffee post-op

    I have heard that caffeine can cause stomach ulcers. Have you tried 50/50?
  21. Butterfly66

    bypass or sleeve?

    I think the RNY is the most effective and most proven method for weight loss. You would hate to have the sleeve because it is less invasive only to redo it a few years later. My daughter had the band for that reason and now she wishes she had just done the RNY. She is going to have revision surgery. Best of luck.
  22. Butterfly66

    Band to bypass Pre-Op

    Thanks. I really appreciate the input. I am going to have my daughter get her band checked soon. She is on her sixth month of doctor visits so she meets insurance requirements already. The weight loss center said she didn't have to do her psych eval again.
  23. Butterfly66

    Band to bypass Pre-Op

    My daughter is getting ready for revision surgery from band to bypass. I am curious what you had to do to get approved for revision? How did you band fail?
  24. I am anticipating insurance approval in the next week. How long after approval was your surgery scheduled? I have already started my two week liquid diet in anticipation so that should speed up the process. Just curious. Thanks. Christi

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
