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    stacy23 reacted to MidwestGirl in NSV shout outs   
    Woot! I haven't been on in awhile, but congrats on all of those great NSVs! :thumbup:

    I graduated from college this past Saturday, and at our graduation practice, I had two classmates (neither of whom has seen me since at least December, and I got sleeved in Jan.) make comments. And this was with my gown on. One said, "Wow, Randi! You look amazing! How much weight have you lost?!" And I just said "a lot." :lol0: And the other girl (a SKINNY girl) said "Holy crap, Randi! You're like half the size you were before. You look awesome! How are you doing that? Just eating better?" And I said..."yep" hahaha. :001_tt2: I love when other people notice. Makes it all feel much more real.
  2. Like
    stacy23 reacted to pumpkin07 in NSV shout outs   
    Bought some board shorts at Sam's to wear over my swimsuit - size MEDIUM....I wore the tags all night.
  3. Like
    stacy23 reacted to Rosebud2 in NSV shout outs   
    I went to the animal shelter today and got two adorable kittens. Therefore I needed to get supplies. I stopped at costco and picked up a 40 pound container of kitty litter. I could barely get it off of the ground and needed help to get it into the cart. I just lost TWO of those from my body. How the hell did I allow myself to get that bogged down. No wonder I was slowing down.
  4. Like
    stacy23 reacted to i1Linda in NSV shout outs   
    Susan - having gone to my OB/GYN last week, I can totally relate to the gown thing. I could snap my up with no gaps too, I was so happy. Don't wanna show too much too soon :blushing:

    Chancie - I discovered the towel thing too. Over a year ago I bought some oversized towels so I could wrap them around me and tuck in to stay put. Last week, I grabbed one of the standard towels without thinking and wrapped around, tucked and walked into the bedroom before I realized what I had done. :crying: I nearly ran into the kitchen to show my husband.

    On a typical day, it's not about the number on the scale that makes me smile; it's about the little things I rediscover. Little things that I blocked from my overweight mind because I was embarrassed I could not longer enjoy/do them.
  5. Like
    stacy23 reacted to Tiffykins in NSV shout outs   
    This is probably going to seem sooooooooo trivial to everyone else, but I had a great NSV last night.

    John and I have never been cuddly when we sleep. #1 I would get so hot that I couldn't stand having him right up on me #2 He's a tummy sleeper with his elbows spread out over the bed, I sleep on my side with a body pillow.

    Anyways, last night, he pulls me in super close to his chest, my back is touching his chest, and he wraps his arms around me, like completely around me (that's never happened before), and he nuzzled his head next to my neck and was asleep in a matter of minutes. I laid there just smiling like a goofy kid at a candy store, and I could feel his heart beating on my back. I laid there and actually felt his heart rate slow down as he began to drift off into a deep sleep. It felt so amazing to be that close, and not be hot and feel gross about myself. He had one arm under my head, wrap it up over me and the other arm wrapped around me the other side. I don't think I've ever realized how many "little" things we didn't do because of my weight.

    He then started snoring (which he never did before), and I had to move a little because he was right next to my ear. But for the first time in 3.5 years, I literally fell asleep in my love's arms.
  6. Like
    stacy23 reacted to carolnphx in NSV shout outs   
    Well, I just spent the day shopping for my trip next week to my banded dtr's in KS. I was a 3-4X top and 26-28 bottom before WLS. Let me tell you. I bought 16-18 tops and a 16-18 sweat outfit with a "hoodie" mind you. I was flying high. People thought I was crazy. I was turning in circles and "Yahooing" all over the place. (not quietly either) My husbsand just stood there and laughed at me. Was really fun. I didn't buy much because I still have 35-40# to go yet but what a nice feeling. Makes all the effort worth while. What a nice NSV.
  7. Like
    stacy23 reacted to Chancie in NSV shout outs   
    Congrats to EVERYONE!!!
    I too LOVE this thread!!

    Dange- Thats too funny 'bout the pants!! Good thing you were at home!!

    1) I think one of my favorite NSV is being able to paint my toenails!! I could hardly bend over before to even clip them!

    2) I can also put my cars seat all the way front- and still have room between the steering wheel and my belly!!! And I can even put down the arm rest now!

    3) When going to a restaurant, not worried if I can fit into a booth!

    4) Being able to wear summer dresses and feel like a lady!

    There is so much more... but thats what comes to mind right now.

  8. Like
    stacy23 reacted to Oregondaisy in NSV shout outs   
    Way to go Ruthi! I remember how excited
    I was when I fit into my first size 12s.

    My biggest NSV ever was when I was talking with my trainer awhile back about
    putting a profile up on a dating site. I asked him which box to check, average
    or "a few exra lbs." I wanted a man's opinion. He said You're definitely average.

    That same day, a man at the gym asked
    me how I keep my legs so toned. I was
    literally shocked. I just pointed to the machines I use.
  9. Like
    stacy23 reacted to learned2bskinny in NSV shout outs   
    Thanks Tiff! I guess my best NSV so far is when my son was gone for ten days and he came home, saw me and said, "wow! you look skinny!" That felt great!
  10. Like
    stacy23 reacted to *susan* in NSV shout outs   
    Loving this thread! My favorite thus far is the one I posted about last week. I can no longer buy my clothes from the woman's department at Kohl's. I now can shop in the regular sizes.
  11. Like
    stacy23 reacted to BobBayCityMI in NSV shout outs   
    Hi all. I am now down roughly 60 pounds and seven weeks out from when I started my liquid pre-diet. Am also having some awesome NSV moments. Some are:

    No longer wearing 3x shirts. They are packed and ready to be taken to Goodwill. My size 48 (expandable) pants? Gone too. Can button my pants at my belly button. No more "slant pants." I wore a much smaller belt...and it was a new one! Went three days this past week without needing a mid day nap. Three days now without any slimes or throwing up. Joined a local health club to work out. Snoring is all but gone. No more BP meds at all (125/65 is normal now). And BMs much more normal and less stressful. Bought myself an I-touch. That was my 50 pound loss gift to myself. Any suggestions for the 100 plateau? That's a short list, but ones that come to mind.

    Please, share yours!

    Let's look at the fact that this journey is not just about the weight loss, but about all the wonderful things that continue to happen along the ride!
  12. Like
    stacy23 reacted to Dooter in Friends- Can We Really Keep Them?   
    I have to honestly say...My husband is my best friend, and he has always been thin and active. Now that I'm getting in better shape, we are having FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN!!!!!! In EVERY sense of the word.
    Life is good.
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    stacy23 reacted to Frza in Friends- Can We Really Keep Them?   
    I made friends by posting Craigslist ads for platonic only. I found a tennis partner that way 4 yrs ago, she is now one of my best friends. I met another gal that was new to my area and wanted to do some hiking, she's great too.
    My core circle of friends are mostly interested in drinking, watching bands and eating out. I no longer want to do that stuff every weekend. Here and there it's fine but not every fri & sat night.
    Placing the ads was weird and reading the email responses was even weirder. I know it's not for everyone but I had great success finding activity partners on C-list, there are lots of normal folks out there looking for new friends!
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    stacy23 reacted to Kansas1965 in Friends- Can We Really Keep Them?   
    I know I don't have a lot of friends I stay to my self and not a lot of family to support me but I will make it I'm strong and I work a lot and go to the gym a lot life it hard but it works and I'm glad I had the sleeve done ...
  15. Like
    stacy23 reacted to GeauxForIt in Friends- Can We Really Keep Them?   
    My closest girlfriends and I have been friends since high school...25+ years!!! So they aren't going anywhere. Anyway, they're all much thinner than I am and I know at times they've had to "adjust" our activities to slow it down for this fat girl. They're my biggest cheerleaders and they kick me in the butt and love me unconditionally!
    I can't wait to NOT be the drag on our biannual Girls' Weekends!!!
    Having said that, when I was younger, I absolutely had some "friends" who would've gone by the wayside once I wasn't "the fat friend" anymore. Luckily, I cut them loose years ago!
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    stacy23 reacted to Scaredy Cat in Friends- Can We Really Keep Them?   
    My best friend of 20 Years has remained my friend through most of my weight gain. She is a nurse and although she doesn't lecture me, we have talked about my health as it relates to my weight. When I told her of my decision she was very supportive. She is thinner than me and said that she can't wait until I'm able to do more stuff with her like we used to. When she said this, wow it hit me how much "life" I've been missing. I know she'll be my friend after the surgery and will probably be my biggest supporter as I go through this life-changing transition. I can't say that about anyone else in my life - I'm so blessed to have her!!!
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    stacy23 reacted to O.T.R. sleever in Friends- Can We Really Keep Them?   
    Let me preface this by saying that I have 1 true friend that has been there for me right or wrong & through thick an thin. The people I am talking about here are our more casual "friends".
    I am finding that since my lifestyle has changed so dramatically that the people I use to hang out with aren't so appealing anymore. I am not interested in being one of the first people to review the new resturant. And when I talk about wanting to go rock climbing they look at me like I have 2 heads.
    Finding new friends that have similar interests is my newest venture. I'm not trying to get rid of my old friends, but, let's be honest. I really don't have much in common with them any more.
    I want so much more out of life now. I simply cand afford to to spend a lot of time with people whose high point for the week is a pizza and a 12pack. I'm not canceling them as friends, but I really do want/need more.
    Has anybody else found this to be true?
  18. Like
    stacy23 reacted to cmw10000 in Getting Hit On After Surgery   
    Well its a complement.... I have people talking to me more since I lost wieght but I also think its because we have more confidence in our selves. and we probly smile more I know I do. Just enjoy life it will be fine.
  19. Like
    stacy23 reacted to Butterthebean in Getting Hit On After Surgery   
    It's hard to lose 100 pounds and not feel a whole lot better about yourself, and that will show through in your personality....which will make you more attractive.
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    stacy23 reacted to rdoactv in Getting Hit On After Surgery   
    I'm going to play devils advocate here for a moment. Yes, my basic personality will be the same post wls, but I will be a different person. I want to do things I cant do now. I will have new hobbies, new interests, different priorities Someone who enjoys activity, may not find me attractive as an overweight person even if they like my personality. We would have little in common. But I become more attractive to that person when I am finally able to partake in what has now become common interests ie..hiking, working out, biking, going to the beach ect. Just another way to look at it. A person is not completely the same when you factor in physical ability and confidence.
  21. Like
    stacy23 reacted to Lil Miss Ree in Getting Hit On After Surgery   
    I did it for both reasons as well.
    I completely agree that you need to be attracted to a person. They don't have to be the hottest thing since sliced bread but whatever attracts you to them has to be there.
    I've asked and you kinda end up getting this deer in headlights look and a bunch of stammering. They don't seem to have an answer.
    I don't hold it against anyone and I wouldn't end a friendship over it but I don't think I want to date you.
    Thanks for the input.
    Sent from my iPhone using VST
  22. Like
    stacy23 reacted to COsleeveDude in Getting Hit On After Surgery   
    Did you have the surgery only for health reasons, or because you thought you would also look better? Personally, I did it for both reasons. I know most women are not attracted to obese men, and it definitely narrows down the options in the dating pool.
    I'm not attracted to morbidly obese women, even when I am morbidly obese myself. A double standard, but we all have them.
    I could never date a woman I wasn't physically attracted to, no matter how good her personality is. To me, that's the difference between friendship and romance. That having been said, I would rather date a woman with a great personality and average looks than a very attractive woman with an average personality.
    I wouldn't be offended, but you have the right to hold their prior behavior against them. Why not ask them the same question you're asking here?
    Good topic, thanks for sharing.
  23. Like
    stacy23 got a reaction from Frza in To Tell Or Not To Tell Your Significant Other   
    I'm about 5 months out, and I'm down 60 pounds. I haven't kept my surgery a secret, but I don't just tell everyone I meet either, and people are starting to notice that I'm thinner. I'm happy to talk about it when asked questions. And a lot of people do have questions. Everyone has been very supporting and positive. I think it may have helped a couple of other people make steps to look into surgery for themselves. I recently started dating a guy and haven't told him yet. But I think it may come up soon.... and I'm honestly ok about it. I'm proud of the decision I made to have the surgery and all of the hard work I'm doing. I've never worked this hard on anything in my life. I'm half way to my goal and feeling great! : )
  24. Like
    stacy23 got a reaction from Frza in To Tell Or Not To Tell Your Significant Other   
    I'm about 5 months out, and I'm down 60 pounds. I haven't kept my surgery a secret, but I don't just tell everyone I meet either, and people are starting to notice that I'm thinner. I'm happy to talk about it when asked questions. And a lot of people do have questions. Everyone has been very supporting and positive. I think it may have helped a couple of other people make steps to look into surgery for themselves. I recently started dating a guy and haven't told him yet. But I think it may come up soon.... and I'm honestly ok about it. I'm proud of the decision I made to have the surgery and all of the hard work I'm doing. I've never worked this hard on anything in my life. I'm half way to my goal and feeling great! : )
  25. Like
    stacy23 reacted to ouroborous in Dating and dealing with the sleeve...   
    I tell everyone, up front, that I've had weight loss surgery. I don't judge other people's decision to keep it to themselves, but I frankly don't understand it. It's not something to be ashamed of -- why would it be? You made a difficult, frightening, and painful decision to do something that betters your health and appearance and longevity. You've gone to a great deal of trouble, and altered your eating habits *forever* in order to be around longer and be healthier for your loved ones and yourself.
    In my book, that is something to be *immensely proud* of, not ashamed of or hide.
    Like I said, I'm not judging; everyone has different lives and different needs. But especially in a dating situation, I'm up front about it -- in my online dating profile (yes, I have one of those) I mention that I had weight loss surgery in May of 2010, and it was an enormous success. This gets me off the hook at restaurants, I just tell them "surgery" and smile, and they help me pick out a more VSG-friendly meal and remind me to get a to-go box.
    And nobody that I have ever met has EVER made a negative or snarky comment. Nobody has EVER seemed to judge me (I can't tell what they're doing in their head, but their body language and words have been positive). Nobody has ever been anything other than supportive, and congratulatory, and sometimes curious (in fact, heavier people have often taken me aside later and asked me for more details, and confessed that they were considering it for themselves!).
    Again, it's your business and your choice. But I think that we need to stop shaming people who make the important decision to get this procedure done -- it's not a failure, it's not a flaw. It's a tremendously courageous and positive step. And I don't think I'd want to date anyone who couldn't be supportive of my choice to nurture and take care of my physical self; I mean, let's face it... the kind of woman I want to be with will love my physical self as much as my mind and heart, and will want it to be healthy. So why should she judge me for taking the best steps I know of to make that physical self healthy and happy.
    youknowit: I'm sorry it didn't work out for you, but you seem very connected and articulate, so I'm sure you'll meet someone amazing soon (if you haven't already!)

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