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  1. Like
    traceyinflorida got a reaction from JDHenin in Huge Nsv   
    That is awesome! I love that you and your husband get to share the same NSV too! Congratulations!
  2. Like
    traceyinflorida got a reaction from JenC in My Scale Lies I Know It!   
    Mine does that too. I just keep getting on until it gives me the answer I want, lol!
  3. Like
    traceyinflorida got a reaction from JenC in My Scale Lies I Know It!   
    Mine does that too. I just keep getting on until it gives me the answer I want, lol!
  4. Like
    traceyinflorida got a reaction from panda_sam in Help.. I Feel Terrible   
    A couple of things. First, don't compare yourself to your friend. That will drive you crazy. Everyone loses weight at a different pace. BUT everyone that does this loses weight! You have done great so far. You have lost an average of five pounds per week! If you had done that on a diet like weight watchers, you would be celebrating! Second, I have read on this forum that stalls are completely normal. I had my surgery the day before you and experienced a stall for a couple of weeks and then a very small creeping down of the scale for a few weeks and then boom, suddenly losing again. Based on what I have read, I expect that this will happen again. It's frustrating, but it happens. If you are following the plan, drinking your fluids, eating your Proteins and keeping carbs low, and exercising you will continue to lose weight and get to your goal. As for shake, look at how much Protein you are getting with food alone. If you are making it to 60-80 grams per day, then you are doing fine. If not, consider adding a Protein Shake to get you there. I have to drink at least one shake per day because I can't get all my protein in with food alone.
    Keep up the good work!
  5. Like
    traceyinflorida got a reaction from UTGal99 in How To Stop Worrying...   
    I have a husband who is completely disabled with muscular dystrophy and two teenaged children. I was so fearful that something would happen to me and there would be no one to care for my husband. We have managed to keep our children's lives completely normal despite my husband's disablilty, and I worried about how my no longer being there would change their world. I was a bundle of nerves all the way up to surgery. But, I knew I was doing this for the right reasons. I kept reminding myself that it is everyone's job in the hospital to keep me safe, healthy and alive. Yes, things can go wrong, but I had to have faith that GOD has a plan for me and dying on the table was probably not it. I also had to think of the alternatives. If I did not have the surgery, then I would continue on my very unhealthy course and increase my likelyhood of developing diabetes, having a heart attack, getting cancer, etc. None of those things would be very helpful to my family!
    It is totally normal to be nervous. Try to focus on all your WHY's for doing this and as Nate said, remember that you will be in the hands of highly trained professionals who do these surgeries daily without a hitch. Once you are there, it is over and done with before you know it. You will come out on the other side wondering why you spent all that time worrying!
  6. Like
    traceyinflorida got a reaction from UTGal99 in It's Time To Give Thanks For Our Support System   
    Your husband sounds wonderful and extremely supportive! He will likely benefit from all of this too by losing some weight during your pre-op too! I am very lucky to have some very supportive people in my life. One of my friends did the pre-op diet with me. She didn't need to lose any weight, but she just wanted to make me feel like I wasn't alone. She texted me everyday the picture of her morning Protein Shake. She was a great cheerleader. My mom and dad helped me spring clean the house before surgery because I didn't want to be laid up at home noticing dust bunnies etc. They stayed at the hospital with me during surgery and after. They helped with the kids, helped take care of my disabled husband, made meals, and kept things tidy around the house. When I wasn't allowed to lift more than 10 lbs. my son did any heavy lifting for me, including packing and unpacking the car daily on a trip (without too much complaint) My husband and kids have been great and are enjoying the healthier meals we are preparing. Also, I have a friend that had bypass four years ago. She stopped by the hospital to see me and gave me a Magic Bullet blender for making my smoothies and purreed foods. She called me several times pre-op and post op to check in on me and answer questions. One of my friends made my family a meal (nice not to have to cook when I could not eat it!) when I got home from the hospital. I am sure I have forgotten to mention others, but I was overwhelmed by the support and I do appreciate every one of them. I am truely blessed to have such wonderful family and friends.
  7. Like
    traceyinflorida reacted to UTGal99 in It's Time To Give Thanks For Our Support System   
    That is wonderful! Kudos to all the fabulous hubbies and other super supportive family members. I have a rocking hubby like that too! He is so supportive of all my decisions and everything I do. He has loved me through thick (currently) and thin (someday post-op).
    3 cheers for the hubbys! HIP HIP HIP HOORAY!!!
  8. Like
    traceyinflorida reacted to bethL in It's Time To Give Thanks For Our Support System   
    I would normally do this on Facebook, but since I am not sharing my procedure with my facebook world, I thought this might be the best venue. So many people post about not having a support system. I feel that it's time to give thanks for those people in our lives who are supporting us beyond our wildest expectations. I am on the miserable pre-op liquid diet. My husband (who also needs to lose weight, but whose BMI is too low to qualify for surgery), will only eat canned chicken in front of me (breakfast, lunch, and dinner). This canned chicken smells so bad that the cat thinks it's cat food. He has cut out all alcohol, soft drinks, and coffee as well. We are both hungry, but his theory is that if I have to be miserable, then he will be miserable with me. His plan is to eat what I eat and do what I have to do. It will be in bigger portions, of course, and it will not be pureed. However, I don't know how I would do this if I had to cook a separate meal for him or if I had to watch while he ate any of my favorite foods in front of me right now. On top of all of this, I have been PMSing for the past week that I've been on this diet. So, you can imagine how unbelievably horrible I have been to every one around me. No food and PMS = a mean mean girl! To all of you who are not blessed to have such wonderful support, I feel for you. Find true friends and I hope you find comfort on this site. To all of us who have support, let's not let them ever forget how much we appreciate them.
  9. Like
    traceyinflorida got a reaction from panda_sam in Help.. I Feel Terrible   
    A couple of things. First, don't compare yourself to your friend. That will drive you crazy. Everyone loses weight at a different pace. BUT everyone that does this loses weight! You have done great so far. You have lost an average of five pounds per week! If you had done that on a diet like weight watchers, you would be celebrating! Second, I have read on this forum that stalls are completely normal. I had my surgery the day before you and experienced a stall for a couple of weeks and then a very small creeping down of the scale for a few weeks and then boom, suddenly losing again. Based on what I have read, I expect that this will happen again. It's frustrating, but it happens. If you are following the plan, drinking your fluids, eating your Proteins and keeping carbs low, and exercising you will continue to lose weight and get to your goal. As for shake, look at how much Protein you are getting with food alone. If you are making it to 60-80 grams per day, then you are doing fine. If not, consider adding a Protein Shake to get you there. I have to drink at least one shake per day because I can't get all my protein in with food alone.
    Keep up the good work!
  10. Like
    traceyinflorida got a reaction from vdunn87 in Top 5 Things You Did Or Should Have Done Prior To Surgery To Ensure Success.   
    1. Wrote down my list of whys. Things I hated about being fat, reasons I needed to lose weight and things I looked forward to when I lost the extra weight. This list helped me get through pre-op diet and came in handy post-op when I was not feeling great and questioning why I did this to myself.
    2. Follow the pre-op diet closely. This shrinks your liver which makes your surgery easier and safer. Also, I was glad I got my sugar/carb withdrawal symptoms out of the way before surgey instead of after.
    3. Shop ahead for the things I would need post surgery. broth, Protein powder, chewable Vitamins etc. Your NUT or surgeon will give you a list. You don't want to have to go shopping after you get home.
    4. Arranged for help at home for the first week. My mom and dad drove the kids to their activities. My mom cooked a few meals. A friend cooked a meal for my family one night. It was nice not to have to worry about that stuff. If someone offers help, take them up on it! (this is a tough one for me, but I am glad I did not turn down offers for help)
    5. Join this forum. I wish I had known about the forum pre-op. It would have helped me with my nerves before surgery. I discovered it when I googled a problem I was having post-op. I found this forum and also found out that what I was experiencing was completely normal. The people on here have been a wonderful source of information, inspiration and support!
  11. Like
    traceyinflorida got a reaction from panda_sam in Help.. I Feel Terrible   
    A couple of things. First, don't compare yourself to your friend. That will drive you crazy. Everyone loses weight at a different pace. BUT everyone that does this loses weight! You have done great so far. You have lost an average of five pounds per week! If you had done that on a diet like weight watchers, you would be celebrating! Second, I have read on this forum that stalls are completely normal. I had my surgery the day before you and experienced a stall for a couple of weeks and then a very small creeping down of the scale for a few weeks and then boom, suddenly losing again. Based on what I have read, I expect that this will happen again. It's frustrating, but it happens. If you are following the plan, drinking your fluids, eating your Proteins and keeping carbs low, and exercising you will continue to lose weight and get to your goal. As for shake, look at how much Protein you are getting with food alone. If you are making it to 60-80 grams per day, then you are doing fine. If not, consider adding a Protein Shake to get you there. I have to drink at least one shake per day because I can't get all my protein in with food alone.
    Keep up the good work!
  12. Like
    traceyinflorida got a reaction from vdunn87 in Top 5 Things You Did Or Should Have Done Prior To Surgery To Ensure Success.   
    1. Wrote down my list of whys. Things I hated about being fat, reasons I needed to lose weight and things I looked forward to when I lost the extra weight. This list helped me get through pre-op diet and came in handy post-op when I was not feeling great and questioning why I did this to myself.
    2. Follow the pre-op diet closely. This shrinks your liver which makes your surgery easier and safer. Also, I was glad I got my sugar/carb withdrawal symptoms out of the way before surgey instead of after.
    3. Shop ahead for the things I would need post surgery. broth, Protein powder, chewable Vitamins etc. Your NUT or surgeon will give you a list. You don't want to have to go shopping after you get home.
    4. Arranged for help at home for the first week. My mom and dad drove the kids to their activities. My mom cooked a few meals. A friend cooked a meal for my family one night. It was nice not to have to worry about that stuff. If someone offers help, take them up on it! (this is a tough one for me, but I am glad I did not turn down offers for help)
    5. Join this forum. I wish I had known about the forum pre-op. It would have helped me with my nerves before surgery. I discovered it when I googled a problem I was having post-op. I found this forum and also found out that what I was experiencing was completely normal. The people on here have been a wonderful source of information, inspiration and support!
  13. Like
    traceyinflorida got a reaction from Silly Phylly in Regret   
    LOL, gotta love auto correct! I was thinking that was what happened too!
  14. Like
    traceyinflorida got a reaction from panda_sam in Help.. I Feel Terrible   
    A couple of things. First, don't compare yourself to your friend. That will drive you crazy. Everyone loses weight at a different pace. BUT everyone that does this loses weight! You have done great so far. You have lost an average of five pounds per week! If you had done that on a diet like weight watchers, you would be celebrating! Second, I have read on this forum that stalls are completely normal. I had my surgery the day before you and experienced a stall for a couple of weeks and then a very small creeping down of the scale for a few weeks and then boom, suddenly losing again. Based on what I have read, I expect that this will happen again. It's frustrating, but it happens. If you are following the plan, drinking your fluids, eating your Proteins and keeping carbs low, and exercising you will continue to lose weight and get to your goal. As for shake, look at how much Protein you are getting with food alone. If you are making it to 60-80 grams per day, then you are doing fine. If not, consider adding a Protein Shake to get you there. I have to drink at least one shake per day because I can't get all my protein in with food alone.
    Keep up the good work!
  15. Like
    traceyinflorida got a reaction from vdunn87 in Top 5 Things You Did Or Should Have Done Prior To Surgery To Ensure Success.   
    1. Wrote down my list of whys. Things I hated about being fat, reasons I needed to lose weight and things I looked forward to when I lost the extra weight. This list helped me get through pre-op diet and came in handy post-op when I was not feeling great and questioning why I did this to myself.
    2. Follow the pre-op diet closely. This shrinks your liver which makes your surgery easier and safer. Also, I was glad I got my sugar/carb withdrawal symptoms out of the way before surgey instead of after.
    3. Shop ahead for the things I would need post surgery. broth, Protein powder, chewable Vitamins etc. Your NUT or surgeon will give you a list. You don't want to have to go shopping after you get home.
    4. Arranged for help at home for the first week. My mom and dad drove the kids to their activities. My mom cooked a few meals. A friend cooked a meal for my family one night. It was nice not to have to worry about that stuff. If someone offers help, take them up on it! (this is a tough one for me, but I am glad I did not turn down offers for help)
    5. Join this forum. I wish I had known about the forum pre-op. It would have helped me with my nerves before surgery. I discovered it when I googled a problem I was having post-op. I found this forum and also found out that what I was experiencing was completely normal. The people on here have been a wonderful source of information, inspiration and support!
  16. Like
    traceyinflorida got a reaction from panda_sam in Help.. I Feel Terrible   
    A couple of things. First, don't compare yourself to your friend. That will drive you crazy. Everyone loses weight at a different pace. BUT everyone that does this loses weight! You have done great so far. You have lost an average of five pounds per week! If you had done that on a diet like weight watchers, you would be celebrating! Second, I have read on this forum that stalls are completely normal. I had my surgery the day before you and experienced a stall for a couple of weeks and then a very small creeping down of the scale for a few weeks and then boom, suddenly losing again. Based on what I have read, I expect that this will happen again. It's frustrating, but it happens. If you are following the plan, drinking your fluids, eating your Proteins and keeping carbs low, and exercising you will continue to lose weight and get to your goal. As for shake, look at how much Protein you are getting with food alone. If you are making it to 60-80 grams per day, then you are doing fine. If not, consider adding a Protein Shake to get you there. I have to drink at least one shake per day because I can't get all my protein in with food alone.
    Keep up the good work!
  17. Like
    traceyinflorida got a reaction from vdunn87 in Top 5 Things You Did Or Should Have Done Prior To Surgery To Ensure Success.   
    1. Wrote down my list of whys. Things I hated about being fat, reasons I needed to lose weight and things I looked forward to when I lost the extra weight. This list helped me get through pre-op diet and came in handy post-op when I was not feeling great and questioning why I did this to myself.
    2. Follow the pre-op diet closely. This shrinks your liver which makes your surgery easier and safer. Also, I was glad I got my sugar/carb withdrawal symptoms out of the way before surgey instead of after.
    3. Shop ahead for the things I would need post surgery. broth, Protein powder, chewable Vitamins etc. Your NUT or surgeon will give you a list. You don't want to have to go shopping after you get home.
    4. Arranged for help at home for the first week. My mom and dad drove the kids to their activities. My mom cooked a few meals. A friend cooked a meal for my family one night. It was nice not to have to worry about that stuff. If someone offers help, take them up on it! (this is a tough one for me, but I am glad I did not turn down offers for help)
    5. Join this forum. I wish I had known about the forum pre-op. It would have helped me with my nerves before surgery. I discovered it when I googled a problem I was having post-op. I found this forum and also found out that what I was experiencing was completely normal. The people on here have been a wonderful source of information, inspiration and support!
  18. Like
    traceyinflorida got a reaction from UTGal99 in Regret   
    Day 5, don't worry about how much Protein you are getting. Focus on liquids. The good news is that if you are getting 40 grams, you are doing pretty good for your first week. I was lucky to get in 20 grams a day my first week. It gets better, just take it one day at a time. As your stomach heels, the pain from drinking will go away. It takes some time. Hang in there. I know it is hard to believe, but in a few months, you will be rocking your sleeve and posting how this was the best thing you ever did! I will keep you in my prayers that tomorrow is a better day for you and that things become easier quickly. You can do this!
  19. Like
    traceyinflorida got a reaction from UTGal99 in Regret   
    Day 5, don't worry about how much Protein you are getting. Focus on liquids. The good news is that if you are getting 40 grams, you are doing pretty good for your first week. I was lucky to get in 20 grams a day my first week. It gets better, just take it one day at a time. As your stomach heels, the pain from drinking will go away. It takes some time. Hang in there. I know it is hard to believe, but in a few months, you will be rocking your sleeve and posting how this was the best thing you ever did! I will keep you in my prayers that tomorrow is a better day for you and that things become easier quickly. You can do this!
  20. Like
    traceyinflorida got a reaction from JenC in My Scale Lies I Know It!   
    Mine does that too. I just keep getting on until it gives me the answer I want, lol!
  21. Like
    traceyinflorida got a reaction from JenC in My Scale Lies I Know It!   
    Mine does that too. I just keep getting on until it gives me the answer I want, lol!
  22. Like
    traceyinflorida got a reaction from vssupermodel in Another Rant About Husbands/spouses   
    He probably just needs a little time to wrap his head around it. My husband tends to react negatively to anything major, especially if it involves money. That is both a major medical and finanial. I have not even gone there with my husband yet. Start doing your research, pros, cons, risks, etc. Figure out how you are going to pay as well. Give it a little time and ask him when it would be a good time to sit down and talk rationally. Some of the pros should include benefits to him as well.
    On another note, I have been extremely moody and hot headed too since surgery. I had not given it a lot of thought, just my husband has pointed out that I am so crabby lately. The weird thing is I feel great and happy. I just have a short fuse lately. Maybe it's lack of carbs...Hopefully, whatever it is, it gets better soon.
  23. Like
    traceyinflorida got a reaction from JenC in My Scale Lies I Know It!   
    Mine does that too. I just keep getting on until it gives me the answer I want, lol!
  24. Like
    traceyinflorida got a reaction from shellbell33081 in Halfway To Goal!   
    Congratulations! You look great! Keep up the good work. I just realized I am a little more than halfway to goal too. I guess it's time to stop hiding from the camera!
  25. Like
    traceyinflorida got a reaction from JenC in My Scale Lies I Know It!   
    Mine does that too. I just keep getting on until it gives me the answer I want, lol!

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