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LAP-BAND Patients
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About gabby899

  • Rank
    Junior Guru
  • Birthday 07/09/1971

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  1. gabby899

    Afraid to Fail... AGAIN

    I wonder at 245 which would be the better one to ask for.
  2. gabby899

    Afraid to Fail... AGAIN

    Will they be able to tell if I have acid reflux
  3. gabby899

    Afraid to Fail... AGAIN

    I was wondering how long one needed to wait. I had the sleeve 9/28/12 and I have only lost 40 lbs. I am able to eat anything I want and am so frustrated! Will I have to through the whole process again? Meaning pre op stuff. Track diets ect???
  4. gabby899

    Sleeve to rny

    I was wondering how long one needed to wait. I had the sleeve 9/28/12 and I have only lost 40 lbs. I am able to eat anything I want and am so frustrated! Will I have to through the whole process again? Meaning pre op stuff. Track diets ect???
  5. gabby899

    Sleeve to rny

    Has anyone in here revised from sleeve to rny?
  6. I was having trouble with pain everytime i drank anything, so he went in and dilated the opening of the sleeve
  7. I had my surgery on 9/28/12, i am 11 weeks post op and i am very worried! i had problems in the beginning with dehydration and hyplori and pancreatitus well. I was dilated during one of my hospital stays and now i am able to eat pretty much anything! I do not like this at all and am starting to feel like a major failure. I know i am the only one that can control what i eat, and i do get full very easily, but why do i have no restrictions? even sweets, no dumping, any suggestions and can dilation be reve
  8. gabby899

    Right Back Pain?

    have the Dr check your pancreas levels do you have any pain in your belly
  9. does anyone know anything about the pancreas blood levels? mine are running between 700 and 360
  10. gabby899

    Anyone Else Cranky?

    oh thank God I'm not the only one! I am having a terrible time with it! between that and a bit of depression/melancholy I feel like I'm going Insane! I'm almost 4 weeks post op
  11. gabby899


    to be a sure and keep up with my fluids plus they found pancreatitis and I'm just scared
  12. gabby899


    I will call them and see what they say!! I jut got out a week and a half ago for the same thing. I don't want to gettin trouble again lol
  13. gabby899


    I'm almost 4 weeks post op
  14. gabby899


    vitamins and protein yes but fluids no water makes me do sick

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
