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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by DuranFan1969

  1. DuranFan1969

    Nsv- Car Shopping

    Awesome !!!! I'm looking forward to that myself. I was new car shopping earlier this year and of course was focused on the larger cars where I knew I would fit but then it hit me -- I didn't have to do that, I could wait until later this year, will be a much healthier size and don't have to worry about fitting in a car. Hooray for your NSV - I'm very happy for you!!
  2. DuranFan1969

    Ur Help Guys

    Your life is definitely going to change - the obvious one is weight loss is going to lead to more energy and more activities, more confidence, among other things. It will also change in your habits. You will not be eating the same junk food. You will not be eating the same quantity - your portions will be much smaller to fill you (which saves on the grocery budget!) You will need to be on supplements for the rest of your life - Multivitamin, Iron, B12 and Calcium Citrate, but I think you'll find most if not all of your prescription meds will also go away.
  3. DuranFan1969

    I Need The Straight Skinny -Help

    I just had to quote this because it was worth saying again, IMO. This was the biggest reason I made the decision for the sleeve - it's not that I don't know how to lose weight or eat right - it's that I don't know how to stay on that track without the aid of this tool (the sleeve). I think it's also important to remember that everyone getting sleeved is at a different starting weight, so those of us that are on the heaviest side are going to lose weight pretty quick simply because of BMI.
  4. DuranFan1969

    At The Hospital Now

    Fingers and toes are crossed, good luck!!
  5. DuranFan1969

    Surgery Tomorrow Morning!

    Your tomorrow is now today - good luck on your surgery!!
  6. DuranFan1969

    Got My Date

    Congrats on your date!
  7. DuranFan1969

    Made It Through Surgery Today.

    Woohoo congrats, glad to hear it went well!
  8. DuranFan1969

    Uodated Pics

    Posting on a public forum in your underwear - that is the kind of confidence I can't wait to have when I'm sleeved. You look fantastic - keep it up!!
  9. I'm on the Bariatric Advantage shakes and just love them - the banana is by far my favorite. Oddly enough, when I make my shakes in the shaker cup that the company provides, they are better mixed than doing in my Magic Bullet. They have this neat plastic screen on top of the glass that catches all the weird foam.
  10. Good luck Tuesday sleevers - prayers going out for you all, as well as crossing my fingers and toes!
  11. DuranFan1969

    Surgery In The Morning!

    I'm a Weds girl too -- woohoo!
  12. DuranFan1969

    6Weeks Out Pic's

    Holy cow, you look amazing for 6 weeks!!
  13. DuranFan1969

    Buffalo Chicken Bites + Chicken Enchilada Bites

    That sounds yummy, thanks for sharing!
  14. DuranFan1969

    Just Got My Surgery Date!

    Congrats, you are on your way !
  15. DuranFan1969

    I Am Terrified Of Losing My Hair!

    My NUT told us that as long as we keep our protein levels up, we shouldn't really expect any hair loss.
  16. DuranFan1969

    Am I The Only One...?

    I've told people who are closest to me (friends, family and some close co-workers) and left it at that.
  17. DuranFan1969

    June Or Upcoming This Week Sleeve

    I'll be sleeved on the 13th and I was pretty much nervous about it until my pre-op last Monday. After that meeting with the NUT, anesthesia and the doctor, I just felt at ease and am ready to do this. Good luck to us all this week - can't wait until we are all on the losers bench!
  18. Although I've had the approval via my doctor's office for weeks now, I received the "official" letter from Blue Cross yesterday in the mail and I noted that they indicated it was deemed "medically necessary". It hit me ... they are willing to pay $20K-ish for me to have a surgery that they feel is required for me. That's a heck of a lot of money but it's there because I really truly do need to have this surgery. I have only a few days until it's sleeve day for me, but realizing that they are willing to pay that much money so I can have a better quality of life is just one big reminder that I am really doing the right thing and on the right track - finally.
  19. DuranFan1969


    I had that same fear and had in my mind that everything would not only smell good, but smell even better than it had before. Fortunately, it hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be but I'm also blessed with some very considerate co-workers who have made sure not to bring any of their hot lunches around me. On a slightly different note, during my 2 weeks pre-op liquid diet I noticed exactly how many commercials are on TV for food - there are a ton of them, and most of it isn't good for you. It's no wonder so many people are overweight.
  20. DuranFan1969

    Chickening Out!

    It sounds like your mom might be scared on your behalf and worried that this is such a drastic procedure and the band would be way easier. I considered the band myself for a while - was all set on it, especially since it's the least invasive but like someone said above, I did more research and talked to a couple doctors and found that the sleeve is a considerably better option. I agree with one of the above posters that you should take your mom with you to talk to a surgeon and get questions answered. The problem with the open seminars is that while informative, they don't give you the doctor's opinion of what is best for you personally, and that you can only get from meeting with him.
  21. DuranFan1969

    So, It Has Come To This...go Time!

    Congrats! And no, not currently psychic but I loaned you my good luck charm mom apparently!
  22. DuranFan1969


    I'm with you too - mine is on Weds so the nerves are starting to kick in a bit and of course, that little voice in the back of my head that keeps telling me to chicken out. Nuh uh - haven't come this far to do that. We can all do eeet!
  23. If he says things to you like it's not going to work or help, you sure aren't overreacting in my opinion. This is a very big deal and it should be as private as you want it - if someone didn't respect my wishes and told others, especially my spouse .... woooboy, look out.
  24. No offense intended in the slightest, but he sounds like a pretty big jerk in general. This may sound harsh, but you're about to undergo a major life changing surgery and you are going to need all the support you can get and he doesn't sound like a person that will ever give that to you. Fortunately, you have your little online family here!

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