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LAP-BAND Patients
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  1. Like
    1973Angel got a reaction from kll724 in Starting over after almost dying twice and gaining back 150 pounds   
    I too commend you for being BRAVE enough to post this!! If nothing more than to get it off your chest and to help others!! I'm glad no one condemned you because that is the last thing that you need!! (I know this and could pop anyone in the nose for looking down on others for using words to hurt when you know good and dang well what you own lesson is!!)
    Your story started the same as me. I was told that if I ate solids too soon...if I drank pop and went off track, then I would throw up and would never do it again. I took a small bite of something solid and it went down. Had a weaker moment and tried pop and that went down smooth as butter! I certainly wasn't about to call my doctor and say "Hey! You know how you told me to NOT eat solids or fizzy drinks?? Well lookie here...I did it! WOO HOO!!" Yeah...it's not a "fun" feeling to fall off the wagon but at least you have learned your lesson!! I am at my learning point right now. Happy with what I lost....but not happy that I didn't achieve my goal. I know I must get right.
    Lastly, thank GOD that you are HERE!!! I am happy that you survived to tell your story because I know others (like me) appreciate you being candid and up front. Some may act self-righteous and all knowing but the truth of the matter is...not everyone has the SAME story!! We need to learn from EVERYBODY and keep on SUPPORTING people...especially if that is what you've come here for!! Peace my dear...and keep on keeping on!! <3
  2. Like
    1973Angel got a reaction from angiem73 in just had my lap band done today   
    Congrats and yep...listen to the advice here keep on your new plan and you will do awesome!!
  3. Like
    1973Angel got a reaction from angiem73 in just had my lap band done today   
    Congrats!!! yes...listen to your doc!!!
  4. Like
    1973Angel got a reaction from cadu in getting band May 23, so is my sister   
    Sending best wishes and prayers to both you and your sister!! That is awesome that you will both be able to support each other!!
  5. Like
    1973Angel got a reaction from KarenElaine in Coverage...Hmmm   
    So yeah...my coverage now will not cover any type of "new" bariatric surgery but it will cover the fills and anything else that "could" be an issue with the new band so that was good to know! But...after my appointment, things are fine, no slippage, and I need to continue on my journey
  6. Like
    1973Angel got a reaction from 2muchfun in Coverage...Hmmm   
    I will indeed start asking tomorrow!! Thank you!! After I lost my job I was like "oh well...guess that's that!" But I'm at a stronger place "mentally & emotionally" to deal with what I have to do!
  7. Like
    1973Angel got a reaction from 2muchfun in Help! I'm vomiting :(   
    Thanks all!! My band has been adjusted now...it has not slipped and I'm back on track!
  8. Like
    1973Angel got a reaction from jfc193 in Help! I'm vomiting :(   
    Awe thanks Melinda! I accept your apology and also apologize for getting a bit crappy myself. Again, the first time I felt offended - I was over it. LoL! Being online, you don't know what people are really trying to achieve sometimes! I'm sorry to hear about you losing your band. I hope you continue to recover from it! If you don't mind my asking, what is it that you miss about it? Again, my hope is that others will simply learn from all of this as I truly have!!!
  9. Like
    1973Angel got a reaction from 2muchfun in Help! I'm vomiting :(   
    Thanks all!! My band has been adjusted now...it has not slipped and I'm back on track!
  10. Like
    1973Angel got a reaction from 2muchfun in Help! I'm vomiting :(   
    Thanks all!! My band has been adjusted now...it has not slipped and I'm back on track!
  11. Like
    1973Angel got a reaction from Ginger Snaps in Help! I'm vomiting :(   
    Yes thank you so much!! I certainly won't judge anyone and don't expect that especially here. I actually am quite proud of myself and what I have lost so far! I have no problem in blaming myself and not doing what I was supposed to do and hope that others will read this and know that it's worth listening to the doctor and getting support. You said you do not know my story so please do not make it was something about me taking things seriously . I lost my job a week after the surgery I'm a single parent. I fell into a very deep depression and not having a job, and on top of that trying to pay for the surgery that I took two years debating on. I didn't work for 6 months, so yes I fell off the wagon and many people have over different situations. I will say this one time and one time only, unless you have traveled in someone shoes and no they're full story, if you don't have anything positive to say then don't say anything at all. I would never judge you condemn or make assumptions about anyone here especially when this is a support system. If I didn't care and if I didn't take it seriously I would not be here now! That said I do still control my eating I do still exercise, and I do know that I would have lost more weight, if I did not fall off the wagon. Losing a job in addition to the fact that the surgeon just could not stand me, was difficult enough itself. I'm not looking for approval for falling off the wagon but I do look for support especially since things have gotten worse. My whole family likes to eat that is what we do! And only the females in my family no of my situation my mother knows my dad does not. So the support that I have done is from my family and friends and I thank them for that. I am also very grateful for those who has been going to the same situation who can relate and give advice because I know that those people are the ones that have been through it and know what to do. I taking the advice and I called the doctor a sap
  12. Like
    1973Angel got a reaction from 2muchfun in Help! I'm vomiting :(   
    Thanks all!! My band has been adjusted now...it has not slipped and I'm back on track!
  13. Like
    1973Angel reacted to Short and Chunky in Help! I'm vomiting :(   
    Angel - You asked what I missed most about my band. After having it for 2 1/2 yrs it became part of "me". The new me. I was used to getting "soft stop" message - Stopping putting food in the pie hole ! I would get a little hiccup or burp or twinge that was my signal that I was full/satisfied and not to eat anymore. I am having to learn how to eat all over again. Sure, I still eat off my little salad plate and use the small utensils. I also don't drink before, during or after I eat, but I miss my signal...I think I am eating more. I am having cravings again (that is all in my head I am sure) and I have given into them because the band is not there to tell me NO. I am so scared of going back to the FAT ME. 124 pounds are gone - that is an entire person - I don't want to find that person again. The problem, is my self-control button doesn't work all that good - that is why I got the band in the first place. I really wish I could have kept it, had it re-positioned, replaced - something, but he said I had too much scar tissue around the top of my stomach. I feel like a part of me is gone - almost an empty feeling. You work so hard to adjust to the "new you" when you get the band and then in a flash it is gone. My recovery is moving along and so far, I still weigh the same - not up, not down. So I guess, that is all a good thing. I am about 20 pounds away from my personal goal weight. I only hope I can find the "excited me" that once would have never smelled a cookie much less eaten one.
    I hope your appointment went well and you are feeling better. It is so scary to know you have the "alien" around your stomach but it sure does help with the weight loss. Would I have one again??? YEP, in a heart beat. Take care..
    Melinda in Florida
  14. Like
    1973Angel reacted to Bandarella in Help! I'm vomiting :(   
    @@2muchfun I've had at least 6 bariatric surgeons tell me that a band cannot move up. If it's high, it was placed there...just want to let people know that a slip is the STOMACH slipping up through the band.
  15. Like
    1973Angel reacted to BlueMoon~T in Swallow Test tomorrow! Yay!   
    Good Luck! Be sure to let us know how things turn out for ya!
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    1973Angel reacted to SillyAuntDi in Swallow Test tomorrow! Yay!   
    Good luck today!!!
  17. Like
    1973Angel reacted to Short and Chunky in Help! I'm vomiting :(   
    My apology to Angel and any others that I may have offended with my recent post. My slippage and surgery has really sent me into orbit. I was extremely ill and it happened in a matter of hours - not days or weeks - hours. I had my band 2 1/2 years and I miss it terribly. I only wish I had known what was happening to me sooner so I could have kept my band. This is also very fresh on my mind as this just happened to me on 4/25/14. I am still recovering from the revision surgery. Angel, I hope you are doing better and that your doctor is able to give you some relief/help and that you are able to keep you band. Again, I am sorry if my comments were insensitive.
    Melinda in Florida
  18. Like
    1973Angel got a reaction from kll724 in Starting over after almost dying twice and gaining back 150 pounds   
    I too commend you for being BRAVE enough to post this!! If nothing more than to get it off your chest and to help others!! I'm glad no one condemned you because that is the last thing that you need!! (I know this and could pop anyone in the nose for looking down on others for using words to hurt when you know good and dang well what you own lesson is!!)
    Your story started the same as me. I was told that if I ate solids too soon...if I drank pop and went off track, then I would throw up and would never do it again. I took a small bite of something solid and it went down. Had a weaker moment and tried pop and that went down smooth as butter! I certainly wasn't about to call my doctor and say "Hey! You know how you told me to NOT eat solids or fizzy drinks?? Well lookie here...I did it! WOO HOO!!" Yeah...it's not a "fun" feeling to fall off the wagon but at least you have learned your lesson!! I am at my learning point right now. Happy with what I lost....but not happy that I didn't achieve my goal. I know I must get right.
    Lastly, thank GOD that you are HERE!!! I am happy that you survived to tell your story because I know others (like me) appreciate you being candid and up front. Some may act self-righteous and all knowing but the truth of the matter is...not everyone has the SAME story!! We need to learn from EVERYBODY and keep on SUPPORTING people...especially if that is what you've come here for!! Peace my dear...and keep on keeping on!! <3
  19. Like
    1973Angel got a reaction from LilMissDiva Irene in Newbie here...:) a formal intro!   
    Hello all!! I have been a member of this site since April of 2012, when I got banded. I just popped in here this weekend for support but felt the need to really introduce myself Some of this is a repeat so please bare with me as I'm now on a computer and not a phone (I was on the road for 3 days) Prior to being banded, I spent about 2 years debating on the procedure with one year doing counseling and dieting while getting prepared - I lost 20 pounds in the time prior to the actual surgery. My surgery went good, and only few people knew I got it done. My Mom & Sister were my big supporters and my Dad still has no idea what I did. (He believes that God gave us our body and we should NOT tinker with things like this or you are considered "weak")
    I am stubborn by nature, a bit hard headed too But I got the surgery done and followed my plan for about 2 months. I lost 40 pounds and since then, have gained a lot of self confidence - but still have more work to do. I will admit, that I botched my surgery even after building up so much "power" to BELIEVE I would not fall off my plan. Well, I was laid off of work right after my surgery, like a day later. I'm a single parent and have also battled sever depression all of my life...only having it get worse after my surgery.
    I have maintained my weight loss, continue to exercise and watch what I eat. I come here to be more of a lesson to others. FOLLOW THE PLAN!!! For the most part, I have beat myself up endlessly. I blame no one but myself for NOT sticking to my plan - NOBODY. I will also admit that I have been embarrassed about it but, I am working through that. I did not go to support classes because I was so focused on finding WORK, plus I didn't want to go back to the hospital that just laid me off . So basically, I got my band....and proceeded to move on in life as best I could. I was facing foreclosure on my house...trying to keep my son stress free...and keep myself on an even level while being without a job.
    Last year, I received TMI therapy...basically got my brain "shocked" to help cure my depression and by the Grace of God...it has helped me tremendously!! I no longer consider myself a depressed person (yay!!!) so now I am really back to focusing on my physical health.
    In the past 2 years, I went from starting out strong to falling off the wagon quickly. I ate and drank the same things I always had, thinking "If I puke like they say I will, then I'll never do it again!!" Well...everything went down fine, with no issues. I have visited my surgeon one time since the surgery to get one fill done. My surgeon is not too fond of me because I was not able to pay my bill and it went into collections. Being wildly embarrassed by that alone, I just didn't even think too much about the band because it's hard to face someone who isn't fond of you, who you couldn't pay (although I have made monthly payments consistently since I did find work 6 months after my surgery.)
    I have continued to go to my regular doctor who has been a great help. My blood levels are great, and I am no longer diabetic! WOO HOO!! I also no longer have high blood pressure. But about 9 months or so ago, I began to have problems. I would eat and then the bites I would take, felt like they were getting "stuck" but at the time, I attributed it to heart burn and told myself to chill out on the crap food. A few months went by and I was fine - kind of off and on again. I went to my regular doctor to monitor me and she thought perhaps it injured my esophagus (she knows I got banded). I then found a HUGE lump in my stomach and got a scan of that and was told it was just a fatty "mass" but not life threatening. Then this past 2 months or so, things got worse. Now, if I do not chew my food and swallow too soon...it feels like I'm swallowing a golf ball! The pain stops me in my tracks and I just pray that it goes down and I could literally feel it pass through when it did. However, over the weekend (and this began last week) I actually started to vomit. Over the weekend, I realized that instead of sitting at the table wishing food would go down (with a look of "oh crap" on my face and people wondering what is wrong...), I have learned that I can just go to the bathroom, lean over and heave and poof, up comes the bite that was not going down. Yeah...that's not good.
    I decided a couple of weeks ago that perhaps the band is now working as it should...? And I know it sounds so stupid but, I figured the band is now ticked off and showing me a lesson. So back to soft foods I went OR chewing the bejesus out of food until it's MUSH and taking teeny bites, and it will go down. I won't lie, a part of me also felt that if anything, I would lose more weight this way. But now, since I am vomiting at times, I came here for support because again, I have not been in contact with my surgeon - or ANYONE who has been banded!! I wanted to get others' idea on things and everyone has been GREAT (except for one person) but the advice I got was enough to get my behind on the phone and stop being embarrassed and ask for help! I will go in this Wednesday the 21st to do a swallow test to see what is going on, and they will refer me to a new surgeon.
    Many may ask why I waited so long to address this, well again, I know I am the one to blame for this, and it is quite embarrassing and I'm not one to want to get beat up over it because I can do that all by myself!! I got a new job and didn't want to take time off for doctor visits (and NO, I'm not making excuses...it just is what it is...) I was embarrassed that I fell off the wagon...embarrassed that I am not now "skinny" as I thought I would be (but still quite proud of what I've lost and kept off!) Through this ordeal, a best friend of mine committed suicide, another very close friend passed away from breast cancer, and I myself, am having to worry about a breast concern too (so is my Mom and we are both getting scans again in a couple of weeks), plus my Mom has been very very very ill but is now getting better. All of that in addition to other things not listed, really just took my mind off my band...until now when it has reached a level of being scared.
    Thank you all for accepting me into this community!! If I can say ONE thing to those who are getting banded or have just gotten banded...please please PLEASE, stay on the plan that your surgeon gives you!! It really is not worth feeling like I feel (when I'm eating)!!! My family is a group of eaters. We Celebrate EVERYTHING with food. But you have to have a STRONG support system, and this is something I have now learned. So get the support, and be well all!!! *Smoochies*!!
  20. Like
    1973Angel got a reaction from BlueMoon~T in first fill due what shud i expect   
    I was terrified for my first fill because I hate needles...not sure I've met anyone who LOVES needles...ha! But my fill went fine. I felt fine afterwards and continued with mushies. I will refrain from giving the rest of "my journey" because everyone is different.
    I'm sure your doc will give you instructions on what to do a expect when eating and all of that. And what I've learned after this weekend...there are a TON of valuable and friendly people here that are GREAT to talk with as well!!
    Good luck!!
  21. Like
    1973Angel got a reaction from 2muchfun in Swallow Test tomorrow! Yay!   
    Thank you TMF!!! Yes...perhaps that is all that needs to be done and I CAN hop back on the wagon!! That would be the easiest thing so I need to speak that into the universe!! I shall keep ya posted!!
  22. Like
    1973Angel got a reaction from 2muchfun in Coverage...Hmmm   
    I will indeed start asking tomorrow!! Thank you!! After I lost my job I was like "oh well...guess that's that!" But I'm at a stronger place "mentally & emotionally" to deal with what I have to do!
  23. Like
    1973Angel reacted to 2muchfun in Swallow Test tomorrow! Yay!   
    I hope you're wrong! I hope the band is right where it should be and maybe the surgeon can tweak the saline amount so that you're comfortable with what you have. It would be great to see you jump back on the bandwagon and ride this out and drop that weight you want to lose? Fingers crossed for ya!
  24. Like
    1973Angel reacted to Tia Payton in Starting over after almost dying twice and gaining back 150 pounds   
    Thank you for sharing you personal trials with the band. For me I was really weak afterwards. Being on 600 calories was keeping so weak. Yesterday I went for my first fill and the nurse could not find my pouch! She poked me several times. I was so painful I cried like a baby!. She stopped and set another appt so they can take an ex ray and locate the port. I had to stay there for more than an hour after my appt because I would not stop bleeding. My stomach was bleeding so bad it ruined my shirt. I was so scared and very scared to go back Wednesday. I called today and was told that this is normal for the first fill. But upset me is that I was told today that she should have numb my belly before trying to inject me. At this point I am not as confident now, as I was before I got this put on. Has this happened to anyone else?
  25. Like
    1973Angel reacted to t_marie in Starting over after almost dying twice and gaining back 150 pounds   
    I'am thankful to you for writing this about what you have went through. I have had my band for a little over 5 years and keep having some of the same issues.

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