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  1. Like
    Back~To~Amy reacted to shangefan in Cheated On Preop Diet   
    I'm not advocating that you cheat and like what the previous posters have said. I have come to believe, though, that the vast majority of folks cheat at least a little bit on their pre-op diets. But they are able to recover and then do what they need to do, so it doesn't become a problem. I actually think doctors expect it.
    That said, you've done it, so now pull yourself together and do what you need to do!
  2. Like
    Back~To~Amy got a reaction from Janedeaux3 in Weight Watchers   
    I think the support you can get could be good. However, as one poster pointed out, you probably won't be able to eat the number of points you'd be given. You can learn a lot about nutrition though. Be careful about telling them you had surgery. I've seen quite a bit of negatives posts about WLS on the WW support boards. I think the presumption is that WLS is the easy way out. To their credit, I used to think surgery was the easy way out too. That is, until I became more educated. Good luck to you.
  3. Like
    Back~To~Amy got a reaction from MinaT in I Propose We Start A Thread For June Sleevers That.....   
    It sounds like we are both in the same slow boat blondeej and it sucks! I never had a stall this early out the gazillion times I did Weight Watchers so I was sure it wouldn't happen list VSG.....WRONG! I too am a scale wh%#e and I doubt it will ever change. Tomorrow I will do what I do everyday. I will get out of bed, pee and hop on the scale and tomorrow again I will be optimistic. One day, hopefully soon, I will be happy at the number!
  4. Like
    Back~To~Amy got a reaction from Mzluvee in Ultrasound Test Took Too Long Or Am I Paranoid?   
    I didn't have one prior to my VSG surgery, but did have one after my final gallbladder attack. I don't remember for sure, but it seems like it took quite some time. I remember the tech looking at all kinds of things in my abdomen because, as she moved around. She told me what she was looking at. "Good" thing all she found was a bad gallbladder that had to come out ASAP.
  5. Like
    Back~To~Amy reacted to TinkerToyz in Smoking   
    I quit a 2 pack a day (for more years than some of you have been alive) habit cold turkey Dec 21 2010. The first 72 hours were the hardest. I stayed busy and made it thru. Have not touched nicotine since, until now I viewed that as the best decision I had ever made.
  6. Like
    Back~To~Amy got a reaction from CBT in Smoking   
    I just wanted to pop in and say y'all can do it! Be strong and before you know it, you won't even think about them anymore. The beginning is the roughest but it does get easier. I quit 6 1/2 years ago and it is so freeing not to have cigarettes controlling my life and making me stink. I admire those of you quitting during this process.
  7. Like
    Back~To~Amy got a reaction from JD7176 in "so How Much Weight Have You Lost?" Rant   
    With all do respect, have you thought of counseling? It sounds to me as if you have self-esteem issues you expected surgery/weight loss to fix. You mention being ugly with stretch marks and that you had to take 20 pictures just to get your profile picture. Surgery didn’t do that to you. Those things existed the day you had surgery. Your face is still the same as the day you had surgery you’re your stretch marks would be too since you haven’t lost any weight. As to how you are feeling since surgery. Do you really think you are going to feel the way you do at this exact moment for forever and that you will never lose any weight and that this will all be for nothing? Healing takes time. And, if you aren’t cheating your sleeve, it is impossible not to lose weight. Have you contacted your doctor about this? Have you been documenting what you eat/drink? If so, see a nutritionist. I think though you really need to consider getting help from a therapist or psychologist. Weight loss isn’t a cure for the issues going on in your head, issues that obviously existed prior to surgery such as the look of your face and your stretch marks. Heck, the stretch marks may get worse as you lose weight and as is with a lot of people who lose a lot of weight, you may have sagging skin. Did you consider all this before you had surgery because it is a reality for most? You need to be able to deal with all of your imperfections….the ones you have now and the ones that may develop as the result of weight loss. You make a comment about there being no contest that a man would choose inner inside a Victoria’s Secret model’s body over inner beauty in a fat and ugly body. Did you expect that Victoria’s Secret Body? If not, did you consider that yours will likely have the same, if not more stretch marks, than you had the day of surgery or that you may have excess skin that hangs? Again, you need to be able to deal with this from an emotional standpoint and it certainly doesn’t sound like you are in a place to do so. Please take care of yourself and get help if you need it. Best of luck to you.
  8. Like
    Back~To~Amy got a reaction from MinaT in I Propose We Start A Thread For June Sleevers That.....   
    It sounds like we are both in the same slow boat blondeej and it sucks! I never had a stall this early out the gazillion times I did Weight Watchers so I was sure it wouldn't happen list VSG.....WRONG! I too am a scale wh%#e and I doubt it will ever change. Tomorrow I will do what I do everyday. I will get out of bed, pee and hop on the scale and tomorrow again I will be optimistic. One day, hopefully soon, I will be happy at the number!
  9. Like
    Back~To~Amy got a reaction from blondeej in I Propose We Start A Thread For June Sleevers That.....   
    Heck ya. I wanna chime in. I'm 31 days postop and have lost 20ish pounds since surgery. For the last week and a half or so my scale has been going up and down the same 2 1/2 pounds and it is driving me crazy. It doesn't go above 270.8 but it won't go below 268 I keep waking up every morning thinking this is gonna be the day I see 267 and nope, it hasn't been the day yet. Tomorrow? A girl can dream, right?
  10. Like
    Back~To~Amy reacted to Renea77 in "so How Much Weight Have You Lost?" Rant   
    Awesomely said back to Amy....couldn't have said it better. Hang in there and see if you can get some help, you will get through this.
  11. Like
    Back~To~Amy got a reaction from Pre-OpLoser619 in 2 Days Until I Begin The New Me   
    I record my weight every Monday. Every 4 weeks I take pics and do my measurements. I'm a big digital scrapbooker and am documenting this stuff in scrapbook style. I intend to put make it into a hard back book when I reach goal.
    I also have a blog. It started out as a way for me to document my journey for me. I've put useful information in there though that can help people who are early in their journey. Personally, I'd rather over document my journey than under document it.
    Best of luck in your "new" life.
  12. Like
    Back~To~Amy got a reaction from JD7176 in "so How Much Weight Have You Lost?" Rant   
    With all do respect, have you thought of counseling? It sounds to me as if you have self-esteem issues you expected surgery/weight loss to fix. You mention being ugly with stretch marks and that you had to take 20 pictures just to get your profile picture. Surgery didn’t do that to you. Those things existed the day you had surgery. Your face is still the same as the day you had surgery you’re your stretch marks would be too since you haven’t lost any weight. As to how you are feeling since surgery. Do you really think you are going to feel the way you do at this exact moment for forever and that you will never lose any weight and that this will all be for nothing? Healing takes time. And, if you aren’t cheating your sleeve, it is impossible not to lose weight. Have you contacted your doctor about this? Have you been documenting what you eat/drink? If so, see a nutritionist. I think though you really need to consider getting help from a therapist or psychologist. Weight loss isn’t a cure for the issues going on in your head, issues that obviously existed prior to surgery such as the look of your face and your stretch marks. Heck, the stretch marks may get worse as you lose weight and as is with a lot of people who lose a lot of weight, you may have sagging skin. Did you consider all this before you had surgery because it is a reality for most? You need to be able to deal with all of your imperfections….the ones you have now and the ones that may develop as the result of weight loss. You make a comment about there being no contest that a man would choose inner inside a Victoria’s Secret model’s body over inner beauty in a fat and ugly body. Did you expect that Victoria’s Secret Body? If not, did you consider that yours will likely have the same, if not more stretch marks, than you had the day of surgery or that you may have excess skin that hangs? Again, you need to be able to deal with this from an emotional standpoint and it certainly doesn’t sound like you are in a place to do so. Please take care of yourself and get help if you need it. Best of luck to you.
  13. Like
    Back~To~Amy got a reaction from blondeej in I Propose We Start A Thread For June Sleevers That.....   
    Heck ya. I wanna chime in. I'm 31 days postop and have lost 20ish pounds since surgery. For the last week and a half or so my scale has been going up and down the same 2 1/2 pounds and it is driving me crazy. It doesn't go above 270.8 but it won't go below 268 I keep waking up every morning thinking this is gonna be the day I see 267 and nope, it hasn't been the day yet. Tomorrow? A girl can dream, right?
  14. Like
    Back~To~Amy got a reaction from pkehrer in Day One On Pre-Op Liquid Diet   
    The first few days are the toughest. It seems around day 4 for most proper is when it hard easier. That was the case for me too. Hang in there!
  15. Like
    Back~To~Amy got a reaction from tabbymonroe in Discrimination :(   
    Hi there. The world can truly be a harsh place sometimes. The reality is that there is a lot discrimination happening and obese people are one of the groups it happens to. It's just a sad reality to me that anyone, for any reason, is discriminated against and I'm sorry that it's happened to you. Are there any local weight loss support groups in your area such as OA or one at a hospital? Some of the hospitals in my area have support groups specifically for people who have had or who are considering WLS. You might be able to connect with others in that setting. Lord knows, they shouldn't discriminate against you.
    Oh, and a side note, if you click on the symbol by your post that looks like part of a down arrow, you can edit any mistakes.
  16. Like
    Back~To~Amy got a reaction from MamaM in Pain!   
    No, it was pain in my left side where they did the big incision and cut through the muscle. After getting ab additional medicine, I'm doing much better now. Thanks!
  17. Like
    Back~To~Amy got a reaction from cegull in Would You Do It Again For Just 70 Pounds To Lose?   
    Let me guess.....those people who all think you should try this or that diet are skinny or at least aren't too overweight. Those people truly cannot understand the battle that overweight people have with food. Or, if they are obese, they haven't already tried and failed this diet and that diet. I don't think anyone here would have had or would be considering having WLS if they truly didn't feel it was necessary and the only way to achieve weight loss. I totally understand wanting the support of others, but no one knows you and what is best for you more than yourself. I would thank the people who make these comments and move on. Or, you could just ask them why they think you would you put yourself through surgery if you could do it through a diet. I wouldn't even discuss which diets you've tried so they can't come back with some other "miracle diet".
    Best of luck to you in your journey. We are all here to support you so consider yourself very welcome here.
  18. Like
    Back~To~Amy got a reaction from TeriMoBeri in Pinterest   
    Before I became "addicted" to VST, I was "addicted" to Pinterest. I have tons of recipes, most low fat ones. They were not liked/pinned with the Protein content in mind since the majority of them were liked/pinned prior to any thoughts of WLS. I like the idea of having a board specifically for recipes that are more protein focused. However, I'm not out about my surgery to a lot of my followers so for now, I won't be doing that. I will however, put the recipes on my computer to refer to and use in the future.
  19. Like
    Back~To~Amy got a reaction from TeriMoBeri in Pinterest   
    Before I became "addicted" to VST, I was "addicted" to Pinterest. I have tons of recipes, most low fat ones. They were not liked/pinned with the Protein content in mind since the majority of them were liked/pinned prior to any thoughts of WLS. I like the idea of having a board specifically for recipes that are more protein focused. However, I'm not out about my surgery to a lot of my followers so for now, I won't be doing that. I will however, put the recipes on my computer to refer to and use in the future.
  20. Like
    Back~To~Amy got a reaction from Butterflylegacy in Mushy Stage ..   
    I'm allowed any soft food---yogurt, refried Beans, Jello, pudding, popsicles, cottage cheese, cream of wheat, oatmeal and other sorts of things along this line. I cannot have any "bread type" soft foods like pancakes, waffles, untoasted bread, rice, Pasta, etc.
    I'm allowed cooked veggies except the starch ones like corn and potatoes. I'm also allowed sea food, shredded or crumbled meats like chicken, turkey, pork or beef. I'm allowed only bananas with the strings removed and fruit in a cup in its own juice except cherries or acidic fruits. Also on the mushies stage I can have well toasted bread and crip crackers.
    What I can't have until 6 weeks postop: bread of any kind, tortillas, nuts, uncooked veggies, Pasta, pancakes, waffles, muffins, any fruit exept what is mentioned above. Chunks of meat such like a whole chicken breast or a hamburger patty such that would be on a burger.
    I think that pretty well sums it up. I hope this helps you.
  21. Like
    Back~To~Amy got a reaction from jennlhp in Glad U Did It?   
    I didn't have any complications. I have had issues with significant pain though. I'm 4 weeks out today. Would I do it again even with all the pain issues I've had? 100% heck yes!
  22. Like
    Back~To~Amy got a reaction from cobalt in Not Hungry Ever?!   
    I am 4 weeks out today. I get head hunger....cravings. I never feel real hunger though. I eat because I know I have to. I still struggle getting in enough Protein. I just don't have enough room in my tummy.
  23. Like
    Back~To~Amy got a reaction from Looking Ahead in Nightmares And Frankenstein   
    Please try and ignore that comment. Even if the poster was trying to be funny, it isn't especially when you are in such pain!
    The left side pain is totally normal. The doctor cut through your muscle. Yes, a lot of people don't have much pain but some of us do. I'm 4 weeks out and still having pain issues. I called my doctor crying last Thursday because I was in so much pain. If you don't have a compression garment, het one and wear it all the tome except while showering. It will help. Oh, you can also use some control garments like Spanx or the knock offs they sell at Walmart. Just get one that goes up high...as close to under your breasts as you can. That alone has done wonders for me. Another tip, use a heating pad as much as possible. Also, it sounds like you need a stronger pain med. I had to get one 3 days out. What they discharged me from the hospital with was like candy. It did nothing. Also, last Thursday I was prescribed Flexeril to help with the muscle pain. Try calling and seeing if you can get additional pain meds. If you can't and you don't talk to the doctor directly, I'd make an appointment to see him or her. Pain control is everything at this point. It makes all the difference in your mental outlook. When I was in bad pain, I wondered what did I do to myself. When my pain is under control, I have no regrets.
    Don't worry about feeling like a baby. Trust me, I've felt this way a lot! I've been told by more than one doctor in the past that I have a high pain tolerance. This surgery knocked me to my knees....and still does at times. I'm still working through healing and having some pain.
    One more thing, I'm going to send you a private message with my cell number. If you want real time support, pleas don't hesitate to contact me. I understand totally where you are!
  24. Like
    Back~To~Amy got a reaction from tonibugg in Calling All Dfw And Surrounding Area Sleevers!   
    Hey y'all. I hope everyone is doing well. I started a chart with the info I knew about everyone but have fallen a bit behind due to starting back to work and some issues with increased pain. I'm gonna try to get it caught up ASAP though. If you haven't alrwady included your e-mail in this post or sent me a I'm with it, please do. We will post details here but will also email stuff. Also, if you'd give me your real name and any other info about you that you'd like the group to know about you, I'll include that in our member chart.
    As Toni said, anyone in the DFW area is welcome to join regardless of when you had surgery. And, yes DadTo2 that includes guys.
  25. Like
    Back~To~Amy got a reaction from MamaM in Pain!   
    Thanks. The regimen the PA seems to be helping especially wearing a binder.< /p>

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