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  1. Like
    kcage got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Friends are say stop the weightloss   
    I just want to say congratulations! We all can agree that this surgery was the best thing we could have done for our health. But your goal is going to change as the scale changes and as you begin to get comfortable with being smaller, I got to the point where I decided it is not about what the scale says but I want to have a normal BMI. Get ready people are going to say you are getting too small, but that really just means your weight loss is making them notice their own need to lose weight or they just haven't adjusted to the new you. It takes time, I am one year out 103 pounds lighter and went down like 12-16 sizes! It feels good no great no fantastic going to the store and my size 4 is the only size in those cute skinny jeans. We didn't have this surgery to still shop plus size. Embrace the new you eventually those that say don't lose anymore weight will embrace you as well or show their true feelings of jealousy and envy. Good luck keep going for you, your health and your life!
  2. Like
    kcage got a reaction from onelessfatgirl in Turned 30 today! 14 months post op   
    The one thing I vowed I would not do was turn 30 fat and thanks to the sleeve I won't! Happy Birthday all the liquids and tears were worth it. You look great and the best thing about the sleeve is most of us look like we were never fat once we reach goal.
  3. Like
    kcage got a reaction from xavtay2 in Fat Goal......real Goal   
    OK so I am six months and a couple days post open and just got off the scale and I have achieved my initial preop goal of 160. I realized about 30 pounds ago that wouldn't be enough. I am so grateful for this opportunity and what I have lost so far but.......I still have 10-15adittional pounds 5 will put me at a normal bmi 15 will put me at a cushion weight where if I fluctuate 5 lbs its OK. So if you are preop just know he goal you should set is to happy and the number goal you set is just a guideline that may go up or down as long as you are healthy and happy!
  4. Like
    kcage got a reaction from xavtay2 in Fat Goal......real Goal   
    OK so I am six months and a couple days post open and just got off the scale and I have achieved my initial preop goal of 160. I realized about 30 pounds ago that wouldn't be enough. I am so grateful for this opportunity and what I have lost so far but.......I still have 10-15adittional pounds 5 will put me at a normal bmi 15 will put me at a cushion weight where if I fluctuate 5 lbs its OK. So if you are preop just know he goal you should set is to happy and the number goal you set is just a guideline that may go up or down as long as you are healthy and happy!
  5. Like
    kcage got a reaction from Patienlywtng on my Curves in Prayed About It...well...   
    I too struggled with this. I prayed about it but as you said I didn't really wait for an answer I just kept expecting God to step in at anytime should this not be for me. Being a minister in my church, I know I have an even greater responsibility and I never wanted my decision to affect the members of the congregation that are suffering with their weight. One day I was on this site and still feeling kinda unsure and I found a post someone had posted about how God answers our prayers regarding the things that concern us, our weight concerns us. The post went on to say how this surgery is a tool that God created to assist his children in an area where we have been weak. I had been looking for a sign that would say don't do it, and never expected a word that would tell me it's okay to do it. I told no one but my Pastor ( husband's blessing as well of course) that I was having surgery and I didn't even go into details, but I knew I needed the prayers of my Pastor to cover me while I was going through this process. I prayed and ensured that I was in right standings with the Lord prior to surgery and I accepted that if it was my time it was just my time, however, I knew that the devil would continue to try and feed doubt and unbelief up until the last moment. I am one week post-op and the only complications I had were caused by a nurse who was just trying to help me! I will say this, God tells us to cast all our cares on Him! I found out about the sleeve and had surgery in less than two months. I am 17lbs closer to not being overweight and experiencing health issues brought on by my poor habits. Is there another option, of course there is always another option thus free will. You are doing the right thing both sprirtually and naturally. Do your research and do your prayer search and should you decide surgery is right for you, yes you may still be nervous about the surgery you will have a peace about your decision! Remember the blessings of the Lord make it rich and addedth no sorrow! Best wishes and keep us posted.
  6. Like
    kcage got a reaction from Patienlywtng on my Curves in Prayed About It...well...   
    I too struggled with this. I prayed about it but as you said I didn't really wait for an answer I just kept expecting God to step in at anytime should this not be for me. Being a minister in my church, I know I have an even greater responsibility and I never wanted my decision to affect the members of the congregation that are suffering with their weight. One day I was on this site and still feeling kinda unsure and I found a post someone had posted about how God answers our prayers regarding the things that concern us, our weight concerns us. The post went on to say how this surgery is a tool that God created to assist his children in an area where we have been weak. I had been looking for a sign that would say don't do it, and never expected a word that would tell me it's okay to do it. I told no one but my Pastor ( husband's blessing as well of course) that I was having surgery and I didn't even go into details, but I knew I needed the prayers of my Pastor to cover me while I was going through this process. I prayed and ensured that I was in right standings with the Lord prior to surgery and I accepted that if it was my time it was just my time, however, I knew that the devil would continue to try and feed doubt and unbelief up until the last moment. I am one week post-op and the only complications I had were caused by a nurse who was just trying to help me! I will say this, God tells us to cast all our cares on Him! I found out about the sleeve and had surgery in less than two months. I am 17lbs closer to not being overweight and experiencing health issues brought on by my poor habits. Is there another option, of course there is always another option thus free will. You are doing the right thing both sprirtually and naturally. Do your research and do your prayer search and should you decide surgery is right for you, yes you may still be nervous about the surgery you will have a peace about your decision! Remember the blessings of the Lord make it rich and addedth no sorrow! Best wishes and keep us posted.
  7. Like
    kcage got a reaction from Patienlywtng on my Curves in Prayed About It...well...   
    I too struggled with this. I prayed about it but as you said I didn't really wait for an answer I just kept expecting God to step in at anytime should this not be for me. Being a minister in my church, I know I have an even greater responsibility and I never wanted my decision to affect the members of the congregation that are suffering with their weight. One day I was on this site and still feeling kinda unsure and I found a post someone had posted about how God answers our prayers regarding the things that concern us, our weight concerns us. The post went on to say how this surgery is a tool that God created to assist his children in an area where we have been weak. I had been looking for a sign that would say don't do it, and never expected a word that would tell me it's okay to do it. I told no one but my Pastor ( husband's blessing as well of course) that I was having surgery and I didn't even go into details, but I knew I needed the prayers of my Pastor to cover me while I was going through this process. I prayed and ensured that I was in right standings with the Lord prior to surgery and I accepted that if it was my time it was just my time, however, I knew that the devil would continue to try and feed doubt and unbelief up until the last moment. I am one week post-op and the only complications I had were caused by a nurse who was just trying to help me! I will say this, God tells us to cast all our cares on Him! I found out about the sleeve and had surgery in less than two months. I am 17lbs closer to not being overweight and experiencing health issues brought on by my poor habits. Is there another option, of course there is always another option thus free will. You are doing the right thing both sprirtually and naturally. Do your research and do your prayer search and should you decide surgery is right for you, yes you may still be nervous about the surgery you will have a peace about your decision! Remember the blessings of the Lord make it rich and addedth no sorrow! Best wishes and keep us posted.
  8. Like
    kcage got a reaction from Patienlywtng on my Curves in Prayed About It...well...   
    I too struggled with this. I prayed about it but as you said I didn't really wait for an answer I just kept expecting God to step in at anytime should this not be for me. Being a minister in my church, I know I have an even greater responsibility and I never wanted my decision to affect the members of the congregation that are suffering with their weight. One day I was on this site and still feeling kinda unsure and I found a post someone had posted about how God answers our prayers regarding the things that concern us, our weight concerns us. The post went on to say how this surgery is a tool that God created to assist his children in an area where we have been weak. I had been looking for a sign that would say don't do it, and never expected a word that would tell me it's okay to do it. I told no one but my Pastor ( husband's blessing as well of course) that I was having surgery and I didn't even go into details, but I knew I needed the prayers of my Pastor to cover me while I was going through this process. I prayed and ensured that I was in right standings with the Lord prior to surgery and I accepted that if it was my time it was just my time, however, I knew that the devil would continue to try and feed doubt and unbelief up until the last moment. I am one week post-op and the only complications I had were caused by a nurse who was just trying to help me! I will say this, God tells us to cast all our cares on Him! I found out about the sleeve and had surgery in less than two months. I am 17lbs closer to not being overweight and experiencing health issues brought on by my poor habits. Is there another option, of course there is always another option thus free will. You are doing the right thing both sprirtually and naturally. Do your research and do your prayer search and should you decide surgery is right for you, yes you may still be nervous about the surgery you will have a peace about your decision! Remember the blessings of the Lord make it rich and addedth no sorrow! Best wishes and keep us posted.
  9. Like
    kcage got a reaction from fesenjoon in Can You Ever Lose Too Much Weight?   
    I think the longer you are sleeved the more your goals change and the more you can begin to realistically determine what is heatlhy for you. I have a co-worker who told me at only 50 lbs lost not to lose anymore! I still have like 45 lbs to go to reach my original goal, but now I am like ok the number on the scale keeps dropping, but I need to get toned so I don't think I will try and go as low as I was in the begining I really think another 20-25 lbs will really be perfect for my age and height! Just take it day by day and as you begin to learn your new body let "it" telly "you" where it needs and wants to be!
  10. Like
    kcage got a reaction from Spirit Fire in Onderland! 1St Mini Goal Reached Yay   
    Ok guys......I am finally there. It is not by much but that scale has had a 1 in front of those two 9's for two consecutive days lol........I hit my first mini goal at exactly nine weeks, only one week later than I had hoped and I have to be honest in saying my sleeve did all the work. I slacked off on my walking and Water but have still continued to lose. Not as quickly as I would have had I done all the great and wonderful things I planned on doing but hey, my decisions and outlook on food are so totally different now that I really feel slow and steady wins the race. So many times I have gone on a crash diet, lost 10-15 pounds in a month and gained back double in 2 weeks! I know that the 40 pounds I have shed are gone forever......My husband is thrilled and the compliments are nice especially since people don't know I had surgery! So my ticker says 54 more pounds to goal and I truly believe that once I start and finish the Insanity workout (60 day program) that ticker will read more like 25 pounds til goal. Lets do it guys we still have the whole summer ahead of us and a winter where we can rock the tall boots because we have calfs, ankles a waist to tuck those ooooober cute sweaters into our skinny jeans! Ah the rewards of a little sacrifice!
    Next mini goal............going to think hard and make it a good one!
  11. Like
    kcage got a reaction from BlessedBeyondMeasure2012 in Please Pick Up Your Jaw!lol   
    Ok so.......I am happily married and have been with my DH for almost 7 years. When we met I had a one year old son whose father wanted myself and our son when it was beneficial for him to have a family! AH won't cry about it, I only wanted a relationship with him for the stability it would give my son. Didn't work and God blessed me with the most wonderful husband and father to our children! Ok fast forward 7 years my son is turning eight yay and we have three additional children. My son's biological father whom he has not seen in almost 6 yrs does not call, write, email anything he has abandonded the role of a father and we are fine with that! Well I have to go to court next week and I am hoping to get him to sign over his parental rights! Mind you although he has been an absent father he has actively pursued certain "relations" with myself (yeah right buddy)! He never saw me at my highest weight as I moved out of state and the majority of my weight gain was rapid and within the last 2 to 3 yrs. Well I am down 40lbs almost to the weight I was when we last saw each other and I plan on losing another 5 to 10 by the time I have to go home for court next week. I am willing to resort back to the original post-op diet for a few days of Clear liquids just to blow his mind! ok so that is person number 1 who will need to close his mouth.
    #2: Growing up I was extremely skinny and the majority of my family.......NOT.....as I got older and began having children and gaining weight they went from calling me anorexic to fat....well guess what they can say hello to my little friend. None of them know that I have had the surgery but they all seem to have an accurate count of every pound I gained! Well I cannot wait to see every one that made the comment ooooh how did you get so big? or Oh you can't call that baby weight! I might carry around extra tissue for the drool. I made a post a couple of weeks ago about how I do not like taking photos well I ahve been snapping like crazy. I finally see a change when I look in the mirror. My surgery scars are no longer a mile apart, those boogers are right there close together! And possibly my favorite NSV was when a young lady I know said I hope I look like you do after 4 kids when I get older. I smile so much now........no one knows my secret but all see my progress. Guys that are pre-op it is worth it your quality of life changes drastically after the first 7 days post-op! And each day it gets better and better! Go for it. I am 2 1/2 months post op and down 41 pounds and I feel like a new woman. I made a decleration that I would not turn 30 fat and this time my words are not full of hot air!
  12. Like
    kcage got a reaction from RawrrAshleex3 in Am I Strong Enough?   
    To those of you who are pre-op I know there are 1 million thoughts, questions, concerns going through your mind in the time leading up to your decision to have surgery and the actual procedure. One of the main concerns I faced was the negative perception others would have, thinking that I took the easy way out! I just want to encourage you that for everyone who says you took the easy way out I guarantee they would not be strong enough to deal with the lifestyle adjustment that you have decided to undergo. How many times have you lost 5 pounds just to gain back 10 to 15. We have tortured our bodies and minds. food has consumed our thoughts and daily activites, taken us away from things we enjoy and caused insurance rates to be raised. Well you are strong enough to take your life back. The serious consideration of this procedure shows you are strong enough, being a part of this forum and doing your research proves you are strong enough! There will be times when you feel did I make the right decision, is this right for me? If you are ready to rid you of the extra baggage that no matter how good you feel on the inside you are unable to hide, the looks when you walk into a buffett, wondering if a chair is sturdy enough to hold you, loving to go shopping but hate trying on clothes in public. You are strong enough! Be encouraged because you are brave and wonderful and STRONG!
  13. Like
    kcage got a reaction from BlessedBeyondMeasure2012 in Please Pick Up Your Jaw!lol   
    Ok so.......I am happily married and have been with my DH for almost 7 years. When we met I had a one year old son whose father wanted myself and our son when it was beneficial for him to have a family! AH won't cry about it, I only wanted a relationship with him for the stability it would give my son. Didn't work and God blessed me with the most wonderful husband and father to our children! Ok fast forward 7 years my son is turning eight yay and we have three additional children. My son's biological father whom he has not seen in almost 6 yrs does not call, write, email anything he has abandonded the role of a father and we are fine with that! Well I have to go to court next week and I am hoping to get him to sign over his parental rights! Mind you although he has been an absent father he has actively pursued certain "relations" with myself (yeah right buddy)! He never saw me at my highest weight as I moved out of state and the majority of my weight gain was rapid and within the last 2 to 3 yrs. Well I am down 40lbs almost to the weight I was when we last saw each other and I plan on losing another 5 to 10 by the time I have to go home for court next week. I am willing to resort back to the original post-op diet for a few days of Clear liquids just to blow his mind! ok so that is person number 1 who will need to close his mouth.
    #2: Growing up I was extremely skinny and the majority of my family.......NOT.....as I got older and began having children and gaining weight they went from calling me anorexic to fat....well guess what they can say hello to my little friend. None of them know that I have had the surgery but they all seem to have an accurate count of every pound I gained! Well I cannot wait to see every one that made the comment ooooh how did you get so big? or Oh you can't call that baby weight! I might carry around extra tissue for the drool. I made a post a couple of weeks ago about how I do not like taking photos well I ahve been snapping like crazy. I finally see a change when I look in the mirror. My surgery scars are no longer a mile apart, those boogers are right there close together! And possibly my favorite NSV was when a young lady I know said I hope I look like you do after 4 kids when I get older. I smile so much now........no one knows my secret but all see my progress. Guys that are pre-op it is worth it your quality of life changes drastically after the first 7 days post-op! And each day it gets better and better! Go for it. I am 2 1/2 months post op and down 41 pounds and I feel like a new woman. I made a decleration that I would not turn 30 fat and this time my words are not full of hot air!
  14. Like
    kcage got a reaction from RawrrAshleex3 in Am I Strong Enough?   
    To those of you who are pre-op I know there are 1 million thoughts, questions, concerns going through your mind in the time leading up to your decision to have surgery and the actual procedure. One of the main concerns I faced was the negative perception others would have, thinking that I took the easy way out! I just want to encourage you that for everyone who says you took the easy way out I guarantee they would not be strong enough to deal with the lifestyle adjustment that you have decided to undergo. How many times have you lost 5 pounds just to gain back 10 to 15. We have tortured our bodies and minds. food has consumed our thoughts and daily activites, taken us away from things we enjoy and caused insurance rates to be raised. Well you are strong enough to take your life back. The serious consideration of this procedure shows you are strong enough, being a part of this forum and doing your research proves you are strong enough! There will be times when you feel did I make the right decision, is this right for me? If you are ready to rid you of the extra baggage that no matter how good you feel on the inside you are unable to hide, the looks when you walk into a buffett, wondering if a chair is sturdy enough to hold you, loving to go shopping but hate trying on clothes in public. You are strong enough! Be encouraged because you are brave and wonderful and STRONG!
  15. Like
    kcage got a reaction from BlessedBeyondMeasure2012 in Please Pick Up Your Jaw!lol   
    Ok so.......I am happily married and have been with my DH for almost 7 years. When we met I had a one year old son whose father wanted myself and our son when it was beneficial for him to have a family! AH won't cry about it, I only wanted a relationship with him for the stability it would give my son. Didn't work and God blessed me with the most wonderful husband and father to our children! Ok fast forward 7 years my son is turning eight yay and we have three additional children. My son's biological father whom he has not seen in almost 6 yrs does not call, write, email anything he has abandonded the role of a father and we are fine with that! Well I have to go to court next week and I am hoping to get him to sign over his parental rights! Mind you although he has been an absent father he has actively pursued certain "relations" with myself (yeah right buddy)! He never saw me at my highest weight as I moved out of state and the majority of my weight gain was rapid and within the last 2 to 3 yrs. Well I am down 40lbs almost to the weight I was when we last saw each other and I plan on losing another 5 to 10 by the time I have to go home for court next week. I am willing to resort back to the original post-op diet for a few days of Clear liquids just to blow his mind! ok so that is person number 1 who will need to close his mouth.
    #2: Growing up I was extremely skinny and the majority of my family.......NOT.....as I got older and began having children and gaining weight they went from calling me anorexic to fat....well guess what they can say hello to my little friend. None of them know that I have had the surgery but they all seem to have an accurate count of every pound I gained! Well I cannot wait to see every one that made the comment ooooh how did you get so big? or Oh you can't call that baby weight! I might carry around extra tissue for the drool. I made a post a couple of weeks ago about how I do not like taking photos well I ahve been snapping like crazy. I finally see a change when I look in the mirror. My surgery scars are no longer a mile apart, those boogers are right there close together! And possibly my favorite NSV was when a young lady I know said I hope I look like you do after 4 kids when I get older. I smile so much now........no one knows my secret but all see my progress. Guys that are pre-op it is worth it your quality of life changes drastically after the first 7 days post-op! And each day it gets better and better! Go for it. I am 2 1/2 months post op and down 41 pounds and I feel like a new woman. I made a decleration that I would not turn 30 fat and this time my words are not full of hot air!
  16. Like
    kcage got a reaction from RawrrAshleex3 in Am I Strong Enough?   
    To those of you who are pre-op I know there are 1 million thoughts, questions, concerns going through your mind in the time leading up to your decision to have surgery and the actual procedure. One of the main concerns I faced was the negative perception others would have, thinking that I took the easy way out! I just want to encourage you that for everyone who says you took the easy way out I guarantee they would not be strong enough to deal with the lifestyle adjustment that you have decided to undergo. How many times have you lost 5 pounds just to gain back 10 to 15. We have tortured our bodies and minds. food has consumed our thoughts and daily activites, taken us away from things we enjoy and caused insurance rates to be raised. Well you are strong enough to take your life back. The serious consideration of this procedure shows you are strong enough, being a part of this forum and doing your research proves you are strong enough! There will be times when you feel did I make the right decision, is this right for me? If you are ready to rid you of the extra baggage that no matter how good you feel on the inside you are unable to hide, the looks when you walk into a buffett, wondering if a chair is sturdy enough to hold you, loving to go shopping but hate trying on clothes in public. You are strong enough! Be encouraged because you are brave and wonderful and STRONG!
  17. Like
    kcage got a reaction from RawrrAshleex3 in Am I Strong Enough?   
    To those of you who are pre-op I know there are 1 million thoughts, questions, concerns going through your mind in the time leading up to your decision to have surgery and the actual procedure. One of the main concerns I faced was the negative perception others would have, thinking that I took the easy way out! I just want to encourage you that for everyone who says you took the easy way out I guarantee they would not be strong enough to deal with the lifestyle adjustment that you have decided to undergo. How many times have you lost 5 pounds just to gain back 10 to 15. We have tortured our bodies and minds. food has consumed our thoughts and daily activites, taken us away from things we enjoy and caused insurance rates to be raised. Well you are strong enough to take your life back. The serious consideration of this procedure shows you are strong enough, being a part of this forum and doing your research proves you are strong enough! There will be times when you feel did I make the right decision, is this right for me? If you are ready to rid you of the extra baggage that no matter how good you feel on the inside you are unable to hide, the looks when you walk into a buffett, wondering if a chair is sturdy enough to hold you, loving to go shopping but hate trying on clothes in public. You are strong enough! Be encouraged because you are brave and wonderful and STRONG!
  18. Like
    kcage got a reaction from BlessedBeyondMeasure2012 in Please Pick Up Your Jaw!lol   
    Ok so.......I am happily married and have been with my DH for almost 7 years. When we met I had a one year old son whose father wanted myself and our son when it was beneficial for him to have a family! AH won't cry about it, I only wanted a relationship with him for the stability it would give my son. Didn't work and God blessed me with the most wonderful husband and father to our children! Ok fast forward 7 years my son is turning eight yay and we have three additional children. My son's biological father whom he has not seen in almost 6 yrs does not call, write, email anything he has abandonded the role of a father and we are fine with that! Well I have to go to court next week and I am hoping to get him to sign over his parental rights! Mind you although he has been an absent father he has actively pursued certain "relations" with myself (yeah right buddy)! He never saw me at my highest weight as I moved out of state and the majority of my weight gain was rapid and within the last 2 to 3 yrs. Well I am down 40lbs almost to the weight I was when we last saw each other and I plan on losing another 5 to 10 by the time I have to go home for court next week. I am willing to resort back to the original post-op diet for a few days of Clear liquids just to blow his mind! ok so that is person number 1 who will need to close his mouth.
    #2: Growing up I was extremely skinny and the majority of my family.......NOT.....as I got older and began having children and gaining weight they went from calling me anorexic to fat....well guess what they can say hello to my little friend. None of them know that I have had the surgery but they all seem to have an accurate count of every pound I gained! Well I cannot wait to see every one that made the comment ooooh how did you get so big? or Oh you can't call that baby weight! I might carry around extra tissue for the drool. I made a post a couple of weeks ago about how I do not like taking photos well I ahve been snapping like crazy. I finally see a change when I look in the mirror. My surgery scars are no longer a mile apart, those boogers are right there close together! And possibly my favorite NSV was when a young lady I know said I hope I look like you do after 4 kids when I get older. I smile so much now........no one knows my secret but all see my progress. Guys that are pre-op it is worth it your quality of life changes drastically after the first 7 days post-op! And each day it gets better and better! Go for it. I am 2 1/2 months post op and down 41 pounds and I feel like a new woman. I made a decleration that I would not turn 30 fat and this time my words are not full of hot air!
  19. Like
    kcage got a reaction from RawrrAshleex3 in Am I Strong Enough?   
    To those of you who are pre-op I know there are 1 million thoughts, questions, concerns going through your mind in the time leading up to your decision to have surgery and the actual procedure. One of the main concerns I faced was the negative perception others would have, thinking that I took the easy way out! I just want to encourage you that for everyone who says you took the easy way out I guarantee they would not be strong enough to deal with the lifestyle adjustment that you have decided to undergo. How many times have you lost 5 pounds just to gain back 10 to 15. We have tortured our bodies and minds. food has consumed our thoughts and daily activites, taken us away from things we enjoy and caused insurance rates to be raised. Well you are strong enough to take your life back. The serious consideration of this procedure shows you are strong enough, being a part of this forum and doing your research proves you are strong enough! There will be times when you feel did I make the right decision, is this right for me? If you are ready to rid you of the extra baggage that no matter how good you feel on the inside you are unable to hide, the looks when you walk into a buffett, wondering if a chair is sturdy enough to hold you, loving to go shopping but hate trying on clothes in public. You are strong enough! Be encouraged because you are brave and wonderful and STRONG!
  20. Like
    kcage got a reaction from BlessedBeyondMeasure2012 in Please Pick Up Your Jaw!lol   
    Ok so.......I am happily married and have been with my DH for almost 7 years. When we met I had a one year old son whose father wanted myself and our son when it was beneficial for him to have a family! AH won't cry about it, I only wanted a relationship with him for the stability it would give my son. Didn't work and God blessed me with the most wonderful husband and father to our children! Ok fast forward 7 years my son is turning eight yay and we have three additional children. My son's biological father whom he has not seen in almost 6 yrs does not call, write, email anything he has abandonded the role of a father and we are fine with that! Well I have to go to court next week and I am hoping to get him to sign over his parental rights! Mind you although he has been an absent father he has actively pursued certain "relations" with myself (yeah right buddy)! He never saw me at my highest weight as I moved out of state and the majority of my weight gain was rapid and within the last 2 to 3 yrs. Well I am down 40lbs almost to the weight I was when we last saw each other and I plan on losing another 5 to 10 by the time I have to go home for court next week. I am willing to resort back to the original post-op diet for a few days of Clear liquids just to blow his mind! ok so that is person number 1 who will need to close his mouth.
    #2: Growing up I was extremely skinny and the majority of my family.......NOT.....as I got older and began having children and gaining weight they went from calling me anorexic to fat....well guess what they can say hello to my little friend. None of them know that I have had the surgery but they all seem to have an accurate count of every pound I gained! Well I cannot wait to see every one that made the comment ooooh how did you get so big? or Oh you can't call that baby weight! I might carry around extra tissue for the drool. I made a post a couple of weeks ago about how I do not like taking photos well I ahve been snapping like crazy. I finally see a change when I look in the mirror. My surgery scars are no longer a mile apart, those boogers are right there close together! And possibly my favorite NSV was when a young lady I know said I hope I look like you do after 4 kids when I get older. I smile so much now........no one knows my secret but all see my progress. Guys that are pre-op it is worth it your quality of life changes drastically after the first 7 days post-op! And each day it gets better and better! Go for it. I am 2 1/2 months post op and down 41 pounds and I feel like a new woman. I made a decleration that I would not turn 30 fat and this time my words are not full of hot air!
  21. Like
    kcage got a reaction from BlessedBeyondMeasure2012 in Please Pick Up Your Jaw!lol   
    Ok so.......I am happily married and have been with my DH for almost 7 years. When we met I had a one year old son whose father wanted myself and our son when it was beneficial for him to have a family! AH won't cry about it, I only wanted a relationship with him for the stability it would give my son. Didn't work and God blessed me with the most wonderful husband and father to our children! Ok fast forward 7 years my son is turning eight yay and we have three additional children. My son's biological father whom he has not seen in almost 6 yrs does not call, write, email anything he has abandonded the role of a father and we are fine with that! Well I have to go to court next week and I am hoping to get him to sign over his parental rights! Mind you although he has been an absent father he has actively pursued certain "relations" with myself (yeah right buddy)! He never saw me at my highest weight as I moved out of state and the majority of my weight gain was rapid and within the last 2 to 3 yrs. Well I am down 40lbs almost to the weight I was when we last saw each other and I plan on losing another 5 to 10 by the time I have to go home for court next week. I am willing to resort back to the original post-op diet for a few days of Clear liquids just to blow his mind! ok so that is person number 1 who will need to close his mouth.
    #2: Growing up I was extremely skinny and the majority of my family.......NOT.....as I got older and began having children and gaining weight they went from calling me anorexic to fat....well guess what they can say hello to my little friend. None of them know that I have had the surgery but they all seem to have an accurate count of every pound I gained! Well I cannot wait to see every one that made the comment ooooh how did you get so big? or Oh you can't call that baby weight! I might carry around extra tissue for the drool. I made a post a couple of weeks ago about how I do not like taking photos well I ahve been snapping like crazy. I finally see a change when I look in the mirror. My surgery scars are no longer a mile apart, those boogers are right there close together! And possibly my favorite NSV was when a young lady I know said I hope I look like you do after 4 kids when I get older. I smile so much now........no one knows my secret but all see my progress. Guys that are pre-op it is worth it your quality of life changes drastically after the first 7 days post-op! And each day it gets better and better! Go for it. I am 2 1/2 months post op and down 41 pounds and I feel like a new woman. I made a decleration that I would not turn 30 fat and this time my words are not full of hot air!
  22. Like
    kcage got a reaction from Spirit Fire in Onderland! 1St Mini Goal Reached Yay   
    Ok guys......I am finally there. It is not by much but that scale has had a 1 in front of those two 9's for two consecutive days lol........I hit my first mini goal at exactly nine weeks, only one week later than I had hoped and I have to be honest in saying my sleeve did all the work. I slacked off on my walking and Water but have still continued to lose. Not as quickly as I would have had I done all the great and wonderful things I planned on doing but hey, my decisions and outlook on food are so totally different now that I really feel slow and steady wins the race. So many times I have gone on a crash diet, lost 10-15 pounds in a month and gained back double in 2 weeks! I know that the 40 pounds I have shed are gone forever......My husband is thrilled and the compliments are nice especially since people don't know I had surgery! So my ticker says 54 more pounds to goal and I truly believe that once I start and finish the Insanity workout (60 day program) that ticker will read more like 25 pounds til goal. Lets do it guys we still have the whole summer ahead of us and a winter where we can rock the tall boots because we have calfs, ankles a waist to tuck those ooooober cute sweaters into our skinny jeans! Ah the rewards of a little sacrifice!
    Next mini goal............going to think hard and make it a good one!
  23. Like
    kcage got a reaction from Spirit Fire in Onderland! 1St Mini Goal Reached Yay   
    Ok guys......I am finally there. It is not by much but that scale has had a 1 in front of those two 9's for two consecutive days lol........I hit my first mini goal at exactly nine weeks, only one week later than I had hoped and I have to be honest in saying my sleeve did all the work. I slacked off on my walking and Water but have still continued to lose. Not as quickly as I would have had I done all the great and wonderful things I planned on doing but hey, my decisions and outlook on food are so totally different now that I really feel slow and steady wins the race. So many times I have gone on a crash diet, lost 10-15 pounds in a month and gained back double in 2 weeks! I know that the 40 pounds I have shed are gone forever......My husband is thrilled and the compliments are nice especially since people don't know I had surgery! So my ticker says 54 more pounds to goal and I truly believe that once I start and finish the Insanity workout (60 day program) that ticker will read more like 25 pounds til goal. Lets do it guys we still have the whole summer ahead of us and a winter where we can rock the tall boots because we have calfs, ankles a waist to tuck those ooooober cute sweaters into our skinny jeans! Ah the rewards of a little sacrifice!
    Next mini goal............going to think hard and make it a good one!
  24. Like
    kcage got a reaction from Half~of~Bri in Telling Ur Fb Friends And Family   
    Proceed with caution! We all KNOW this procedure saved our lives, but others feel as though we took the easy way out. Remember your fb post are not only read by your friends but friends of friends that comment on your status updates. Not saying be ashamed, but start posting pics of your loss and progress and if they are sincerely trying to lose weight let that be an "inbox" type convo! Good luck and I am glad you are feeling GREAT!
  25. Like
    kcage got a reaction from Half~of~Bri in Telling Ur Fb Friends And Family   
    Proceed with caution! We all KNOW this procedure saved our lives, but others feel as though we took the easy way out. Remember your fb post are not only read by your friends but friends of friends that comment on your status updates. Not saying be ashamed, but start posting pics of your loss and progress and if they are sincerely trying to lose weight let that be an "inbox" type convo! Good luck and I am glad you are feeling GREAT!

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