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Posts posted by skinnywithin

  1. I was one year post op when I found out I was pregnant. I gained very little weight and after I had my son... I weighted less then when I first got pregnant. My advise..... , take it easy... Your body has gone through a lot . And now more. Do whatever you have to do to maintain and stay healthy.. Drink as much fluids as possible. I went into labor early from dehydration. . But after the baby is born don't waste anytime getting back on track with either losing or maintaining. Go to support to refresh you on what you should do or may have forgotten. By that time your hunger and eating will be different.

    Thanks for the advice :) I haven't been that great with fluids..... its hard cause it fills me up ad I'm not hungry so sometimes its eat or drink. I got Popsicles to try to help. I'm glad u told me about going into early labor due to dehydration because I have to have a c section and can't go into labor so its now my mission to get the fluids in! I have lost only 6 lbs due to sickness but am so far maintaining my weight. If I don't exsercise or do anything too physical and eat a balance if carbs and Protein. I even have to eat something like popcorn or a piece of chocolate in order to not drop weight. Lol its a heart ship..lol. :D No dieting here. Thank you again I feel allot better :)

  2. I'm 14 weeks along and I was sleeved last November. Since I have lost almost 65 pounds and got a surprise that I am pregnant. My doctor said not to loose anymore weight and to maintain my current weight. He said that the one concern after vls surgery and getting pregnant is nutrition and neurological development of the baby. He has me going to see a nutritionist to ensure I'm eating right for two. I'm just wondering about other women who have had babies after vls and what their experience was, if they had healthy babies, born on time, or any issues. Please share to help put my mind at ease.

  3. An older gentleman I knew said once that when you decline a compliment, you insult the giver's taste and/or intelligence and/or feelings. It helps me accept compliments when I remember that, because I don't want to even take a chance on insulting someone. I don't know if you can believe what he said, but maybe thinking about that might help?

    Yes it will help I think now that I look at it that way. Thanks for showing me that perspective :-)

  4. My problem with compliments on weight loss is that they always seem to provoke a barrage of follow-up questions I have no desire whatsoever to answer.

    Yes!!!! That's part of it!!! I never know how to answer the rest of the questions too. I want to but I just can't find the right words and I'm always scared of criticism because I had wls.

  5. I had my surgery 11/30/2012 and since I have lost 60 pounds, and -37 inches. I never realized though, that my mind would be so far behind my weight loss. I catch my self in mirrors or my reflection in windows and think "oh I like this mirror it makes me look skinny" one day it happened a few different times during the day when i suddenly realized that maybe I am that small? I realized that every mirror, or window isn't all a 'skinny' one lol. but a big part of me is still scared to wrap my mind around it. I recently attended a wedding where there were relatives there that I haven seen for a good year. they were shocked at how I look now and kept saying that i look soo good and amazing. you would think it would boost my confidence, or make me feel good, but it instead made me feel almost vulnerable....it was weird. I guess Ive spent my whole life hiding from attention and now there I was in the middle of it, with all eyes on my changed image. I had to force out a "thanks" with a smile but inside I wanted to run and hide. I realized that I have trouble knowing how to accept a compliment....I am so used to putting myself down after someone says something nice that i dont know how to do anything else. I guess I need help lol I never expected this or prepared for it.....does anyone else have this problem?

  6. so first let me begin by explaining that I do not drink now that Im supposed to be dieting and stuff . I do believe though, that every once in a while a small low cal drink is not bad to treat yourself to. I had my first drink at a family get together where someone brought twisted tea coolers. one was offered to me and I decided 'what the heck? why not?' so I had sipped it slowly and it was when I was half done It hit. dizzy, loopy, lol, a rush ran through me. :lol: I laugh now, but then I felt like a complete idiot. I was buzzing off half a 5% alcohol cooler! :blink: I stopped right there and ate something to help me sober up and never have tried it since lolol. just wondering if any one else has had the same experience? This is funny to me, and I hope you can find some humour in it too :)

  7. I'm 6.5 months out and feeling amazing. Wow this totally has changed my life for the better! Its had its UP's and down's like any weight loss journey of course. But overall its the only thing that has worked for me and it has freed me of a life time of hopeless dieting. I have zero cravings and eat to live not live to eat. food does not surround my thoughts any longer and I have rediscovered myself. I have a confidence growing slowly as I realize my dream of being skinny is becoming a fast reality. I'm so happy and proud of anyone tat takes the steps of making the decision of having this wonderful surgery :-). Good luck on your journey and if u ever need any advise or have any kind of question feel free to message me or email me :-) I'd be glad to help :-)

  8. u have to remember that what your body looks like right now on the outside isnt what u are on the inside. u are on a journey and there are going to be lots of up's and down's. remember the end result, imagine the feeling of when its all done. focus on the future to motivate the now. :) trust me when u get to end u will never regret it, and you will be happier then ever :)

  9. Mokee, that's not a fact. But you could be right. I'd say more Water is a perfect place to start. A liter is only 32 oz, you need 64. I don't meet that, I get about 50 a day, and I can't seem to get more yet. I'm only 6 weeks. Also it's not all Water. Decaf tea, a Protein drink, a g2, etc.

    I wouldn't up carbs until the water thing doesn't work or sure.

    Also, a week, in my opinion, is not a relentless stall. It's only a week. Give it time.

    Oh. Also. I'd throw one or two higher calorie days in there/week. That usually throws a body off somehow and gets that motor running again.

    thanks I agree. i forgot to mention that I can only get down 1 liter because then I cant eat because my stomachs too full from the water I drank. I did a risky thing and only ate carbs for 1 day in hopes to shock my immune system and then went back to low carb the next. the reason it was risky was because carbs make me gain weight like crazy even low amounts. but this method worked this time, I went down 1.5 pounds the next day. Ive started exercising regularly as well so I hope that this speeds it up.

  10. I need some help...I had my surgery 11/30/2012 and so far I've lost 50 pounds. a steady 50 pounds, at first fast, but now about 2 pounds per week now. I am on a low carb diet as I cannot handle any amount of carbs so I try to only have 10 - 15 carbs per day or none at all. I eat very well though. I drink (on most days) 1 liter of Water. I often don't have time for a workout but I'm active through out the day with kids and working outside in flower beds digging, hauling heavy things, etc . I work hard. This last week I decided to step things up to speed things up. So I've been extra strict. But instead of my body reacting by dropping weight I've accomplished a stall. a stubborn, stuck, relentless stall. I'm scared to try other diets as I gain weight very easily and it seems hard to loose it. so I'm not sure what to do. I even only ate baked chicken and eggs for three days lol (I don't recommend that) to try to shock my body. but nope. it wouldn't budge. HELP ME!!! I need to loose this last 25 pound, I have weddings coming up in June and July I need to go to and I really want to look good.

  11. ok so this is strange. Im 4 months post op and Ive found that I cannot tolerate melted cheese..in anything. I made a spaghetti squash "mac" and cheese and all Im saying is that Im not doing that again! lol. and I find that I feel sick after eating cheese if its melted over things as well. But I can eat it if its not melted and feel just fine. oh the joys of figuring out my new stomach lol. Just wondering if this is a common thing?

  12. TELL ME ABOUT IT!!! lol. Ive been doing this allot latley. I make 2 eggs for breakfast and can only eat 1/2 of one, I make a sandwich and make it normally with two slices of healthy bread, etc, you know. and im lucky if I can eat 1/4 of it. I recently went to a restaurant and ordered steak and salad. I got down 2 bites of steak and I bite of salad. the rest is in a take out container in my fridge. (which Im still eating two days later lol) So yes I can totally relate! lol its great though :)

  13. for me it was the easiest option. Im a mother and the thought of constant trips into the doctot to get fills if I got the band, would suck. also it has the least success out of all WLS. I looked at gastric bypass but I wasnt that big and the thought of even more major surgery diddnt appeal. so the sleeve it was. I have just 25 pounds to loose now and Im just 4 months out. (I had 75 pounds to loose) so Im happy now with the results. I think teh less you can fool around with your organs the better lol. with bypass they re rout your intestines and stuff as well as cut your stomach out. diddnt sound appealing to me lol. I dont regret the sleeve at all and I recommend it as do allot of others.

  14. what I do because I too do not care for the store bought stocks, is as follows:

    in a large pot place a whole raw chicken with the skin (or sometimes Ive used chicken theighs cause i was out of whole chicken)

    fill the pot with Water to cover the chicken.

    add 2 whole onions, skins and all. do not remove the dry skin this gives the broth the color.

    add 2 large carrots unpeeled.

    add 2 stalks of cellery

    add a whole head of garlic

    salt and pepper

    3-4 bay leaves

    1 tbsp parsley

    1 tsp basil

    let this all come to a boil then let it simmer for 3 hours. once the color is good, and the taste is satisfactory remove all the chicken and place in a bowl. remove the vegetables with a slotted spoon, then discard them. take the chicken meat off the bone and discard the skin and bones. return the chicken to the broth (it will be soo tender :) ) add chopped carrots, chopped cellery, corn kernals, barley, lentils, and Pasta (or potatoes), then let it simmer until the veggies are tender. season again if necessary. I added Epicures chicken broth mix into it. its low in sodium and just boosts the flavor of the stock.

    hope this helps and happy Soup makin'!!!!

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