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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    elhudge reacted to Sns513 in December 2013 Sleevers Come In!   
  2. Like
    elhudge reacted to barefeet in December 2013 Sleevers Come In!   
    So who is hungry? Just sleeved on 12/20, and I was fine until my mother brought in all of the Snacks and dips for tomorrow. My husband is cooking dinner, but we are just having tex-mex so he won't start working on it until tomorrow... now the entire family is at Mass and I am in a house full of food I can't eat... oh this vicious head of mine...MERRY Christmas!
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    elhudge reacted to isleeveinjesus in It gets easy trust me   
    My first week out i was questioning "why did i do this?" " how in the hell am I suppose to get in 80- 90 grams of protien and at least 64oz of Water. well Im here writing you from week 7 and im telling you life is soooooooooo much better than it was at week 1 getting all my protien, vitimans and fluids in is a breeze....granted some days i come in way below what i need to but other days i exceed...dont stress your self if you cant get that much in early on after surgery all you have to do is try..the only problem im having is eating too fast and chewing but i been working on it.
    my go to source of Protein is : Premier Protein.......taste great!!!!!!!!!!!
    source of fluids : g2 gatorade and Water
    cheat food: chips and reeses Cereal ( dont shoot me) rearly cheat
    favorite food : tuna and chilli
    food I hate now: fried food the smell makes me sick
  4. Like
    elhudge reacted to Madam Reverie in MOODY! !   
    That might well be a bucket load of hormones flooding your system, which had previously been stored in the fat you're losing (particularly relevant to women)... It could also be the fact that you're not eating half as much as you used to and are missing those carbs and sugar!
    I can growl now and again. I try to walk away and have a cup of tea...
    Gives me just enough time to calm down and not try and remove my fiance's head with a rusty spoon.....
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    elhudge got a reaction from Mel1071 in :(   
    Yes but think of how fab we will be next year! Same surgery date :0)
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    elhudge reacted to DeezJeanz in December 2013 Sleevers Come In!   
    ATLRed, woohoo, wb to the land of the human race! Praise God that you made it threw and now on to the good parts. Connnnngrats on that Amazn wl u reported. We all just have to remember when things are lookin a bit glib: as a famous philosopher once quoted, " I think I can, I think I can!". I believe his name was the little engine that could;))). We can and will do this my sleeve brothers n sisters as long as we are here for each other. I'm glad ur better!!
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    elhudge reacted to AtlantaRed in December 2013 Sleevers Come In!   
    I finally feel human again! Ugh...as bad as it was, I feel so much better today, day #9.
    So far no nausea today. I'm on my second shake. Even some ounces of Water went down fine. So glad!
    Pain has greatly reduced to tolerable.
    I'm so sorry I was not able to keep the list updated for everyone else having surgery this past week and into this week.
    Good luck and speedy recoveries to everyone going tomorrow!
    Welcome to all of the new folks!
    I'm able to move to soft foods this week. Tried Soup yesterday, but was a bad day in general. I don't think it was soup related. I will try either the ricotta bake or some refried Beans tomorrow.
    I'm down 27 pounds in just over 3 weeks (with a 2 week preop).
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    elhudge reacted to QueenCityGal in December 2013 Sleevers Come In!   
    I too today had a pretty raging hunger. It was odd. Just like you describe, hunger pangs in the pit somewhere... I truly believe we ARE hungry. We have been depriving our bodies of food for how many weeks now?? It's a shock to the system. Fundus or no fundus, our bodies are hungry. I don't have an appetite or wish to eat, but I AM HUNGRY. Once we get to move on to more substantial foods I think we will be fine and satiated with whatever little bit we can eat. Right now I am empty. Like completely empty in the guts. It's not mental for me. My body needs to eat something because it's starving. What a complete mindf*ck....
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    elhudge reacted to SoPeachy28 in December 2013 Sleevers Come In!   
    Hey everyone 12/16 sleever here. Sorry I'm just now posting. But everything went well no hernia repair. Still have soreness and a lil gassy. Taking my Roxicet only at night. I'm good throughout the day. It does hurt when I am getting up out of bed and when I turn from right side to left side. My incisions are scratchy and it's sux to cough! I've been taking it really easy laying around and walking that's it. My parents have been a big help when my fiancé is at work. I'm truly blessed. No regrets! I've went back and forth about WLS for years it was my turn, I went thru it and now I'm ready for the next steps. Good luck to all my other 12/16 sleevers hope you all are doing ok or on your way to a good recovery. To all you who are 12/17, 12/18, 12/19 and 12/20 sleevers I'm praying for you all and wishing you all nothing but success!
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    elhudge got a reaction from tami j in December 2013 Sleevers Come In!   
    Ewww a blister...oh my! The incision to the right of my belly button hurts from coughing. I'm still sleeping in the recliner, laying flat is not comfortable at all. The good thing is I am actually sleeping!!
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    elhudge got a reaction from tami j in December 2013 Sleevers Come In!   
    Surgery was 12/16 and I believe I have the itchiest incisions in the world!! That is my chief complaint at this point so I suppose I am lucky. I am still on Clear Liquids and I don't move to fulls until Tuesday. I am looking forward to adding to my diet. When will this itching stop?? Ugghhhh!
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    elhudge reacted to Simpley_ke in December 2013 Sleevers Come In!   
    Surgery was Wednesday , and I'm still in the hospital. Not getting nearly enough fluids so I will be here for a day or so more. Hopefully ill be good by Christmas. Keep me in your prayers !! Good Luck to everyone who had surgery today , you will continue to be in my prayers ..
  13. Like
    elhudge got a reaction from tami j in December 2013 Sleevers Come In!   
    Ewww a blister...oh my! The incision to the right of my belly button hurts from coughing. I'm still sleeping in the recliner, laying flat is not comfortable at all. The good thing is I am actually sleeping!!
  14. Like
    elhudge got a reaction from tami j in December 2013 Sleevers Come In!   
    Ewww a blister...oh my! The incision to the right of my belly button hurts from coughing. I'm still sleeping in the recliner, laying flat is not comfortable at all. The good thing is I am actually sleeping!!
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    elhudge reacted to tami j in December 2013 Sleevers Come In!   
    I have slept on my side with a small pillow under my belly the past two nights, but During naps and the first few nights I have also used one of those propped pillows you use on the floor for playing video games then surrounded it with pillows on my bed so it is like reclining in my bed.
    I am craving coffee today, but I don't think I have ant Decaf ;(
    Going to hop on the treadmill for 30 minutes to get that out of the way, then make hubby get us out of the house to get decaf! And get our Christmas shopping completed, we took easy way this year and played the surgery card and told everyone we were giving gift cards or cash, period! We really don't have much to get, thank goodness
  16. Like
    elhudge got a reaction from tami j in December 2013 Sleevers Come In!   
    Ewww a blister...oh my! The incision to the right of my belly button hurts from coughing. I'm still sleeping in the recliner, laying flat is not comfortable at all. The good thing is I am actually sleeping!!
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    elhudge reacted to tami j in December 2013 Sleevers Come In!   
    Elhudge- mine are super itchy too! Also one if the bandages caused a blister below my left incision- it popped on its own tonight so have been doctoring it as well!
    I got in 56 0z of liquids today, only 25gr Protein though. Chest pain is nearly gone too!
    I'm so looking forward to some Soups next week!
  18. Like
    elhudge got a reaction from tami j in December 2013 Sleevers Come In!   
    Surgery was 12/16 and I believe I have the itchiest incisions in the world!! That is my chief complaint at this point so I suppose I am lucky. I am still on Clear Liquids and I don't move to fulls until Tuesday. I am looking forward to adding to my diet. When will this itching stop?? Ugghhhh!
  19. Like
    elhudge got a reaction from tami j in December 2013 Sleevers Come In!   
    Surgery was 12/16 and I believe I have the itchiest incisions in the world!! That is my chief complaint at this point so I suppose I am lucky. I am still on Clear Liquids and I don't move to fulls until Tuesday. I am looking forward to adding to my diet. When will this itching stop?? Ugghhhh!
  20. Like
    elhudge got a reaction from tami j in December 2013 Sleevers Come In!   
    Surgery was 12/16 and I believe I have the itchiest incisions in the world!! That is my chief complaint at this point so I suppose I am lucky. I am still on Clear Liquids and I don't move to fulls until Tuesday. I am looking forward to adding to my diet. When will this itching stop?? Ugghhhh!
  21. Like
    elhudge reacted to sknyinside in December 2013 Sleevers Come In!   
    Good luck to all the sleevers tomorrow! Hope everyone has an uneventful surgery and recovery!
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    elhudge reacted to Simpley_ke in December 2013 Sleevers Come In!   
    Well its 450 am , im up and dressed / ready to go. Feeling good, got about 3 hours of sleep!! I'll be back hopefully before i go in if not EVERYONE HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY and ill be back later on today or tomorrow (=
  23. Like
    elhudge got a reaction from SoPeachy28 in December 16Th Sleeve Date, Who's With Me?   
    Goodnight sleevers...see ya on the loser's bench!
  24. Like
    elhudge reacted to Simpley_ke in December 2013 Sleevers Come In!   
    Dec 16 slvrsax
    Dec 16 elhudge
    Dec 16 Mel1071
    Dec 16 MGR1852
    Dec 16 tami j
    Dec 16 Redwillow13
    Dec 16 Whittywoman86
    Dec 16 sknyinside
    Dec 16 soccerdad
    Dec 16 TBP
    Dec 16 brightlikeadiamond
    Dec 16 Candlyand86
    Dec 16 love to be at goal
    Dec 16 Mainexplorer
    Dec 16 laurivgs
    Dec 16 Tourist55
    Dec 16 sleeve4ever
    Dec 16 SoPeachy28
    Dec 16 mscognac504
    Dec 16 mikeetobe
    Dec 16 cabstewart
  25. Like
    elhudge reacted to Mid West in I give up (updates)   
    Annoying isn't it, we have just the one brain and yet, it tears us in two (sometimes more) directions.
    You want to lose weight, of course you do or you wouldn't have started down this road.
    But you want to eat and the less you're allowed or supposed to eat, the more you want to eat until you feel like to want to run along supermarket aisles stuffing it all into your mouth.
    Lol, ok, maybe that's a little dramatic but what I'm saying is that you should tell the part of your brain that says you you can't do something to STFU and go away It may have won the battle many times before and it would win again if you go into your group on Monday and tell them you're finished.
    It's like a bully, ignore them (in this case those negative messages) often enough and eventually, they will go away.
    Also, work on being nice to yourself. If you think you might be depressed, go get something to help, it won't hinder your operation in any way (just check with your particular surgeon but I've never heard of anti-depressants being a problem).
    If you have issues with self esteem, try and do one nice thing for yourself each day. Give yourself one nice message, they will soon build up and drown the negative stuff out, I promise :-)
    Good luck to you whatever you decide. Lx

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