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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kari61

  1. I Love the Quest bars from GNC....lots of protein and only 1 gram of sugar..My NUT recommended them..
  2. I think the majority of us had "issues" with food, which is why we got to where we are in the first place.. I had my surgery almost a year ago, and I'm not going to lie, the first month was hard for me..I did get a little sad and depressed of the thought of never eating like that again, but I realize now that it was more because in the first month I could barely eat anything, and thought it would be like that forever. After the second month when I really started dropping the weight and noticing it, and being able to eat a little more, it got better and better. Now that the weight is off, and I feel so much better, I don't even care about food anymore, I really don't. And if I really want something, I can eat it, just in small portions. Now when I'm out to eat or something and I see the amount of food people eat (and that I used to eat), it makes me think, geez, how do they eat all that food! LOL. It's honestly, the best feeling ever, knowing that you can't, and that you won't fail (once again). I have never regretted the surgery and have never felt better.
  3. Yes, I too worried how I will feel about not having my sweets, but honestly, I have no desire for them anymore..If I do for some reason, say stress or something, I will eat fruit or something instead to cure me...I promise you it won't be as bad as you are imagining it will be.
  4. I feel the same way as Caressa..My surgery was last April, and I'm pretty much at my goal weight. I used to be a sugar addict before surgery and have to say that honestly I have not had one bite of sweets since surgery. I don't crave it at all, probably because I couldn't have much to eat for awhile after surgery that I just stopped craving it...I don't even have any desire for it anymore. I mostly just concentrate now on what I NEED to eat...Good luck.
  5. kari61

    Feels Good to be a Size

    I know the feeling, just started buying a size 6 and actually fit into some 4's..I have NEVER been a size 4 in my life! It feels so good and I am so thankful for it...celebrate it!
  6. I use the GNC chewables for women...
  7. kari61

    Pre-Op Diet

    I had my surgery last April and my surgeon did not require a pre-op diet. I only had to drink liquids the day before.
  8. It sounds like your still doing ok since you didn't gain any weight...Don't be so hard on yourself for messing up a bit, it happens...Just brush yourself off and start over again, you can do it, I know you can..You didn't make the decision to have this surgery lightly, so I know your strong enough to keep moving forward...Good luck and hang in there, you will do great..
  9. kari61

    New to this group

    Hi Sherry....Yes, your feelings are completely normal..It is an emotional journey as well..I had lots of emotions the first month after surgery as well...By the second month I started to feel better emotionally and have felt great ever since..It is a roller coster of emotions though, so hang in there..
  10. kari61

    Day 2 Post Op....ugh...

    The first week for me was horrible..It started getting better the second week and then every day after that...I know it's hard right now but I promise it really does get better and before you know it, it will all be a distant memory...hang in there..
  11. kari61

    1 year and could NOT be HAPPIER!

    You look fabulous! I'm only 4 months out and I'm already starting to feel the same way..so excited for you, I can't wait for my one year surgiversary, can only imagine how much better i will be feeling by then!
  12. kari61

    staring on a soft food diet...

    On soft foods I was eating, mashed potatoes, refried beans with cheese, tuna fish, eggs, egg salad, hummus...I was told not to eat more then 4 oz...Hope this helps..
  13. I originally was denied for a low BMI...I Needed 2 co-morbidities that I didn't have. I went for a sleep study test and found out that I had mild sleep apnea, so I went back a year later, my BMI was higher and I had 2 co-morbidities then, one being the sleep apnea and the other was high cholesterol I think..I finally got approved with my new information. So you would probably want to appeal with your new BMI level and see if you have any co-morbidities that will help you to get approved..good luck!
  14. I am just wondering, how many of you who have lost a significant amount of weight or have met your goal weight, did so by exercising? I'm curious if anyone has lost their weight without exercising? I've been trying to get some exercise in but just haven't been feeling motivated enough lately, I know it will help with my weight loss and I wish I could find the energy and motivation but I just don't have it right now..Thanks..
  15. Well said, I agree 100%...There is also a book that helped me that may help others, sounds crazy but it really did, called the Easy way to Quit Smoking by Allen Carr...worth a try..
  16. kari61


    My surgeon said it was ok for me to smoke the ecigs but not cigarettes, so I assume it is the smoking and not the nicotine..The tobacco and tar and other chemicals in cigarettes are what give you the breathing problems, not the nicotine itself...Even though I had quit 2 months before surgery I still had breathing problems after surgery and ended up in ICU..I'm sure that had a lot to do with my 30 plus years of smoking before hand...Reno, it will all depend on whether or not your surgeon tests you the morning of the surgery...
  17. kari61


    I also quit 2 months before surgery (under Dr's orders) and I also used the Logic e-cig..Problem is, that was in January and I still can't give that up! LOL...but atleast it's better then smoking cigarettes I guess..good luck to you, I know how hard it is, but you really will heal better after surgery if your not smoking...
  18. kari61

    Fitbit vs Jawbone Up

    I have the body media and it's really good..don't know anything about the other two, sorry..I've been hearing a lot about the fitbit though never heard of the jawbone..
  19. kari61

    Effects of Protein Shakes

    Try the premier protein shakes, you can usually find them at any grocery store..They taste much better and are much lower in sugar...
  20. Geez, I am losing so slow compared to all of you!! LOL...I was sleeved on 4/2 and have lost 46 lbs..but my Dr. says it's because I had a lower BMI...I don't know, feeling pretty discouraged after reading all of your successes...Congrats!!
  21. kari61

    protein bars with only 2.5 net carbs & ZERO sugar

    Way better? Gonna have to give them a try then because I love the quest bars..Thanks for the info..
  22. kari61


    I was on liquids for 3 weeks post op and I had to quit smoking 2 months before surgery...I know it's really hard but hang in there, your stomach is healing and can only handle liquids right now..I don't know why other surgeon's plans are different, but I would stay on the safe side and go with what your Dr recommends...My Dr said the worst thing you could do in the first few weeks is vomit, and trying to eat food so early could make you do that...hang in there, it will all be a distant memory before you know it!
  23. kari61

    The sleeve and hair loss.

    Irish, I was told the hair loss would start at around 3 months post op and last for several months, so I think your good! Lucky you, LOL...I think I've lost about 3 inches so far! UGH
  24. kari61

    protein bars with only 2.5 net carbs & ZERO sugar

    Are they better then the Quest bars? Because I Love the quest bars and the nutrition is pretty much the same..?:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
