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Everything posted by #MagicWithinme

  1. #MagicWithinme

    Spouse Jealousy??

    Yes I noticed my hubby being a bit more affectionate when he would drop me off at work. ( I work with 150 men) walking with his arm around me. when we sit put his arm me. He's always been affectionate but lately he is extra snuggly. He did make a comment about me getting a late text and I said read it, it could be my sister/daughter. After he looked I told him I was his, not to worry there is nobody else that would take my sh*t. There is some fear for our loved ones, because before they had no reason to be jealous that others would look at us. But now, vavavavoom.. Just constant reassuring, and letting them know that what we are doing is for us as a person and as a couple... for a future happy longer life. Good Luck
  2. #MagicWithinme

    What A Strange Thing To Miss....

    I tell my hubby if only I could take big bites, I don't care what I have to eat, thats something I mourn, I tried to eat a tuna sandwich no bread today and ended up eating most all of it. and I never have done that. I think I was looking for that elusive mayonaise high I used to get, so I kept eating. but I never found it. Tomorrow its gonna be light/soups as now my throat hurts. We don't realize what we mourn, until we are facing it, and the timing will be different for everyone. I'm like you Mags, I love salad with lots of salad dressing, croutons, onions,,, mmm well you get the picture, nibbling on that fresh bread... my whole family knows that I have lapband and so when we go out and eat, it is no longer buffets, but a place where I can order houderves or childs plates. I can do this, we can do this, it isn't just for a little while its for the rest of our lives.... I agree best of luck to all of us!
  3. #MagicWithinme

    Hydration In Summer And Workouts

    I've read where you can get the New whey Protein shots after workouts, you can pick up at Wal mart they have 42 grams of protein, and the walmart brand has 26 grams. drinking Water and crystal light, although ( I think I drank too much today and not enough clear water) . I went for a walk this afternoon felt woozy and popped one open and sipped it for a few minutes and it really helped. Hubby picked up for me. You learn to gage the calories you eat with the calories you will burn off. Good Luck
  4. #MagicWithinme

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    today: B: scrambled eggs white (substitute) 1/4 hash brown L: Too much: 3 scoops of tuna , cucumbers-3, 1 tomato slice. afternoon snack: new whey protein fruit punch (26 grms) I had gone for a walk Dinner: brushed my teeth and water rest of the night( my throat hurting )
  5. #MagicWithinme

    Spicy Hot

    I love Franks Sauce, I'm gonna let hubby know I can try and eat it, soon
  6. #MagicWithinme

    Being Stubborn Pays Off...

    like I've said before we have to become our own patient advocates, too many times, patients are taken advantage of because they don't ask questions. If I was self pay I'd be doing the same thing, Thank you thank you!
  7. #MagicWithinme


    My anesthesiologist gave me a cocktail too, said it would make me giggly and loopy, no sooner she put it in my iv I was out. She told hubby its not supoosed to do that. I dry heave most every morning (from both ends hubby says) but I told him, I'd rather get them out (over the sink) then have to deal with them during day. Rest rest rest, girl, I'm 6 weeks out and I still take naps when possible. As hubby says, this was an assault on your body let it heal. Follow your hubby's directions and things should be good!
  8. #MagicWithinme

    Cracker Question...

    No pickles???
  9. #MagicWithinme

    Sad News Story

    thanks for sharing! We have to learn to be our own patient advocates and so what if doctors and nurses get exasperated with our endless questions, this is us we are talking about! If you are not happy with what Doctor says, let him know your concerns. Doctors are not Gods and they don't know everything although some seem to think they do. I consider myself very lucky that my private doctor will give out his home number to his patients. I've only used it maybe 1-2 myself. But knowing I have it available is a comfort in itself. My lapband dr, I can email his office staff and get response in minutes. I agree armymom, these days an operation where you would have been laid up in bed they try and having you walking around the next day! I'm in awe sometimes of the things they can replace on a body these days, (but the pain will always be the same)
  10. #MagicWithinme

    Cracker Question...

    I read here somewhere that toast is doable as long as its toasted (has no moisture). I haven't tried that, but I have done ritz crackers inbetween (1-2) and told dr (in guilt) but he said it was ok. Another cute thing I saw last week was cut cucumbers into slices and put tuna/chicken salad on top of that. I ate one with no problem but I grabbed off the wrong plate and got one with hot spices, (spit spit) I was done for the night.. good luck)
  11. When is that extra energy supposed to kick in?

  12. #MagicWithinme

    I Saw It With My Own Eyes!

    yay for you, I know we have to keep looking at the shrinking numbers to make sure, but sounds like you've got it. Big Congrats!
  13. #MagicWithinme

    Top 10 Things I've Learned So Far...

    great to refer back to !!!
  14. People don't know what's going on in our minds, sometimes even we don't all we know is life isn't supposed to be that way. I went to another office Friday where I hadn't gone for a couple weeks, so no one had seen me since i had lapband done. I had that supervisor tell me that I looked good, was I dieting. I told her that I had gotten lapband and she said oh you cheated, she must of seen look on my face because she quickly said, oh I know its not cheating, but that you went that way. I said there is no cheating, the lapband doesn't let you and its not easy. I pretty must turned and left. i decided not to let it linger , but seriously? Good for you, we are watching out for us, at the end of the day its us.
  15. mine on chest, after I've eaten it tends to stick out but no pains
  16. #MagicWithinme

    Benefiber, Is It Possible..

    thanks ladies, lots of good ideas to try
  17. #MagicWithinme

    Benefiber, Is It Possible..

    I've been eating applesauce every couple of days to keep me regular, but I thought I would try benefiber with Probiotics to see if that would work better. Bought it yesterday and ate two wafers at the same time, (I didnt realize you take one in am and one in pm)and when I got home , had headache, I figured I was hungry ate my dinner and felt better and yes it did work. Today I took one after Breakfast and ever since have headache again but also with what feels like a back pain, and (bloated tummy) I've taken tylenol, and on my 3rd bottle of Water (I never drink that much) that I don't need benefiber everyday, I was not eating enough at beginning (3x a day) but now eat 3x a day plus mid am/ mid pm Snacks. and its probably 1/4 to 1/2 cup. And all the water I can . Any suggestions?
  18. #MagicWithinme

    I Can See My Toes!

    Congratulations, I could see my toes I just couldnt reach them.... its the little victories that matter too!
  19. #MagicWithinme

    Trip To The Er - Not Fun!

    do it here...
  20. #MagicWithinme

    Trip To The Er - Not Fun!

    do not worry I just blasted a vent too, if you can't to it hear where can you? hear you know people have been through it,what we are going through and understand. I said this site is my lapband life line. I'd be so lost without it. so never apologize for whats on your mind, (or mine) you probably feel a little better for saying it. Good luck
  21. I changed my display name to DaybyDaybaby because that is exactly what I feel like. everyday I need encouragement, everyday I feel I need guidance for this lapband. Granted I have lost weight but I think I wasn't expecting so soon and my mind hasn't caught up. I feel a bit guilty because I didn't try harder, but I was just so tired of losing and gaining back. I journal all my thoughts, I give mysellf pep talks: I will be where I put myself mentally : in bandster hell or successland. Sometimes God gives us our hearts desire, the rest is up to me I even have an email set up to myself that says 'you finally did this for yourself and your family, Life will be happier
  22. #MagicWithinme

    I Changed My Name

    Thank you HollyDolly , I don't want to be complaining to hubby all the time poor guy. He is supportive but he doesn't really know what's going on in my head.thats ,why this site is my lifeline. I just sometimes feel I complain too much, or whine too much.. what do they say would you like cheese with that whine? In looking at your ticker , I think we are aiming for the same weight goal, Awessome!
  23. #MagicWithinme

    I Changed My Name

    I just needed to vent, It is a day by day struggle. and as my hubby has said, I had two surgeries back to back my body is still trying to get back to its normalcy. (gallbladder/lapband) hard to believe it will be 6 weeks already , I want to be one of those that are happy they got the lapband and can really start enjoying life and the lapband be part of it , instead of being something foreign for now.
  24. #MagicWithinme

    No Bm For 5 Days... Worried!

    I just made a post about taking benefiber, I think it made me bloated, I have headache , I'm on my 3rd - 16oz bottle of Water, I never drink that much, I think I will probably stick to the applesause I was eating.. did you get it figured out? do tell
  25. The Bible says the truth sets us free (John 8:31-32). We need to be honest with others about what's going on inside us. Joyce Meyers

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
