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About GonnaBHotMama

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    Expert Member
  • Birthday 04/18/1985

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  1. GonnaBHotMama

    The First Post! :)

    Hi there!! How are you doing on your progress?? I am 2 months post and have lost 30 pounds. Doing great! Just rejoined my gym but broke my toe, so I'm a lil ticked about that. Lol.
  2. GonnaBHotMama

    Surgery Date Scheduled! :)

    Thx y'all! It's been a lil over 2 months since surgery and I'm down 30 pounds when I last weighed. How are y'all doing??
  3. GonnaBHotMama

    Dr. Merriman In Shreveport, La...

    I am so glad you are feeling better!! Yes, the worst for me was the drain area. You should! It is a great help and knowing that there are locals going through the same things or that have advice is a nice.
  4. GonnaBHotMama

    Dr. Merriman In Shreveport, La...

    HI! I didnt even get the notice that you responded back in April! lol Glitch probably. I love Dr. M. I am doing realllly well. So well in fact, that WL is going a little slower than average because I am able to consume more calories and I have had no adversions to any foods. I start the gym Monday and I know that the weight will start coming off a little quicker after that. I can answer any questions you have! Are you on Dr. M's FB?? How are you doing??
  5. GonnaBHotMama

    New Person Here

    Ha! I know what ya mean! It's nice though, not really craving food. I get hungry though. And I do feel like I need protein. I was able to introduce some tuna in my diet a little early since I havent been having any problems. It was very nice. Told my husband to spring for the Albacore next time. Makes it like a gourmet meal. Haha. I start my workout videos on Monday or Tuesday. My doc said that the sooner you are eating like normal, the sooner you are able to workout like normal, so Im all for that. I am so glad you are doing well! Looks like you have lost an awesome amount so far!!
  6. GonnaBHotMama

    New Person Here

    I know what you mean about the diets. I am having a hard time with the post surgery diet right now....I would LOVE some meat...I have such grand Ideas about what will be my first meat product I will eat when I am given the go ahead. lol Daydreaming is a bittersweet thing. I am hanging in there tho. How are you doing??
  7. GonnaBHotMama

    Progress Updates

    I thought we could have a new area to post our progress updates, so here's mine!! Hey Everyone! Hope yall are doing awesomely! I am just now getting on my computer to check things out. Surgery went awesome. The main thing I have to say I disliked was that long drain that had to be removed. No fun and that is where the worst of the pain is. I am following the post diet, but I have to say it might make me insane by my 2 week post op. My body wants meat meat meat and all I can give it is yogurt, pudding, grits, and strained Soups. -.- For those already sleeved, What is the diet after 2 weeks that your doc gave you? I think I can slowly start adding things in like eggs and soft stuff. I will rejoice when I get to have some eggs. lol I can follow a diet, but the no meat thing is hard for me to deal with. I am off to go walk, Happy belated Easter and yall have a good week!!
  8. GonnaBHotMama

    The First Post! :)

  9. Surgery date scheduled! April 2nd!! :))

  10. Surgery date scheduled! April 2nd!! :))

  11. Hey everyone! Long time, no post.. Got my surgery date scheduled for April 2nd!! I am super excited about it. Was a little bummed it couldnt happen in March, but I have 2 reports to do, so it was a blessing in disguise! lol I will start the dreaded liquid protein diet on the 26th. I hope everyone is doing good!! Thanks for all the support while the insurance process was happening. It was a great thing to be able to have this forum.
  12. GonnaBHotMama

    The First Post! :)

    Hey everyone!! I am so glad to be able to post again finally. Had some surgery to remove some tumors and it has been a lil bumpy healing wise. Been crazy busy trying to catch up on school and doing family stuff. How is everyone doing?? I would love an update on yall's jouneys so far. I have been approved!! I also have a surgery date of April 2nd, so I am verrrry excited to say the least. It has been a nervous journey with the insurance, but it was all for nothing...I was approved in only 2 days!!! All I can say is that I was blessed with some great reviewers! Must've been all that love since it was so close to Valentine's Day. lol I am going to be busy some more with a couple of reports to get done before surgery, but I look forward to hearing from everybody. I will be starting the yucky protein diet soon....I'll need help to make it through that Im sure! lol God Bless and Yall Take Care!!!
  13. GonnaBHotMama

    The First Post! :)

    Hi there! I cant wait to rejoin my gym! There is a 5k race at Disney-Orlando this November and I am hoping I can make it.
  14. GonnaBHotMama

    New Person Here

    Welcome!!! )) I would have responded sooner, but I had to have some surgery and I have been healing and catching up on school. So glad to meet you!! How did that diet go? I have to do a week and I hear it is nasty! I finally scheduled my surgery. April 2nd! I will probably just be done healing from this one, but I am looking forward to getting started! Nasty protein diet and ALL! Let me know how you are doing!!
  15. So that's why I have measured shorter since Ive gained weight?!? lol I think you look amazing and You should be so proud of yourself!! 100 pounds!! YAYAYAY!

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