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Posts posted by bluetigereyes

  1. My one thought would be, are you taking too big of bites or not chewing enough when you were sliming all the time? I know when I'm not super careful to take small bites, chew well, and give time between bites I have a HUGE issue with sliming.

    In fact, I tend to eat too fast when I get over hungry and thats when I start having problems. Look at that, maybe you were not too tight, but rather, eating too fast!

  2. To all u singles out there y r u scared to tell. I'm a guy and I'm so happy to hear that people is having some kind of surgery done to better themselves. U shouldn't be ashamed that your doing something to better your self be proud tell every one let other people be apart of your happiness

    I will tell you exactly why I am scared to tell that I have the band. I was married for 12 years, got a divorce almost 2 years ago. Got my band almost a year ago. I am now down almost 70 lbs. I started dating just a few months ago. I am a VERY open and honest person and the guy questioned why I didnt eat very much at lunch. I explained that I have a band, and he couldnt leave the restaurant fast enough. That happened on the second or third date that I went on when I decided to start dating. I can look now and say....his loss, but at the time it was hard. When you have been heavy so long, you dont have the self esteem and to have someone do that to you, knocks you down even more. I wish I could find someone that understands, but now I just dont mention it. I have been dating a guy for 3 months now, he still does not know....but he does tease me about how little I eat. (and teases me alot, sometimes to the point of being hurtful). I dont need/want that either...so hes about ready to be kicked to the curb and wait for the right guy to come along that understands and accepts me for me.

  3. I have to thank everyone for all the advice and suggestions that you have given. I have decided that when the time is right, I will tell the person I'm dating. I've been dating one guy for a few months, he has seen my scars, knows I eat VERY light (in fact teases me about it) but has never questioned why. It hasnt been a subject that has come up, and unless he asks, I'm not going to volunteer the info. Things are starting to go downhill in the relationship, and the signs are there for me to jump ship, but I'm ok with that. I feel so much better, I'm losing good, and I did this for ME, not anyone else. Thats what matters!

    Again...Thank you!!

  4. I have the 14cc band as well. I am currently at 8.5cc and have good restriction. But, you cant judge what I feel as good restriction as to what your body will react to. I know that I cant tell a difference when I have a fill for over a week. After about a week, I start to feel the restriction, but its at about 2 weeks that I can tell the full effects of it. Right now I'm on the tight side, but I'm ok with that. Its helping me to remember the right choices to make and my weight is coming off good. (I'm down 9 lbs this month so far) Since April, when I finally started getting decent restriction, I have dropped almost 40lbs, thats when i know I am at a good spot. I dont want to go any tighter, but I also dont want it any looser either

  5. Congrats! I would just say, dont get disappointed if you lose slowly at the beginning. I was almost regretting getting the band, when I had only lost 12 lbs in 4 months. Now I am 8 months out and I have lost 61lbs....It takes a while to get to that green zone, but when you do, the weight just starts falling off! Congrats on your decision.

  6. I know the feeling, I had to use one so many times. I just went on a 9 day vacation to So Cal and Vegas, and after losing almost 60 lbs, I was able to use the seat belt without an extender...but the best part, I had a "tail" on the seat belt of a good 6" I was so excited that I had that much extra seat belt....its a great feeling and you WILL get to that point!

  7. My doctor told me if I can drink, I'm not too tight. I think I am just a tocuh too tight, because when I eat, if I have more than about 4 bites, I'm miseralbe then start throwing up slime. I had my last fill on June 25th, and today is the first day that I have even felt hungry at all.

    I went on vacation, flew to so. cal, then drove to Vegas. The altitude changes really messed with me. I was so tight in the mornings, I almost couldnt even drink, but I was stuck because I didnt have a dr anywhere around to do a slight unfill. I've been home since Sunday and just now starting to feel more normal.

    I would say, listen to your body. Take a few days to go back on liquids to let your stomach calm down, then try soft foods for a couple days. If you are still having issues, then get back in to your dr. (BTW, I have 8cc in a 14 cc band)

  8. I had my last fill about 3 weeks ago. Since then I have been getting dizzy and even once passed out. The first 2 times, I thought it was because of the heat. First time I was in the sun for 3 hours on an open car train. When I came in out of the sun, I got extremely dizzy. But I drank a bottle of Water and I was fine. The second time came exactly a week later, I was at a music festival and helping with a hot air balloon. I was standing in the basket of the balloon (it was NOT off the ground) when I became VERY dizzy (It was about 130 degrees in the basket). I blacked out, and then passed out, falling out of the basket onto my face.

    Both times, I thought was because I became overheated. However, the past couple of days, I have been in my air conditioned office, just standing there and all of a sudden become super dizzy. I have not seen the black spots or passed out, just dizzy for a few miutes. I am making sure I am hydrated.

    Could this be from me not eating enough? (I eat 3-4 bites beore I'm full, if I eat more than that I get the slime attack or miserable) It happened again today, and someone suggested it could be electrolytes, so I bought a gatorade and drinking that (not sugar free, to hopefully bring up my blood sugar too)

    I am getting quite concerned, but dont want to get in to the dr today because I am leaving on vacation tomorrow. I dont want to have something happen while I'm on vacation either. Especially since I will be in Vegas and So Cal, where the temps are well over 100 everyday right now.

    Any suggestions? Has this happened to anyone else?

    Thanks for any thoughts or ideas!

  9. Even though I dont 'feel' hungry, I get the stomach growls SO loud. I usually drink a Protein Shake at 6am, have a small handful of peanuts at 10am, eat lunch at 12:30pm, and then go until 6ish before eating dinner. I am definitely at my green zone. I eat about 1/4 -1/2 cup of food and I'm done. I continue to drink my Protein Shakes at least every morning so I am sure I am getting a good amount of Protein every day. It takes 2-3 weeks to actually feel my fill, and this last fill has just kicked in. I would say that I'm at the tight end of my green zone, I dont eat much at all and losing at a good pace. I'm happy where I am.

  10. He has seen my scars and we have talked about some past medical issues. I just left it vague saying that I've had multiple surgeries on my stomach (which is true and I have more scars than just my band scars). I've debated on not saying anything, and leaning more towards that just because there are already very few people that even know.

    Thanks for your feedback, I agree, the two that bailed after finding out, are not worth my time anyway!.

  11. I was banded in Dec 2011. I've been a slow loser, so far down 50lbs. I'm ok with that. However, I just recently started dating again and the 2 people that I've told that I have a band, I never heard from again.

    I have been dating someone now for about a month, we have gone out several times and we get along great. He knows that I just dont eat certain foods (breads, Pasta, etc) and that I dont eat much, but I have not told him that I have a band for fear that it will ruin things.

    How does someone bring this topic up when you are just dating someone? I do like this guy and see us dating more, but is it going to scare him away as well when he finds out that I have the band? Or, should I just not say anything unless he specifically asks?


  12. My port is on the right side a few inches above my waist. My port is what he calls a 'problem port' because it flips and moves..>ALOT!!! Ive already had 1 port revision, and when I went for my last fill 2 weeks ago, it had flipped again. He was able to manipulate it to flip back over, but seems that will be an ongoing cnstant issue for me

  13. The diet my dr gave me before I had the band was basically high protein/Low Carb. 3 meals a day. I did great with it, but I knew it was not a long term thing for me. Having the band helps me make good food choices because if I dont I get sick. I can basically eat anything I want, just in MUCH smaller portions. If your insurance will cover the band, do some research, go to a seminar, and see if it is for you.

  14. Dont compare yourself or your weight loss to others! That was a huge lesson I had to learn for myself. Personally, I am a slow loser, I have had my band since December, and lost 50 lbs to date. I see others that are 100+ lbs down and I question what I am doing wrong. There is nothing wrong, just the way your body chooses to lose. Dont get discouraged. This forum is a great place to get support, meet people, and move forward. Keep your chin up, it does get better, but first you have to get through whats known as "bandster hell"

  15. I have what my dr calls a 'difficult port' meaning it takes ALOT to find mine. I have had several fills, and each time it takes alot for them to find my port. Twice it has flipped, the first time required me to have a port revision (5 weeks after initial surgery). During my last fill a couple weeks ago, my port had flipped again. This time the dr could manually manipulate it and lflip it back over, but now we know that it likes to move alot. Dont be too nervous, I know that I am the 'odd' one when it comes to fills. Most people can get the fills done with no issues at all.

    Fills for most people are very simple and painless.

  16. My weight loss has really picked up recently. I lost 17lbs in 7 weeks, I just got another fill last week and I LOVE where I'm at with my restriction. I can eat about 1/2 cup and I'm satisfied. My body plateaus for about 10 days after a fill, then I start dropping weight, and as of this morning, just saw the scale move downward again. I am down to a size 16 (from a 22) and feeling amazing. Having this new, slimmer body is also helping now that I'm just finally starting to date again. I have so much more confidence and LOVE life. I may not be a fast loser, but I do see the weight coming off, and thats what keeps me motivated.!

  17. I only told people at work, so most people at my work do not know I have the band (I work in an office with l35 people...my one on the keyboard decided not to work lol) I have lost 50lbs and starting to get alot of people noticing. I love the attention and the fact that they can tell. Its always a compliment to me

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