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    Bcole got a reaction from marina in Fried Foods And Hot Wings Forbidden Forever?   
    Yes!!! This makes me so happy (sad I know lol)! At least I know i won't have to feel deprived from my fave food.< /p>
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    Bcole got a reaction from LadyL in 3 Months Post Op And Only 45Lbs Down.   
    I'm really starting to get frustrated with my weight loss progress. I know there is a such thing as a "slow loser" but my surgeon seems to think that I should be at about 60lbs down this far out. I really hope I have not plateaued. I don't eat breads, pastas, rice, or potatoes. Should I go back to Protein Drinks only for a while? Any suggestions would be helpful.
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    Bcole got a reaction from lisalalani in Hair Loss   
    I had my surgery Dec. 21. 2011 and I started noticing that my edges were getting thin about 2 weeks ago. I just started using castor oil on them and it seems to be working. I'll really be able to tell after more use, but I think it's working.
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    Bcole got a reaction from nccutie1981 in Im Worried, I Had A Whole Cup Of Broth, And Im Only Four Days Out From My Gastric Sleeve Surgery   
    When drinking chicken broth I keep the straw in my mouth mostly the entire time and sip continuously. I can get it down in about 10-15 mins, no problem. Yesterday I had a cream Soup that I diluted quite a bit down to a loose gravy consistency and I did notice that I could not continuously sip, I had to take the straw out of my mouth for about 10 seconds and then continue.
    When you all eat the cream Soups do you dilute them? I don't see much of a difference between the cream Soup (diluted) and the broth as far as going down with ease.
    Of course with the Protein shake it takes a little longer just because I don't like the taste and I don't like sweets :-/
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    Bcole got a reaction from Debbie G. in Help! My Popsicle Was Not Sugar Free!   
    I am 5 days post op and still on Clear Liquids. I just ate a popsicle and realized that it was not sugar free, what will happen to me? Is this horrible?
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    Bcole reacted to Makingchanges in December Sleever Here’s A Prayer For You Too Pray If You Like.   
    I thought this would be a good prayer to pray, for you to bring comfort and peace doing this time, God bless you!!!
    Father in the mighty name of Jesus, I ask you Lord to touch the mind and hands of each surgeon, nurse, anesthesiologist and caretaker who will come in contact with me during my hospital stay. Lord, I pray that my liver is small enough so that the surgeon could work around it. Lord I pray that there would be no complication during or after surgery. Father, Allow no hurt, harm or danger to come to me. I pray for minimal pain, minimal gas and no mishaps. I pray that I will return home as scheduled, and that my recovery will be an easy one. Lord, I know that I am in your hand and it’s You whom I put ALL my trust in and that You O’ Lord have control over everything and I am glad that You are my keeper and my safety place is in You Lord where I hide myself and find rest.
    Thank You, Father for being the Creator of all things and creating me, NO ONE knows this body better than You.
    Lord, I also ask in the name of Jesus that you would watch over my children, while I am in the hospital, place Your Holy Angels around them, for You, O’ Lord am their safety nest too. Thank You Father.
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    Bcole got a reaction from peacequeen in Help! Thinking About Backing Out!   
    Hey Guys!
    First off, I would like to thank everyone for sharing their stories and offering me positive advice! I really appreciate it
    I am 99% sure that I will go through with my surgery on Wednesday, it's just been kind of nerve racking thinking about all the negatives effects that could happen but I'm sure I will be happy in the end. My family is nervous for me because I'm the baby and they don't want me to go through any pain, which is understandable. Them worrying makes me worry too, but I'm sure things will work out fine. I am looking forward to actually dropping the weight along with living a healthy lifestyle. I know before, I have dieted and was never able to go down a size in clothing yet the scale would move (slowly), so I'm hoping that this surgery help me achieve the results I'm looking for.
    Please send a prayer up for me that everything goes well! I would really appreciate it.
    Thanks again, i'll keep you guys updated!
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    Bcole reacted to Paola in Help! Thinking About Backing Out!   
    I am 24 too, and I weigh 318, right now I don't have any health issues like high blood pressure or diabetes, but I know that if I don't put a stop to my weight gain they are coming. I do not have low self esteem, and I am not self concious about my weight, I love putting on a swimming suit and go have fun at a pool or beach. All that been said, airplanes are a pain, going on a public bus is a pain, the fact that I have to buy my clothes online at onestopplus.com is a pain. Right now my knees don't bother me, but a few more years with all this weight and my poor knees are gonna start shouting at me.
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    Bcole reacted to Catracks in Help! Thinking About Backing Out!   
    My first impulse is to want to talk you into it because of all the success stories and the people who say that their only regret is not doing this sooner. Also know that you have a great support system right here.
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    Bcole reacted to Catracks in Help! Thinking About Backing Out!   
    There was a time when I knew I was overweight, but not yet unhappy with myself. You are right to be weighing this. This is irreversible. If you are not ready and have no health problems, do not be afraid to put it off. As an analogy, think about this as you would marriage. Isn't it better to call it off even the night before then go through with something that you might regret.
    Now me -- I know I'm ready. Yes, I have these little niggling thoughts about never being able to pig out again, but then those thoughts are squashed by the fact that I know I will still be able to enjoy food -- just a lot less of it. I dream about fitting into the nice clothes I used to wear. I dream of being able to hike to the tops of mountains again. I dream about being able to ride without straining the poor horse. I dream of getting on rollercoasters without wondering if they will be able to secure me. I dream of wearing a bathing suit and going boogie-boarding. I dream of being able to go to a wedding or a party without freaking out over how I look. I dream of being able to slide effortlessly into a booth. I dream of a day when my high blood pressure, sleep apnea, pre-diabetes and fatty liver disease will disappear. You may not have these now, but they will come.
    You do have a lot to think about.
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    Bcole reacted to Forensikchic in Help! Thinking About Backing Out!   
    As everyone has said, it is your decision however I do have some words that you might find comforting and reassuring. I totally freaked out before my surgery, worrying I would die and leave my kids, doubting myself, saying, "why cant you just loose this on your own!!!" I felt like a failure and this was my way to save myself before I got diabetes. I was healthy too, no comorbidities or anything, just fat. I dont agree with people that say I am healthy, just fat, though. I work at a crime lab and next door to the morgue. I see plenty of people that dont have "health problems" but their heart is enlarged from having to work so hard to haul around the extra weight. There are so many things going on behind the scenes that affect our health that most people are unaware of. Your heart is a muscle and it gets enlarged when it has to work twice as hard as its supposed to just the carry the load.
    I just want you to understand that just because you think you are healthy, just fat... you might want to reconsider the benefits of this surgery, as in not having an enlarged heart, fatty liver and so on... You will be able to do so much more and feel so much better! Ultimately, its your decision but the sleeve has changed my life!
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    Bcole reacted to emily_0192010 in Help! Thinking About Backing Out!   
    It IS normal for you to feel that way. I am 20 and I had some medical issues "on the horizon"... they weren't affecting me yet but I could see them coming and I had some signs that things would start to be a problem. I also didn't have low self-esteem before the surgery and I was happy with the way I was.
    But now? I am three months post-op... and the way I feel is just amazing. I didn't realize I would feel this much better. Seriously. I worked out and was in pretty good shape before surgery. I was just big. My weight didn't stop me. But now everything is just easier and I feel so much better, physically and mentally. Again, I didn't have low self-esteem and I was a confident person. Now it is just multiplied.
    Ultimately it is your decision. One day your weight probably will cause problems for you and you may wish that you had done it while you had the chance. I am very happy that I was able to do it at 20, because I still have my whole life ahead of me. Maybe I can nip this in the butt before it becomes a problem in my life. I am hoping that because of this I will never have to deal with weight related issues. I am going to be a healthier person overall and my life will be better because of it.
    Good luck! You'll do great no matter you decide!
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    Bcole reacted to lookingahead in Help! Thinking About Backing Out!   
    @thinoneday --- I think it is a bit out of line to tell BCole that "she's only 24 a weighs a lot". BCole was looking for guidance and support (as we all are) and not judgement. I'm not looking to start a board battle, if we can't come to a WLS board without being judged by our peers, who understand our struggles what does that say for people outside the WLS community?
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    Bcole reacted to indy sleever in Help! Thinking About Backing Out!   
    I was also a wreck before my surgery (8/18). I had no health issues and a pretty awesome life. However, I wasn't happy with myself. I wasn't someone who had been overweight her whole life... it honestly just crept on over the course of 10 years and 2 babies. Before I really even realized it I had gone from a little overweight to being labeled "morbidly obese". It broke my heart. I was 35 years old 235lbs and my son was afraid for me to climb into his bunk bed with him because he thought I would break it... he had no worries about his tall, thin 230lb daddy being up there though. I couldn't live my life like that. I also started to fade away from my friends. Somehow I was the only one who got heavy after high school. All of my old friends still look amazing. So I would skip meeting them out for dinner or drinks... and started avoiding their calls altogether. I also worried that my sweet, wonderful, handsome husband was embarassed of me. He always told me I was beautiful but "I" didn't "feel" beautiful. I knew that eventually I would have health issues due to my weight... and I knew that day wasn't far off. So I made the decision to take control and get my life back. The decision was all mine... and I only shared it with my husband. My journey has been amazing... AMAZING!!! Hands down the very best thing I could have done for myself. I have a spring in my step now that was long gone. I smile more than I ever did before and I was pretty darn smiley before surgery. I just plain feel good... inside and out. To some I may seem like a slow loser... I have lost 57lbs in just under 4months... BUT when I step on the scale I smile! Crazy I know! At 4 months out I pretty much eat what I want. If I want pizza with my family I have pizza. I end up eating only a small piece or maybe a few bites but it is more than enough for me. If I want an alcoholic beverage I have a few sips. That is the beauty of the sleeve. You will have a little and you will be happy. It is not hard to follow the sleeve diet because you will learn very quickly what your sleeve can or cannot tolerate after you have healed. Only you know if you are ready to start this journey but I believe you will not be disappointed if you decide to go through with it. Good Luck!!! Keep us posted
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    Bcole reacted to favoredone in Help! Thinking About Backing Out!   
    I'm being sleeved in 3 days... I'm all over the place.. BUT, I calmed down when I thought about how much better my life will be... I wrote a letter to my sleeve... I suggest you write it out, talk it out,
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    Bcole reacted to Misstxdiva in Help! Thinking About Backing Out!   
    I haven't been sleeved yet but I heard its a emotional rollercoaster when it comes towards the big day. I'm 25 years old and I've tried to lose weight before and before I stopped because I was ok with how I looked and my boyfriend at the time loved my body type. I got lucky having no health issues. As I like to say " I'm healthy just fat". Well I haven't been so lucky lately I'm now pre-diabetic and my knees are giving me hell. I decided I need to take control of my life again and get healthly so I'm choosing the sleeve which I will hopefully get done next month.
    Only you know what's best for you. You may be healthy now but next year things may start to creep up on you like me. I'm sure people who have been sleeved can be more advisable on the emotional stuff. Good luck!
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    Bcole reacted to lookingahead in Help! Thinking About Backing Out!   
    BCole, You and I have the same surgery date. I understand what you are saying about having all sorts of different emotions. In some ways it's a blessing that the process takes a while, and in others it's a bad thing because it does give us so much time with our feelings and our thoughts. You are 100% correct, that only you know what is best for you, your body and your health. The only advice I'd offer up is to trust your instincts. Regardless of what anyone tells you, you need to be true and comfortable with your decision and make the decision for you, so you can live the life that you want to live.
    I don't have any health issues either, and am active, but feel like I am shorting myself on living my full life because of my weight.
    Sending good vibes your way!

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