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Blog Entries posted by h0pefullh3art

  1. h0pefullh3art
    Well it has been quite some time sine my last post that i remember.. so my lil update..
    I just got my second fill yesterday. I feel like a tightness on my stomach that is constant. Since my last weigh in i managed to look 9 lbs. my goal was to get to 195 this month and i did it, it was a great feeling. My doc says im doing great, and im on the right path. Im slowly starting to feel better about myself. I dont feel like im loosing weight but clothes are fitting mare nicely and im a little less shy about hiding my stomach. My friends brother who i seen every so often told me last night that i looked great and asked if i had lost weight (he doesnt know what i had surgery for) and it was a great feeling knowing that ppl can notice a difference, because i sure dont. I will say i have been kinda lazy with the exercise part because of school. but i do work a very active job on the weekends which right now is all i can get in as my "exercise". I cannot wait for the weather here to start warming up so i can start walking and runnin outside because i certainly dont have the money to pay for a gym membership.... oh and im excited i can start eating veggies again!!!! big thing for me since i love them sooo much <3 .... but yea for now that is all i can think of thats going on...
    So my question for those who have had a few fills what does your restriction feeel like?? i dont know if this tightness im feeling mean something is wrong or if its suppose to feel like that..
  2. h0pefullh3art
    Well everyone, i know it has been over a year since my last post. i am down to 159.5 and feel great. i have 30 more lbs to go. tthing have been going good and the wight has been coming off in a slow steady pace. avg 4 lb a month. i have been having some issues with abdominal pain over the last few months, its more muscle pain right in the area where my port is. idk if this is normal or what. it comes and goes, isisnt a constant thing. but other than that nothing new and exciting has been happin.
  3. h0pefullh3art
    I cant believe it has only been a month and 3 days since i had surgery.. Thing are unfortunately still looking pretty discouraging for me, going on week 3 of no loss. Had my first fill on friday it went okay. I will say My Dr is amazing cause he knows how to make ya relax.. But like i was saying the biggest part that is bothering me is the no loss, yea i have had no gain, but i guess im just gettin very impatient with it all because i eat what im suppose to and it seems like its not working, im staying active. And with my last semester of nursing school starting up tomorrow Im a nervous wreck from that too. I would just like to see some progress i guess =/
  4. h0pefullh3art
    Well its been almost a month since i had surgery. it has been kinda low key. Im back at work. I will says it has been kinda disappointing because i have been following my diet plan but havnt last any weight in two weeks. Im down almost 20lb since prior to surgery, but i have been sitting here for the past two weeks, I have been active, i dont know if its because this is a far as im going to get until i get my first fill on friday or if im doing something wrong.
    If anyone has any input it wud be helpful, because i am very discouraged right now because of it.
  5. h0pefullh3art
    Well tomorrow i get my staples out =) CANT WAIT. I keep forgettin i have them sometimes. it itching is driving me crazy. other than that, i went out last night with friends for one of their bday for a few hours before i had to leave because i started to feel uncomfortable and a lil bit of pain. other than that it went well. it was really nice to just get outta the house again. still very minimal pain if any. LOVE that i can sleep on my belly now because i have always been a belly sleeper.
    Right now one of the biggest obstacles i have is people knowing i had surgery and wanting to know on what, but i dont feel comfortable telling them, only a few close friends and my parents know. it has not been easy because i have very nosey friends.
    Well i weighted myself today and im down another 3 lbs in the last 3 days. =). other than that not much going on, still laying pretty low, taking it easy, going day to day.
  6. h0pefullh3art
    Day two post-op has come and gone, went out shopping with my mom for a few hours to get out of the house. Pain isint as bad as i thought it would be, I take tylenol now for my sore throat from the breathing tube i had during surgery. Taking it one day at a time. REALLLLYYY looking forward to finally moving onto the next stage in my diet where i actually get to eat something other than clear liquids, yes its pureed but at this point idc!!! this broth and water n gelatin isint cutting it or making me feel "full" at all. Unfortunately i also havnt been eating that much because i havnt really had an appetite, my mom is tryin to make sure i eat but its so hard when i have no desire to. Sleeping has gotten a lot easier, since i have always been a side sleep or belly sleeping on my back was difficult but now im able to lay on my one side with no problems.
    Incisions are really starting to itch, and its soo hard not to put lotion on them to calm it down but i know i cant. my 8 staples are coming out monday afternoon!! Cant wait!!. and i took my first post-op shower today, the hot water felt amazing on my sore shoulders, made sure i didnt soak my incisions, and i feel cleaner now thankfully.
    IDK why but to me it still seems like i had nothing other than a regular surgery done. My stomach doesnt feel any different but that is prob due to the fact im still on only liquids. well see how tomorrow goes..
    Well thats my update so far, I dont think i forgot anything......
  7. h0pefullh3art
    Well I learned that my body does not tolerate anesthia very well.. I woke up in intense pain and got morphine which helped.. Got moved to my room, walked from the stretcher to my bed and within and hour I was dry heaving and in intense pain I cudnt help but cry.. The dry heaving and pain went on pretty routinely so bout every 3-6 hours I was dry heaving... I was Gettin up and walking around inbetween and felt fine but once those episodes kicked in it was all over n it felt like such a set back.. Well I was wide awake all night got about and hour sleep at 1am., then the nasuea and dry heaving hit me at 2 I got morphine and that knocked me out good.. Woke up in minimal pain, no nasuea since...... Got discharged home and so far the pain isint that bad just a bit discomforting. I have been up walking round my house frequently and my shoulders are starting to hurt so hopefully the gas will be gone soon!!! My dr. Said I was doing great and to just rember to walk and drink plently of water..
    Well, that's how things are right now, insicions are starting to tingle a bit and it feels kinda weird.
    For my first big surgery ever I think im doing pretty good.
  8. h0pefullh3art
    Well ladies and gents, today it my day. Today i get banded!!! Nervous? You best ur ass!!!!...... cudnt sleep all night, tossed and turned. 3 1/2 more hours till i head of to the hospital to check in. 5 till im on the table. Got my bag packed with comfy clothes, puzzle to do while im sittin round, and a few other things. Since i couldnt sleep the NPO after midnight was a bit rough cause i was so thirsty but i got through it. Stomach is a growling. Well off to go shower before we leave.
  9. h0pefullh3art
    Well Its Sunday. Surgery is at 1045 on Tuesday. I dont have to be there till 915 which is fine by be since Im pretty much still a kid and enjoy sleeping in. Nerves= going crazy, not because of just the surgery but i also have a final exam tomorrow which is very stressful. I kno part of it is because of the surgery because i have always been healthy, just overweight my life. No serious health problems and never been in the hospital other than my nursing clinical rotations for school. So as far as being a patient its going to be a whole new experience for me, which is what is making me the most nervous.
    For those who have gotten it done already... Did you bring anything to occupy your time, like puzzles, or books?.. or were you on the move a lot n didn't have the time? Im trying to figure out exactly what to pack in my overnight bag.
    As nervous as I am i still an very anxious and excited to start this new chapter of my life, along with my last semester of nursing school.
    My goal is by next summer before i turn 23 to meet MY goal weight, the Dr. has it set a bit higher for me because he thinks i would look "sickly" if i weighted what i should for my height. I Have 12 days down of the pre-op diet n when i went out n bought a new scale and weighted myself i couldn't believe i had lost almost 10lbs already , so I made my mom weigh herself as well and she said it was right for her.
    I know a few days ago i wasn't in the best mind frame, that went away and now I honestly can't wait. Dont know if ill post before surgery or not.
    Lastly, Just wanted to say thank you for everyone who has helped support me, give me their knowledge and experiences to see, it has helped tremendously in the start of this life long journey. I was concerned that since i am quite young that people may judge me on this decision, but so far i haven't and it gives me hope that no matter what age you are there are people out there willing to help and accept you and your decisions. Thank you, All of you <3
  10. h0pefullh3art
    So, i have 5 days left before the "big day", and i dont know why but the last two days i have just felt very discouraged. its not a very fun feeling. at first i was excited and couldnt wait and now all that keeps running through my head is what if this doesnt work, what if i dont loose any weight. I know positive attitude is key but i just cant seem to get outta this groove right now. Im still doing everything i was told to do pre-op and following my diet, no cheating, im just hoping that since i have been having finals this week that the added stress is what is causing this and it will go away before surgery.
    I have a few questions for those who have already had their surgery...
    1.) Did u get any sleep the night before?
    2.) I know pain is different for everyone, but how much pain were you in and how long did it last?
    3.) What is the most rewarding thing after surgery? (any time frame)
    4.) Did anyone else have a purred diet 2 weeks after surgery, and how did that go? (any suggestions for food)
    5.) What was your biggest struggle during the process?
  11. h0pefullh3art
    Well Day 2 and 3 went by much smoother, my appetite has gone down dramatically and i feel like i may just make it through this haha. Tomorrow is a big day in my opinion, i go to sign my consent forums with the Dr. which means 10 days till surgery. Im excited and nervous all together. Now i guess after tomorrow i just wait for the call from the hospital as to what time i need to arrive on the day of surgery. EEKK...
  12. h0pefullh3art
    Well today i started my first day of my pre-op diet. It was rough. The shakes made me feel sick, not very pleasant. Really hoping this gets better and easier as the days go on. Sitting in class this morning after drinkin my first shake and seeing everyone else eat food was very difficult , But i got thru it somehow. I know one of my biggest problems is that i get frequent headaches and i can no longer take advil for them, tylenol has very limited help, so i really want these next two weeks to fly by. I have a great support network, my parents are very supportive and encouraging, My close friends are amazing and keep encouraging me, it really is helping me get through this and keep me on track.
    I have 13 days till my surgery, little excited, nervous, the usual. Im more excited than nervous though. This will hopefully be a good start in a new lifelong adventure.

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