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LAP-BAND Patients
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About kath109

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday May 18

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  1. Happy -- Birthday kath109!

  2. Happy -- Birthday kath109!

  3. Good for you to make the decision to "get back on the horse" -- and while you gained back -- you didn't gain it all back. You are 27lbs less than your original start so just keep that thought of being healthy and athletic!
  4. kath109

    Hiking And Weight Loss

    Hi. I am a December bandster too (12/5) and my total weightloss is 42 lbs (18 lbs lost preop and 24 lbs lost since surgery). I have not been exercising at all yet but plan to begin this month (had some knee issues). I would say that your 30 lb loss is great, especially since you are exercising so much -- I know you are tired of hearing it but you are likely building up muscle and they say the best weightloss is 1-2 lbs/week which is more like 8lbs/month than 20lbs/month. You're doing great! K
  5. I had my first fill 6 days ago with 3cc. I was fine the first 2 days (felt no restriction and able to eat or drink with no problems). Woke up day 3 and haven't felt good since - started with pain under left rib cage which has progressed to feeling full after just water or half of a yougurt and that left shoulder pain. Last night I couldn't sleep because my stomach is so tight -- feels like I have been "flexing" a muscle for days and now it can't relax it (??not sure that makes sense but trying to describe the sensation). Abdoment is harder than it has been for weeks and lots of "gas rumblings" but very little gas passing. Have been able to have bowel movements. Called doc on day 4 and he said to give it til tomorrow (day 7) and if no better call back. He thought maybe I ate too much day 2 and it would subside if on mushies and liquids rest of week but so far not happening. Any ideas on what may be going on???
  6. kath109

    Arm/chest Pain

    Hi! I was banded on 12/5 and found I needed to sleep in recliner for first 3 nights due to the gas pain. Once the gas pains passed I was able to sleep in bed but them had another 3-4 days where I would get intermittent incision pain during the night when I rolled over on my side. That too went away and no other pain or discomfort at all. Good luck!
  7. My husband and I are doing this together and have the same issue. We have found that talking about the things we're going to be able to do as the weight comes off has helped us, so when we would normally be talking about food or what to eat etc. We talk about how nice it will be to buy clothes in normal sizes, or sit comfortably at a school assemblies, etc. And now even though still early in process we already feel positive changes so we talk about them. Good luck with surgery!!
  8. kath109

    2 Weeks Post-op

    I am about where you are post op (banded 12/5) and feel like I could have written your blog -- feeling all the same things! I am down 27 pounds and so happy with this decision. I have had chronic knee and back pain for so long and to suddenly have longer periods now where I actually don't feel that pain is so incredible. I noticed it most when I was Christmas shopping -- I used to dread shopping because I would be miserable within 20-30 minutes of walking but this past weekend I was out for 4 hours before I felt the need to stop!!! I have gotten worried as I can eat more now - worried about gaining back or stretching but then I say same thing, I am eating sooooo much less than I used to that it has to keep making a difference. I am worried about being able to stay healthy through the process (and limit the hair loss) and find getting in enough proteins tough. Looking for more high protein but small portion foods. Well - good luck to you!!
  9. kath109

    Getting Banded Jan 4...getting Nervous

    Hi! My husband and I both got banded, he had his Nov 7 and I had mine Dec 5. He is down 50 pounds and I am down 27. We both had very uneventful surgeries (I had hernia repair in addition) and no big post op issues. We are both 47 and thrilled with out decision. I have found this site to be so helpful with any questions I have had and such inspiration reading people's successes. Good luck and keep us posted. Kath
  10. I have my 2 week check up today and will be asking doc but sounds like it is not uncommon so hoping it is just part of the healing process! Thx to all for the responses. K
  11. I am 47 yrs old with a wonderful husband and 3 incredible kids but I was slowly starting to live the life of an elderly disabled person -- I couldn't walk without being short of breath and in agony due to my knees. I was too embarrassed of myself to socialize. I hated what I had let happen to me. And I was afraid of dying and leaving my kids without a mother. Any of those would be a very valid deciding factor huh? Oddly, all of them together were still not enough to push me to make this decision. It wasn't until March of 2012 while I was at my 3rd orthopedist looking for relief from the debilitating pain I had in my knees that I found my deciding factor. I have severe osteo arthritis that has both knees at what they call "bone on bone" which causes me to have chronic pain. My 300 lb+ body was more than my poor knees could take. When I tried to exercise they hurt too much so I had to stop and I would get depressed and eat...gaining more and more, causing more and more damage and pain. The first 2 orthopedists I saw told me there was nothing they could do because I wasn't a good candidate for the surgery. They never actualy said why but of course it was the weight. But this 3rd orthopedist was a well known specialist in NYC who cares for big sports figures. As he looked at my xrays he shook his head and said "well those are some ugly knees" He proceeded to show me the damage, the bone spurs , etc. and the whole time I was thinking -- "he is going to agree to do the surgery on my knees! I am going to get relief of the pain" and I was promising myself that as soon as I recuperated I would lose the weight and get my life back. For the first time in years I was feeling excited. Then he turned to me and my husband and very matter of factly told me "you need bilateral knee replacements but I would not even consider doing the surgery on you because of your weight. People your size do not rehab well and even if you did and then lost all the weight you need to lose we would have to do the surgeries over because your body dynamics would change once you lost the weight and the prosthetics wouldn't fit right anymore. But if you lose the weight you may actually be able to lessen the pain enough to hold off on the surgeries until your mid-late 50s which is much better as you are too young for this type of surgery" My eyes welled, my ears began ringing, I felt like I had been slapped in the face. I wasn't able to look at him or my husband. Then I heard him ask "have you considered bariatric surgery?" I had not, I knew nothing about it except for my own made up ideas -- that it was drastic, radical, dangerous and a crazy thing to do..of course I had not considered it. So my husband and I left. In the car on the long ride home I was numb. I felt like my life was never going to get better. This was my last chance. Three days later I decided to google bariatric surgery and proceeded to spend hours that day researching it. Then every night after work I read more and educated myself and slowly.... my despair began to turn to hope. That was March 2010. I was banded on 12/5/2010 and I am sooo happy. The 24 lbs I have lost so far is already making improvements to my walking and my whole perspective has improved so dramatically. I feel so confident that I am going to make it work this time. I swear my knees actually hurt less already. Maybe it's in my head, but I am going to get this weight off, take care of my knees and live the life I should be living!!! Wow....this has turned into a novel, so sorry fo the rambling. I guess it's just this is the first time I really put these pieces all together. Looks like we all had our own deciding factors which brought us here -- good luck to all of you on your journeys!!! K
  12. I feel so good all day long now and doing great with eating etc. So just want to see if this is just part of healing process. When I am in bed I can roll over from my back to either side without trouble but after I have been lying on my left side for a bit I start to get a sharp, stinging (almost burning sensation) behind my port. It doesn't happen going from right side to back, only left to back. The site is healing nicely, not sore or tender to touch. Also, it wasn't bad in beginning, it started around post op day 10. Is this something anyone else has had and if so, idea on how lon it will last? Thx, Kath
  13. Hi Nicole, Sounds like a rough start but sure that with every day you will feel better. I was banded on 12/5 with a hernia repair too but I was more fortunate with my recovery -- somehow I escaped the nausea and the pain was manageable with the meds but I agree with above post -- we HAVE made a great decision. I feel so different, like I have a new found motivation and determnation that I never had when I was dieting. It really is a new life. I lost 13 pounds the week prior to surgery (liquids) and another 5 pounds 1 week post op (total of 24 lbs if I include the few lbs I lost from my highest weight this summer!). I am only weighing myself weekly so will know monday how much I have lost this past week but I can tell I am losing because my cllothes are already feeeling looser, Love the feeling!!! Good luck and keep us posted on your progress. Kath
  14. Love that motivated attitude! Good luck, looks like you're off to great start already. I am 8 days banded and it went really well so wishing you the same Kath

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