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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ummmm. I have been in a stall for about 3 weeks and have increased my calories yesturday to a little over 1000 and I actually gained over a pound. This is real scary to me. My NUT told me I should be eating 1200 calories and I have heard that anything under 1200 is starvation mode. I am so confused right now. I am starting a fitness program to strenthen my core with a personal trainer and hoping the triggers a weight loss. Not sure what to do.... Can anyone give me any advice? Thanks
  2. Ms skinniness

    My Fav After Pics Ever

    Congrats! Keep rockin that sleeve!
  3. Ms skinniness

    Need A Little Support Here

    Everyone on this site are absolutely !00% correct. I am an expert in this area. This is shocking news and there are 10 stages to the grieving process. This might be a good time to talk with a therapist. This event will bring up alot of unfinished issues pertaining to past losses. You can keep journaling on this site to get some support for you at this time. Hang in there and keep us posted! We all care about you Lissa.
  4. Ms skinniness

    Questions For You All

    My insurance company approved me but then said we had to lose about 20% of our weight and when I was referred to my bariatric surgeon, they told me my BMI was too low. However, since I was diabetic, they were able to do the surgery anyways. It was so discouraging. I have a sleeve now and am doing great! Congrats on your decision and keep on rockint too your sleeve. It is a life saver.
  5. Ms skinniness

    Comments From My Intervention

    Your family loves you and are afraid of loosing you. Subconsiously they are trying to keep the family in a status quo which is harmful in the long run. You know what you need to do to have a more meaningful life. This body you are trapped in right now is not permanent. I hope you make the right choice for you and not for them. This is a doable thing.
  6. You look beautiful in the pics. You are going to out do the last pic where you were 160! You are still young and most of you skin will tighten over time, if not you can choose to have some plastic surgery to correct the skin. I will, even though after this surgery I swore I didn't want anymore surgeries. Keep up the hard work and your journey will be complete! CONGRATS!
  7. Ms skinniness

    Cleared Pantry - Huge Step

    How about an addiction for healthy eating habits, logging your daily intake, etc. I use myfitnesspal.com and I have learned alot about my eating habits. Yayyyyy! This is a great addiction. Love it! Congrats on cleaning out your pantry! Out with the old, and clearing for great stuff to come in.
  8. Ms skinniness


    It gets better. Don't stress on all that liquid. Just get as much as you can and remember that your protein drinks are counted as fluid. You are doing great so far and you have begun your new journey. Just try to increase fluid intake but don't stress. It's a process that's going on in your before body.
  9. Ms skinniness

    I Don't Know What To Do About My Family Anymore....

    Wwoww, this is a full plate to deal with. Sometimes it's wise to take a step back and recognize that there is nothing you can do to get your mom and sister to wake up, and start eating healthier. They are at the same place many of us were at that contributed to our choice of getting a surgery. I know it hurts like hell to see the people you love suffering and you can't do anything about it. Take a step back, take a deep breath, and remind yourself that they are not really to make a change to a new life style. Yes, if they don't have insurance and they can't afford the surgery, then they are probably in some kind of depression. It's like a giant black hole the they can't climb out of. Thanks for sharing this struggle. You are powerless over your mom and sister's poor choices. But you can role model for them more healthy eating and refuse to take over unhealthy food for them. Take care and take alot of deep breaths, and try to relax. Enjoy your new journey. You are example to them.
  10. Ms skinniness


    I didn't go for over 2 weeks and I finally got some Miralax and I went the next day with great ease. I had this cleared through my surgeon's office.
  11. Ms skinniness

    Itchy, Itchy, Itchy

    I didn't have any rashes, but my sking is really itchy. I know that my body has taken a hit after the surgery and so I started taking Biotin for my hair and skin. Skin is getting much better, but should talk with your surgeon to find out whats going on and if you can take biotin or silica as a supplement. Take care of yourself!
  12. Ms skinniness


    hummm. i haven't had any trouble with any food so far. I know that I perfer soft foods rather than hard food. I know that when I have El Pollo Loco's chicken tortilla soup, I love the veggies in it. I usually had veggies to a passion. This is a great change for me. I am 3 months out an am really enjoying it. I still have moments when I order a meal and I look at it and wish I could eat more. Thank God for this sleeve. Happy as can be.
  13. Ms skinniness

    Am I Being A Pig Already?

    don't worry about retaining some h20 at this point, it's more important not to get dehydrated. You are doing great with protein shakes! I actually skipped the mushie stage because I can't handle the texture. I am 3 months out and am doing fine. My NUT told me that I'm not getting enought protein in or calories last friday. I tried and my stomach felt so uncomfortable that I decided to just get more protein in by drinking shakes. I will be very diligent about taking all my vitamin supplements also. We are on our way! Take care.
  14. You will have that day when you can climb those 3 flight of stairs without a huff. Have you had your surgery yet or is it coming up? You are on a journey right now and you can create a picture in your mind that you can and will accomplish! Keep it up and thank you for sharing!
  15. If it's oozing, I would go to urgent care since it's sunday. I wouldn't want an infection that can travel inward. Your health is the most important and I would hate to hear you have any complications from the incision site. Take care of yourself!
  16. Ms skinniness

    Sleeve Secret? What Do You Say?

    I eat in restaurant's alot and I have never had anyone ask me questions. I don't care if people know that I had this surgery, because everyone who knows me, knows I've had a surgery. In a restaurant, I'm not there to talk to the servers. I give them concise orders and always thell them that the food is delicious. If it's not delicious I do sent it back and they fix me a new plate. I love keeping everything simple.......
  17. Ms skinniness

    Oatmeal Raisin Protein Bars

    Thank you so much for this fabulos recipe! It sounds really delicious!
  18. Hi, I'm 3 months post op and I eat about 600-800 calories a day. I had an appointment with my NUT and she told me I need to eat 12000 calories now. I can hardly eat what I'm eating right now, and I tried to increase my food and it is really uncomfortable. Can you share with me how much you consume? It would be really helpful. I really don't want to starve myself (in which I'm not), and I don't want to stretch my sleeve either. I do need to increase my protein though. I can actually eat anything I want, nothing bothers my stomach. I am so afraid that I will stop losing and actually gain weight from eating 12000 calories. Thanks everyone.....
  19. Ms skinniness

    How Many Calories Do You Eat?

    thank you everyone, you have been very helpful....
  20. wow, it sure sucks to be hungry.... @reallyrosy.... I went to see my NUT and she told me that my protein drink is not considered a liquid. Is it possible you can have more than 6 oz of protein?
  21. Congrats! You have lost 60 lbs. YAYYYYY. Now it may be time to jump start your system again with going back to basics and doing MisslilDiva's boot camp. Yeah, I know it's definately going to be a challenge. But by following her weight loss boot camp, this will trigger your body to loss more weight. Please check her boot camp out! By the way, you are looking great so keep up your journey.
  22. Ms skinniness

    Swallowing So Much Air When I Drink

    are you sure the air is from swallowing. I had gas in my stomach for many weeks after the surgery, i had to take prilosec for the gas. It got better and I still take prilosec.
  23. Ms skinniness

    High Protein Pancakes

    this sound so good. I just got two recipes today for pumpkin bread and cinnamin swirl bread. If they are really good, I'll post it here. Yayyyyy! Thanks
  24. Ms skinniness

    Still Not Feeling 100%

    Love understanding bosses! Even if it's yourself. Be gentle with yourself, you deserve it. This will pass soon. Try to increase protein shakes if possible. Please let us know how your feeling.
  25. Ms skinniness

    Ready Or Not, Here I Go!

    Congrats! Everyone is anxious about this decision. I remember just focusing on getting to the surgery. I was excited and fearful. The am of the surgery was the worst. I wanted to run away and cancel the whole thing. I didn't and now I am totally thankful for the decision to stick it out and have the surgery. I am sure you will far exceed your dream of getting down to 180 lbs by your B-Day. You will exceed this goal also. Hang in there and keep yourself occupied so your not focusing on the surgery date. Enjoy the old you because you have a new you coming up very very soon.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
