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LAP-BAND Patients
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About simoneshirbet

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 05/24/1988

About Me

  • Biography
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Writing. Painting. Drawing. Reading. Hiking. Designing. Movies. Music.
  • Occupation
    Disability Support Worker.
  • City
    Sunshine Coast
  • State
<p>The first memory I have about my weight was when I was&nbsp;6 years old, I collapsed in pain in my house from a stomach bug and my family had to call an ambulance. When the paramedic came in to pick me up I said to him that I was too heavy and he couldnt do it. This is so sad because I look back on pictures and realise now that I was a very fit, healthy young kid who was definitely not overweight. But that mindset that was passed down to me from my mother and&nbsp;set me up for a very unhealthy body image and a very bad relationship with food.</p>
<p>You see, my Mum was always just a little bit overweight and insecure, and not wanting her children to grow up with the same problem, she tried her best to enforce the importance of being skinny onto us. This ofcourse made us more self conscious than self assured.</p>
<p>My big weight gain came when I was 12 years old; my parents divorced and I lived with my Mum for one year. In that one year I gained 26 kgs. After moving back in with my Dad I was able to loose&nbsp;a bit of weight because we lived a much more balanced lifestyle with home cooked meals and exercise. Though I also had those negative thoughts about myself in the back of my head. But with any major event in my life since 2005, my weight grew in spurts; the death of my very dear Nana (+25kgs), a relationship breakup (+10 kgs), moving to an isolated part of the country (+15kgs), abuse (+10kgs)&nbsp;etc. It was as though every bad thought that had been put into my head by mother mother would come rushing back to me when I was emotionally vunerable and my guard was down. And then I would use food to console my heartache.</p>
<p>My family (except one) was very supportive and polite regarding my weight. My dad always said that I was beautiful, he just wants me to be happy.</p>
<p>I tried every diet I could possibly think of; Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, Atkins, Bodytrim, Cabbage Soup....the list goes on. I would be fine for a few weeks and then something would happen to throw me off the plan. The weight would then come back, plus an extra one or two.</p>
<p>I was looking into lapband for about three years before I actually went through with it. I tried a few good attempts to do it the 'right' way, with absolutely zero success.</p>
<p>Then came the band. I have been banded for just over two months. I have lost 14kgs. Not quite where I would like it to be but we are still trying to find my green zone.</p>
<p>With a good exercise routine, healthy eating and the band helping me to control my portions I believe this is definitely the best decision I have ever made. I look forward to a healthier life.</p>

Age: 36
Height: 5 feet 7 inches
Starting Weight: 302 lbs
Weight on Day of Surgery:
Current Weight: 194 lbs
Goal Weight: 154 lbs
Weight Lost: 108 lbs
BMI: 30.4
Surgery: LAP-BAND
Surgery Status: Post Surgery
First Dr. Visit: 12/20/2011
Surgery Date: 11/11/2011
Hospital Stay: 1 Day
Surgery Funding: Self Paid
Insurance Outcome: n/a

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
