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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by BenisaMartim4

  1. BenisaMartim4

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

  2. BenisaMartim4

    Adjusted My Goal

    My doc didn't even give me a goal. I am 5'9". I set mine at 180 because that is the smallest I can ever remember being. I was 16 years old and wore a 14/16. To me, I looked thin then. You could see bones. I would be pleased to get back there. I KNOW my hubby will like it  Sent from my iPad using VST
  3. BenisaMartim4

    Bread Question

    I had my surgery the day before you and I am the same way. Everything makes me sick. I have not found anything yet that does not make me nauseous and many things make me retch violently. I consume WAY to little. Sent from my iPhone using VST
  4. BenisaMartim4

    Thinking My Surgeon Has Lost His Mind!

    I am two months out and still can hardly eat. Don't take it too fast, it will make you throw up and this will be a set back. I threw up so much that I had to go off food completely for awhile. As for the sodas, I have been drinking them the entire time FLAT. If they have the fizz out it is perfectly fine. If you plan to just open it and drink it, I wouldn't. That is unless you want to know what a hot air ballon feels like at the point of lift off. Sent from my iPhone using VST
  5. BenisaMartim4

    Obesity: The Next Protected Class

    Should we have a a protected class for junkies because they are addicted to crack or Heroine? They are treated differently and their condition is disabling. Where do you stop? What makes a person human is one thing; sex, color, ethnicity. Choices are a completely different thing. No one held you down and shoved that Twinkie down your throat any more than they shoved that needle in the other guys arm. That's the problem with America today; free speech has gone out the door. Should anyone make fun of another person for any reason... Absolutely not! (and trust me, I know plenty about this, I have two handicapped children), but guess what; last time I looked, the First Amendment still gave them the right to be an A$$ if they choose too. So if you value your other rights, suck it up. Once we allow them to take one, they can easily decide to take all. Sent from my iPhone using VST
  6. BenisaMartim4


    That is just great! You are doing wonderful. Congrats. And the 200s are called Twoterville  Sent from my iPhone using VST
  7. BenisaMartim4

    Puking Galore

    I just noticed that you are only a few days out (I misread your date). It is very common to be sick the first week or two. It usually eases up for most people. So hang on. I am just a weirdo. I had a ton of pre-existing health problems and it seems that maybe (who knows?) some of them may be making it harder for my body to catch up. Either way, it is too late to go back now, so I am doing my best to make the best of it. I really am loving the new bod..and so is my hubby See, there is a bright side to everything.
  8. BenisaMartim4

    Puking Galore

    I know. I have acquired a fear of food.. like an anorexic. I get all nervous and jittery just thinking about eating; sometimes to the point of near panic. I really, really hope it gets better soon. I am worried about my health. I do not regret my procedure, I just wish I could get it figured out and get on the road to feeling better. I am losing plenty of weight, I am just VERY weak from not taking in any calories. Best wishes to you
  9. BenisaMartim4

    Just Getting Started

    I have no desire to eat any longer..whatsoever. The problem I am finding is that watching other people eat makes me deathly ill. It looks like they are never going to stop. I will literally watch my husband eat and heave. For what I can hold and tolerate, he might as well be eating a truck, because it looks that big to me. This is why I cannot enjoy going out any more. I can barely keep my two bites down if I have to set and watch someone else scarf down a buffet load of slop. Bleck!
  10. BenisaMartim4

    Help Miserable And Constipated

    It bleeped what I wrote in my first post, so that bleeped word is another name for a feminine wash bottle..hehe. Good luck.
  11. BenisaMartim4

    Help Miserable And Constipated

    If it is that bad you may need to work from the other end I know it is gross, but I use to work in the nursing homes and I am experienced with this. Get a Fleet enema, use a ****** bottle enema with warm water (adding a couple of drops of dish soap can help) or put a pot of room temp coffee in the ****** bottle enema (it washes and the caffeine stimulates movement). These work almost instantly. Just take it slowly and use KY...ugh sorry. Hope you feel better soon!
  12. I use eggs, mayo, salt, pepper, onion powder and to really kick it up a notch, fancy shredded cheese ( cheddar or pizza blend). It is really good
  13. BenisaMartim4

    Puking Galore

    MEE! Two months out and still puke all the time. Looks like no end in sight. Don't know what causes it. I just cant tolerate anything :o/
  14. BenisaMartim4

    Memorial Day Challenge!

    Ok here we go SW 278 CW 272 GW 263 Weight loss 6# 
  15. BenisaMartim4

    Regret? Maybe...

    Girl, I know how you feel! I am two months out and am dropping weight like crazy, but I feel like total crud. I can barely drink, I get about 2-300 cal a day and I am so weak that I can hardly go. I have had the banana bag IV 6 times. My body is not adjusting well at all. Don't get me wrong, I am not to the point of total regret, but I am scared. I feel like, what if I did this to lose weight and get healthier and I end up dying because of organ failure from starvation. I don't know how rational that is, but I know that I can't eat right now and that can only go on for so long. I just keep remembering seeing the movie about Karen Carpenter when I was a kid. Her heart gave out because it was starved to death. Today I was envisioning myself with a feeding tube. It is really sad that in our Quest to find health, sometimes we find ourselves in even more precarious positions. I really, really hope you start to improve soon. Don't give up. We couldn't know how it would turn out without trying, but we did know we were on a one way track to death before. I'll say a prayer for you and you say one for me. Sometimes it helps us to stop looking at ourselves and focus on someone else for awhile. Best wishes for a speedy recovery and a successful weight loss. Sent from my iPad using VST
  16. That is so great! Proud for you. I wish I could get to where I could eat. I have around 2-300 cal a day. I am dropping weight like crazy, but I am worried about my health. Maybe I'll catch on soon. I am two months out.
  17. BenisaMartim4

    Compression Garments

    I'm 8 weeks out and wear them, but honestly they feel like they are going to kill me sometimes. I have NEVER gone without one (even when I was pregnant) and didn't plan on it now, so I suck it up and take it. I absolutely, positively cannot eat while I have them on though. I feel like I am going to explode. I wear the really firm ones though. I think I am going to get me something with a little more give to it. I truly felt like I was trapped in an Iron Maiden today..Ouch!
  18. April 14 was my two month surgiversary, so here is a little on my progress. 1) SW-335 DOS-317 CW-272 2)I have lost a total of 63# counting pre-op. 3)I started in a size 28 3-4X. Currently I wear a 20-22 XL. 4)I have gone down 3 sizes in panties and from a 46 to a 42 in bra band size. Luckily the girls are sticking around (for now) and I'm still in a F cup. We like the girls..hehe. Makes the waist line look even smaller. 5)I have quit 18/21 of the meds that I was on. I only take the two stomach meds and a Vitamin now. 6) I have not had a Fibromyalgia flareup since the surgery. NSV We have a Jacuzzi tub in our master bathroom. I regularly soak in it because of the pain from my knee and hip injuries. I was in it the other night and kept stretching out; I had my feet on the tile back splash admiring my new French pedi and I just kept having to push myself back up in the tub. I though, " something doesn't feel the same, what is it." I knew that I was not shorter. Then it dawned on me. You are not touching the sides of the tub! I was sliding down because the Water was able to circulate all the way around me. The bubbles from the jets were moving me around. My big booty no longer had me corked in there. Yay! I took my kids to Burger King the other day to eat and play. When we came out, this guy had parked his big 4WD right on top of my van. I was livid. How in the world did the big dummy expect me to be able to leave! I calmed myself down and told the kids to get in from the other side. I decided to give it a try before I went in and fed him his burger in one big choking bite. I DID IT! I squeeze through that tiny crack in the door (that even a thin person should not of had to do) and didn't scratch or ding either of our doors. I was tempted to open it back hard two or three times after I did get in though. Some people are just inconsiderate. Even if I weren't fat, I could have been crippled or elderly. Arrgg!! I completely rearranged my living room by myself. I moved; the sofa, two recliners, love seat, buffet, 55 gal. Aquarium, antique steamer trunk, metal caldron fountain and about a ton of assorted junk. Then I swept and laid the new rugs and then put it all back. My Fibromyalgia flares are exercise induced. The would normally have put me in bed in excruciating pain for 24-48 hours. I had myself braced for the worse, but nothing happened. Not even a twinge! I have not had a flare since surgery. I do not have to fight with the seatbelt any more! This is just a quick little run down of a few things that have progressed for me over the last several weeks. I have not made it by far, but I am getting there a little bit at a time. Health, happiness and Onderland! Boo-yah :0)
  19. I think you are doing wonderful; especially considering all of your pre-existing conditions. Doctors sometimes forget that we are not cases and statistics, but PEOPLE. Keep up the good work and do your best. Then when you go to bed at night you can have the peace of mind that what he said didn't matter, because you had done all you could. Congrats on your success :0)
  20. BenisaMartim4

    Losing Without Protein Drinks?

    I am 8 weeks out and have not drank three of those things. I can't eat hardly anything either. I am losing like crazy, so weight loss is not dependent on it. I have lost 63#. It will keep you strong though. You cannot build muscle without protein. I get < 20g a day. I am very weak and struggle to get through every day. I am trying to increase mine, but everything makes me sick. Although I like seeing the scale drop, that is the least of my worries now. I am concerned with starving. My suggestion is to try every thing that has protein you can get your hands on. You don't have to drink those shakes, but you do have to have nutrition. Do what you can with real food.
  21. BenisaMartim4

    New Friend Issues.

    I have read that book too. I thought it was kind of neat. It was in the style of the Proverbs 31 woman.
  22. BenisaMartim4

    Memorial Day Challenge!

    When you update your ticker, scroll down to the bottom and it will say "create another ticker". Click on that and it will let you make another one. Copy that code and paste it below your original ticker, then hit the save button. It should update and have the two different ones then.
  23. BenisaMartim4

    New Friend Issues.

    I have noticed much more male attention lately too. And I mean all kinds of men: I had a black man with braids holler across three rows of cars in the grocery store parking lot to tell me how nice I looked the other day. Then, I had this giant of a red-neck country boy come up to me in Walmart and pick up a big box for me. I didn't ask either and he didn't work there. He just came up and said, " Ma'am, let me help you with that." I have guys smile at me all the time now. I know I am 2-3 sizes smaller, but I don't necessarily think that is all it. I believe that as we lose weight and feel better about ourselves, we exude more confidence and vim about life in general. I think people pick up on that. Women are all over me too. I really don't know how to react to it all. It is a lot of attention! I just say thank you and try to answer any questions that I can. Unfortunately, I do feel that I may lose some relationships because of the weight loss to. When you have friends that are also fat and you have always been fat together, if they have self esteem issues, they will really began to show in the face of your betterment. It is really inevitable; be it jealousy, bitterness, resentment. But you cannot fix them, that is something only they can do. Just try to treat them the same as always and try not to make your success the center of attention when you are together. They feel lousy anyway. But don't feel like you have to walk on eggshells around them all the time either. If the atmosphere just becomes too static and being fat is the only thing that you had left in common, maybe it is time to start a pulling away anyway..
  24. When I had my Psych eval., the doc asked me about our sex life. I simply replied, "what sex life?" With raised eyebrows and shaking his head he replied, "Oh, we are fixing to make your husband a happy, happy man." Well, I am pleased to announce he was 100% RIGHT. Because the drugs I was on completely killed my libido, we had for several years been in what was considered a sexless marriage (once a month or less). Now that I have been able to quit them ALL, we are for sure back in a honeymoon phase (and we have been married for almost 14 years). As a matter of fact (TMI alert!) he is accusing me of trying to collect on his large life insurance policy. I told him it was good for his heart to have a good cardio workout everyday. He has lost 35# himself recently ( I deny being the reason). With my weight loss and his together, there is almost 100# gone between us. The difference is astounding! And I have to admit, it is much better to me now than it was when I was younger too. Now, I am older, more experienced and much less inhibited. He appreciates the differences too. I couldn't be happier...well a boob job might help my feelings, but that is another topic..hehe. My advise is enjoy every aspect of your new life. Take the bull by the horns and ..well you can fill in the rest Have FUUUN!!

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