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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    reallyrosy reacted to ocean_ophelia in 6 Weeks Post-Op And Regretting The Surgery   
    Hi everyone,
    I don't want to be Debbie Downer, but I'm 6 weeks post-op today and feel just horrible, so horrible that I'm having serious regrets about doing this, especially since my BMI was only 31. I've lost 30 pounds, which is great, but I honestly don't even care because I've been plagued by horrendous nausea. I'm nauseous all the time, from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep. I'm nauseous if I don't eat, and then eating soothes it a bit, and then it starts up again after meals. I feel like I did in my first-trimester of pregnancy, except I'm not pregnant and there doesn't seem to be an end in sight. I'm also having diarrhea/loose stools.
    I can't get any Protein in. I've been living on homemade egg drop Soup and saltines. Everything else makes me sick. I now have an aversion to most things I've eaten due to the nausea.
    I saw a doctor. They can't find anything wrong. I don't have gallstones. The sleeve looks fine. I don't have an infection. I'm taking omperazole. I was very nauseous the first three days post-op, but I figured that was due to the anesthesia. The nausea went away but returned with a vengence about three weeks post-op and it's been ongoing for weeks now.
    I can't find any information about this. My surgeon is telling me the sleeve shouldn't be making me nauseous, and it's not a malabsorptive surgery so I shouldn't have diarrhea, but it's clearly the sleeve! I had no issues pre-op with my digestive system!
    Has anyone else experienced this and had it go away? I'm just so depressed. I don't want to live this way. It's debillitating.
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    reallyrosy reacted to thebionicbroad in I Wish Someone Had Told Me....   
    I wish that someone would have let me know just how emotionally challenging rapid weight loss can be. I've been fat for 32 years, and these quick changes are wonderful, but a bit unnerving. Maybe for many of you, this isn't your reality. For me, it has felt a bit like "disappearing."
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    reallyrosy reacted to tattoozombie in Weight Gained Since Having Gastric Sleeve Surgery   
    I have kept my weight the same but i work out daily.. droping from 374lbs to 180lbs in just eight months was alot to adapt to. But when i eat i try to base most of my foods on protien based meals and complex carbs. mon-fri eating ten or so 1lb meals every few hours. weekends i eat whatever i want. at week ten i went to the high protien diet mentioned above from the low carb no sugar diet. Adding complex carbs as well.. That allowed me to build muscle that fixed my loose skin issues and science tells us bigger muscles burn more fat and make your motabolism race. If i dont eat ten meals a day I will loose 3-5lbs in a few days. today I am 230lbs with an almost perfect body looking to gain an inch in my chest to finish the loose skin from the man boobs and im only in 14months now. The key to all this has been diet & not starving yourself. The best advice i can give to people who are battling with hunger is to eat but eat right get some myofusion shake mix online 5lbs 35$ and have one for Breakfast and one at night this will get you started in the am right also great to knock the edge off in the pm before bed. also add liquid vitamins and bam mix it up... This has been my normal daily routine from early on and has become something i look forward to now..I only said myofusion because its what i use and it has the best taste and value but you can really use anything with low carb/sugar im sure and for Multi Vitamins im using megaman gold powder.. hope this helps..
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    reallyrosy reacted to cscake in No Pre Op Diet?   
    Neither my husband nor I had any pre-op diet other than liquids from 10:00 am on the day prior to surgery. I am kind of glad. I am one day away from being off full liquids and I am sick of Soup and Jello, etc. If I had started before surgery it would have been harder for me.
    Every surgeon is different. If he/she had wanted you to change your diet prior to surgery he/she would have told you.
    Good luck.
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    reallyrosy reacted to Dooter in Did You Need An Upper Gi Or And Upper Endoscopy?   
    OOhhhh...that's not cool. What a hack! The endoscopy should have been totally painless. In fact whatever happy drugs they gave me left me feeling quite good!
    An upper GI is not the most fun thing you can do, but really isn't that bad. My surgeon wanted those, but I'd had them done recently enough that he just sent for the reports.
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    reallyrosy reacted to iegal in Did You Need An Upper Gi Or And Upper Endoscopy?   
    Well and upper GI is nothing like getting scoped. But I think you are more annoyed that you have to do both after they told you one or the other.
    I just had an upper GI before surgery so they could see if I had gallstones (which I did) and pictures of stomach and liver, etc. Think that is the most important.
    So, for you - ask your doctor why both when then said just one. Did they find something that requires further tests or should they only have done one. Ask questions. Don't accuse just ask why needed. Good lucka and remember no matter what is to be done and the end of this you will be sleeved.
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    reallyrosy got a reaction from littlebit in Depression After Gastric Sleeve Surgery   
    Shared! And I am now going to see mysurgeon on 1/31 2 mo after 12/5 surgery....I went to museum yesterday and ate at shop there with friend. Forgot my eggs at home so bought wrap tuna. Threw out wrap, ate tuna and salad and sat while friend ate huge salad anddrank etc. But we enjoyed chatting and discussing exhibits and people etc. So no prob first time I took myself out to pasture. Comfort? Still prob but working on it. How? Can't say. Just distracting self when head hunger hits.
    Good luck. I'm 43# down and 100something to go.
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    reallyrosy reacted to CRANBERRY31 in Depression After Gastric Sleeve Surgery   
    I am 8 days post op and definitely going through the mourning process, I was a comfort eater and I do miss that plus I miss the social aspect of hanging out and eating with friends, definitely will have to find healthy ways to fill the void.
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    reallyrosy reacted to Caliblonde in Twonderland!   
    I just found it and posted, hopefully it's helpful to hear from people who started at a really high weight!
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    reallyrosy reacted to dominique in Daily Sleeve Schedule   
    Can I just tell you all how sick I am of focusing on eating all day long!! I wake up and my first thought is “I’ve got to take my meds and supplements”. Then I have a Protein Shake in the car on the way to work. Then I have to wait to drink. Don’t forget to put Fiber in the fluids for an easier bowel movement. Then I drink my fluids, but watch out, I have to stop drinking ½ an hour before my mid-morning snack. And be sure to include Protein with that. Oh, now to wait ½ an hour before I can start my fluids. Oops! Forgot my Calcium. Hurry and take that because you have to take it with food to absorb better. Ok. Now I can drink. Don’t forget fiber. Don’t forget to sip, don’t forget to sip, don’t forget to sip. But be sure to stop ½ hour before lunch. And make sure it includes protein. And don’t forget to take your Vitamins and sublingual B-12. Ok, wait ½ an hour to drink. Ok now drink, but stop ½ an hour before mid-afternoon snack. Don’t forget fiber. Don’t forget to sip, don’t forget to sip, don’t forget to sip. Ok, have a snack. Oh, and don’t forget the calcium. Ok. Now wait ½ an hour to drink. Ok, drink, drink, drink. Have I had 32 ounces? Yes. Good. Ok, now go home. Then spend all night concentrating on food and liquids while trying to take care of the household! And don’t forget the Iron before bed. My entire day is nothing but thinking of eating and drinking! And forget weekends. Weekends don’t have a set schedule. So getting all my fluids, food and supplements accomplished is even worse. I mean seriously, my whole life is scheduled around this. I feel like a junkie or something trying to get my “fixes” all day long. And it’s not like I can just do something else. I’m forced to take care of myself in this manner. Yes, I knew this going in, but reality is different from how you think something will happen. I carry a case of Water and Protein Shakes in my car, and Protein Bars in my purse. You’d think I was preparing for a disaster. I am 5 weeks and 3 days out. Does this ever get better? How do you guys manage your daily schedule?
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    reallyrosy got a reaction from KristinaRN in Our Food Choices, Habits And Our Legacy...   
    I hear ya. I dunno if I can follow what you are advocating because once you come back to real food (after a month or so) the temptations are enormous. I may not have the ghrelin to cause hunger, but I have the impetus to hurry up and eat so I can get to whatever. My life changed big time recently: retired, developed a fib, started working out with prsonal trainer since may. Am now 5 to 6 times bper week and just fired up the old proforma treadmill (10 yrs old and used maybe 5 times!). Yet I was tossing my Cookies before for eating turkey pastrami (low fat) and haven't been able to keep anything down all day since then.
    Its great to have determination and will but we're humans, too, and subject to frailities. I wish I had your confidence but at 66 I've been on almost every wl scheme and even kept off 128# loss over 5 years but still I came for vsg at 308#. And still I remember saying for each time I lost wt and bought new clothes tc: I worked too hard to get where I am. I'll never go back to that. And each time, I did.
    Yep, even vegetarian diets, south b*tch diet, wwatchers, fasting, Soup diet, tops, overeaters anonymous, pills, shakes, you name it. Each was a tool, too. No?
    I hope you retain your determination and will to succeed way past when the surgery will be a vague memory for you. I hope I do, too. I hope we all reach success and stay there. That'd be the 2012 miracle. I'm going to work with a shrink who has strategies for changing the mindset (lifestyle). I hope with that support I can achieve our shared goals. But hope is all we got!
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    reallyrosy got a reaction from sassymama in 3 Months Out--What Life Is Like For Me   
    What sort of carbs do u eat?
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    reallyrosy got a reaction from jenni_867 in New Shrink   
    Say what??? " Some people's opinions are the best?" What on Gd's green earth does this mean? We were having a supportive and intelligent discussion. We weren't having a contest or presenting golden globe awards for the "best" contribution. Why discussions evelove into epithet flinging matches means only one thing to me: members got too much time on their hands.
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    reallyrosy got a reaction from jenni_867 in New Shrink   
    Say what??? " Some people's opinions are the best?" What on Gd's green earth does this mean? We were having a supportive and intelligent discussion. We weren't having a contest or presenting golden globe awards for the "best" contribution. Why discussions evelove into epithet flinging matches means only one thing to me: members got too much time on their hands.
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    reallyrosy got a reaction from jenni_867 in New Shrink   
    Say what??? " Some people's opinions are the best?" What on Gd's green earth does this mean? We were having a supportive and intelligent discussion. We weren't having a contest or presenting golden globe awards for the "best" contribution. Why discussions evelove into epithet flinging matches means only one thing to me: members got too much time on their hands.
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    reallyrosy got a reaction from Dooter in New Shrink   
    A hammer doesn't build a house...I like that!
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    reallyrosy got a reaction from prvtdetdave in Almost 5 Weeks Post-op And I'm Starving!   
    I was sleeved 12/5 and have the same pblm with hunger. Its not acid reflux and if I hear that again, I might scream. I know first hand what relux feels like and this ain't it. I find that I can not eat forever or I have to eat over the top. 2oz is no longer adequate. Period.
    I'm betting my sleeve is an utter failure. I don't think the doc made it tight enough or it already stretched out. All I do know is if I say anything to the (military like0 nurse I will be prosecuted with cries of "You are in noncompliance this early out and that means you won't be successful". So I'm not saying boo. I'm just trying my hardest to control what I eat (and another scream is coming to anyone who says weigh and measure...cuz I have everything I can eat in small dishes or baggies already measured or weighed!) And if I could really control my eating I wouldn't have needed a f&^%(}g operation.
    Oh yes, one more person to say "life style change" ...that rates violent responses.
    I've had it up to here. I think the sleeve is a load of hooey...a definite get rich quick scheme for hospitals and absolute failure for me.
    There. I said it.
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    reallyrosy got a reaction from juli916 in Almost 5 Weeks Post-op And I'm Starving!   
    The only "snack" I'm allowed is sf ice pops. Or broth or Water. My doc is a sadist. Ice pops in winter??? And NO sf Jello is not approved. He also forbid Protein Shakes. No liquids with calories.
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    reallyrosy reacted to Flagstaffian in Almost 5 Weeks Post-op And I'm Starving!   
    I am currently pre-op with the Dept. of Bariatrics at Kaiser Richmond. The bariatrics team there FORBIDS the use of Protein Shakes, before or after surgery. I specifically asked my doctor about the reason for this, and the best thing he could tell me was that 1.) people use them as a "crutch" and 2.) he has seen people gain weight from drinking protein shakes. Neither of these things sound like medical facts, and I SOOO WANT to get some shakes (I like Premier Nutrition's chocolate), but I am trying to commit to following my dr's instructions to the letter. It seems like 99% of doctors recommend the shakes...grrr....but I guess some just don't
    I really don't understand how one woul d get in all their post-op protein without them! I guess I'll find out eventually

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    reallyrosy got a reaction from prvtdetdave in Almost 5 Weeks Post-op And I'm Starving!   
    I was sleeved 12/5 and have the same pblm with hunger. Its not acid reflux and if I hear that again, I might scream. I know first hand what relux feels like and this ain't it. I find that I can not eat forever or I have to eat over the top. 2oz is no longer adequate. Period.
    I'm betting my sleeve is an utter failure. I don't think the doc made it tight enough or it already stretched out. All I do know is if I say anything to the (military like0 nurse I will be prosecuted with cries of "You are in noncompliance this early out and that means you won't be successful". So I'm not saying boo. I'm just trying my hardest to control what I eat (and another scream is coming to anyone who says weigh and measure...cuz I have everything I can eat in small dishes or baggies already measured or weighed!) And if I could really control my eating I wouldn't have needed a f&^%(}g operation.
    Oh yes, one more person to say "life style change" ...that rates violent responses.
    I've had it up to here. I think the sleeve is a load of hooey...a definite get rich quick scheme for hospitals and absolute failure for me.
    There. I said it.
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    reallyrosy reacted to luv-a-bull in Diet Progression   
    Sleeve day: nothing by mouth
    Postop day 1-2: Clear Liquids
    Postop days 3-14: Full liquids with Protein shakes
    Postop days 15-56. (2 months post op): soft foods
    Postop days 2 months and on: regular diet
    I have not had any problems other than lactose intolerance with drinking milk...cheese is fine
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    reallyrosy got a reaction from Sunshine62103 in Almost 5 Weeks Post-op And I'm Starving!   
    Mrs newme and all:
    Heartburn: an actual sensation of burning (painful) in the esophagus sometimes with burping of bad gas. Can sometimes mimic heartattack.
    Hunger: sensation of emptiness in stomach accompanied by salivation (sometimes) a sense of lite headedness sometimes and a desire to eat.
    Where on earth do u see a resemblence between these two body sensations?
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    reallyrosy reacted to Mrs.Newme in Almost 5 Weeks Post-op And I'm Starving!   
    Really Rosy....
    Are you kidding me? Prior to your surgery, did you try medication for weight loss? They feel the same. The only time I have excess salivation is when I want to vomit. They are very similar for many. Heartburn does NOT always include belching or gas. Don't knock what other people percieve as a similar sensation. There is no need for sarcasm on this forum. Obviously other people have had the same sensation. Thanks for your medical knowledge though on the interpretation I have on my own body.
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    reallyrosy reacted to Shea in Really Tired After Exercising   
    Okay guys I'm three weeks out. I've just been doing my elliitcal machine for about 15 to 20 min every morning. I've noticed that I'm extremely tired afterward which lasts all day. I mean I'm just wiped out and I'm back to work. I was wondering if I'm working off too many calories for my body to run. I consume between 600-800 calories, and I burn off about 250 calories with the elliptial which leaves me around 400 calories a day. Unless I drink my calories I cant get any more calories in a day. My carbs are around 30-50 a day. I drink more than 64 ounces a day, I stay thirsty. What could I be doing that's wrong. Also I stall out for about three days, well i did this week and last week. Should I just stop exercising until I can consume more calories, or what else could it be that's leaving me so tired? Do I need to up the carbs with that small amount of time on the elliptical? I havnt noticed a big difference in my weight loss, I worked out every morning and my weight was still stuck for three days, but TOM was here also. But last week I was stalled for three days too with no exercisse, then I lost two pounds in one day. if i'm going to stall anyway regardless of exercices what do I do, is working out making a difference?
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    reallyrosy reacted to ProudGrammy in Swallowing Pills After Surgery   
    hi andrea,
    The one thing that is the same about all of us, is that we're all different.
    In my case i was able to swallow my pills right away. I was a little afraid to drink so much Water since it was only a few hours after surgery, but i managed to get all my meds down.
    good luck to you

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