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Brandi Lewis

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Brandi Lewis

  1. The day before my surgery I had a big break down from nerves and stressing out and being scared.. the day of my surgery I woke up and was happy as could be laughing and giggling with my friends and family who were there with me. :)

    Hey there,

    My surgery is tomorrow so I am right there with you! I am more scared than excited but the support and people's experiences on this website has been a large part of what has convinced me this is a good idea and I won't regret it. I support you and trust you will be glad you did too!

  2. I had my sugery November 2010. I'm down 108 lbs now and my weight loss is slowing way down. I have 58-60 more lbs to go. I find that my hunger is starting to come back, (in my head) boo on that...

    What are some tips you can give me to jump start this weight loss again... I know some things I'm doing wrong are not getting enough fluids each day. Why is it so stinking hard to get all my Water in each day!!! anyone else struggle with this.

    Who else around a year out is having weight loss slowing down? What are you doing to speed it back up?

    Thanks in advance.


  3. So excited for you!!!! You will love your sleeve!!!! I love mine, my life has changed so much. First week was a bit tough for me. I am a sissy and had never had any kind of surgery before... Best thing I have ever done for myself was having this surgery!!!! Good Luck and God Bless. Today is a beginning of your new life!!!!

    Surgery today at 1230. On the way to the hospital now. I am soooooo excited!

  4. This looks yummy i'll have to try it!

    I made this recipe tonight for crustless, low carb quiche. I used mushrooms and onions instead of ham and broccoli and it was GREAT:



    • 1 cup (not packed), non fat cottage cheese
      2 cups egg substitute, liquid (Egg Beaters, or whites)
      1/2 cup broccoli, cooked, chopped (or whatever you like)
      1/2 cup ham, extra lean, (5% fat), diced (or whatever you like)
      1/2 cup Cheddar or Colby cheese, Low Fat, shredded
      Salt & Pepper, to taste
      Cooking Spray


    Preheat oven to 375.

    Mix all ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Pour into a pie dish sprayed with Pam or other cooking spray. Place on cookie sheet in oven. Bake approximately 45 minutes or until center is just set.

    Makes 6 servings.


    Substitute different meats, cheese, and veggies such as:

    turkey bacon, sausage

    reduced fat swiss, mozzarella, or feta

    spinach, peppers, onions, asparagus

    This recipe makes 6 traditional servings. 126.4 calories, 19g of Protein, 2.2g of carbohydrates per serving.

  5. Yay that is so awesome for you. I can't wait to get there. I'm still in 16, but that is a long ways away fromt he 28 i was in. :) This sleve was the best thing I have ever done in my life!!!! :)

    Out of the Plus sizes.... Yahooooo!!!! I went to buy an outfit for Saturday's party and went in to my usual store Debs plus sizes . I picked up a size smaller which is size 16 too big I went and got size 14 still to big. I ask the sales person if there was something smaller in the plus sizes and she said " the other side of the store" regular sizes. I decieded to try a 13 thinking " they're not gonna fit" I'm going to have to buy the big jeans. GUESS what? ........

    THey fit.!!! I am so happy I haven't been in the regular sizes in years. Im still amazed and soooo happyyyyy!!! I am so happy with this accomplishment...

  6. Ok it's been two days and wow it's not as easy as everyone said!"" gas sucks just farted for the first time and boy did that feel good! Can't get my blood pressure down.

    I had my surgery November 17th, and I agree. It was a lot worse than I ever expected. I had so much pain for a little over a week. I feel great now, all except I have NO energy what so ever, just a simple shower and get ready weears me out. I here this happens, and hopefully soon I will get some energy back. Good Luck...

  7. I had my surgery Wed, Nov 17th... I'm on liquids for 2 weeks. I am having a hard time with cold stuff, warm fluids go down easier for me. I've had a lot more pain than I expected. I thought I was going to go back to work tomorrow, Monday, however I am not! Sure hurts to sit, stand, get in the car, drive, lay in bed, get out of bed. Have not had any nausea except for in the hospital with the good drugs... I want to know when this dang gas and bloating will go away... Oh gosh my stomach is sticking out so much more now than it did when I had surgery on Wednesday, they said i would weigh more leaving than I would when I checked in.. This will all be worth it in then end!!!! :) Good luck to us all!!!

  8. I had my surgery Wed, Nov 17th... I'm on liquids for 2 weeks. I am having a hard time with cold stuff, warm fluids go down easier for me. I've had a lot more pain than I expected. I thought I was going to go back to work tomorrow, Monday, however I am not! Sure hurts to sit, stand, get in the car, drive, lay in bed, get out of bed, i must be a weeine!!!! I want to know when this dang gas and bloating will go away... Oh gosh my stomach is sticking out so much more now than it did when I had surgery on Wednesday, they said i would weigh more leaving than I would when I checked in.. This will all be worth it in then end!!!! :) Good luck to us all!!!

  9. Oh boy… I have been at this since March 2010. I had to lose 31 lbs to have the surgery; I go to Weight Wise Barratries in Edmond Oklahoma. My Surgeon is Dr. Gregory Walton. I absolutely had the best care ever with all of the staff at WW. It took me almost 8 months to get my 31 lbs off to go to pre op. I finally got there... I was so nervous the day before surgery, I have never had an IV, or been put to sleep, or had surgery since I was 3 years old and well that was too long ago to remember. This was a lot more pain than I expected. So many people say it does not hurt just a little discomfort. Well, I must be a woos, because I have been in horrible pain all over my stomach, 6 incisions and each one of them hurt. I was hoping to go back to work on Monday, but it turns out I think not!!!! Surgery was Wednesday; I spent one night in the hospital and was so happy to do that, because I had great pain meds. Now I’m just on liquid loritab which makes me nauseous and just take a little bit of the edge off of the pain. I am much better today than I was yesterday! I am so very excited about this process and can’t wait to start dropping pounds. I’m on liquids for 2 weeks then get to move into soft Proteins. I don’t feel hungry at all in my body; however my head would like some junk foods… I have to be so careful; I keep taking bigger drinks that I should. Everything I drink, I can feel it, and it hurts my tiny little stomach…

  10. My sister had bad problems with her piriformis lately. She is a Massage Therapist and has been doing some stretches each day and it is helping her a ton. As long as she stretches this muscle each day it is not giving her so much pain. Try some of these stretches...

    A condition called "piriformis syndrome," which causes pain deep in the hip and buttock, is believed to be caused when the piriformis muscle compresses the sciatic nerve. Stretching and strengthening a tight or weak piriformis muscle has been found to reduce or alleviate this pain in some athletes.

    How to Stretch the Piriformis Muscle

    Simple Piriformis Muscle Stretch Options

    • Sitting Cross-Legged. One of the easiest ways to keep your hips open and stretch your piriformis muscle is by sitting cross-legged on the floor for several minutes a day.
    • Piriformis Chair Stretch. Another easy way to stretch out the piriformis, especially if you have a desk job, is to cross one leg over the other with your ankle resting on the knee of the opposite leg. Gently press down on the inside of the knee and slowly lean forward until you feel a mild stretch in the hips.
    • Lying Piriformis Stretch. A more intense stretch can be performed while laying on your back on the floor. Cross the right leg over the left, with the right ankle resting on the left knee. Slowly lift the left foot off the floor and toward you while you apply gentle pressure to the inside of the right knee. Hold 20 to 30 seconds, and repeat on the other side.

    Advanced Piriformis Stretch - Pigeon Pose

    This stretch, pictured above, is a more advanced piriformis and hip stretch, in which you use your whole body weight to stretch the piriformis, the IT band and other hip rotators. Use caution as you get in to and out of this pose.

    • Start in a push-up position on your hand and toes.
    • Slide your right knee forward toward your right hand. Angle your knee, so the outer ankle is touching the floor (see picture).
    • Slide your left leg back as far as comfortable.
    • Keep your hips square to the floor.
    • You should feel a deep stretch in your right glutes (buttock), hip and the outer thigh.
    • You can either stay up on your hands or fold forward and let your forearms rest on the floor in front of you or fully extend your arm in front of you.
    • Breathe slowly and deeply from your belly. Hold the stretch 30 seconds to 60 seconds and release. Repeat on the other leg.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
