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LAP-BAND Patients
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About bandedhealthyme

  • Rank
  • Birthday December 7

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
    <a href="http://www.TickerFactory.com/weight-loss/w9piMk9/">

About Me

  • Biography
    woman, wife, mother, friend, human being: alive and breathing!!
  • Gender
  • Interests
    reading, gardening, watching tv/movies, spending time with my friends and my family
  • Occupation
    I would love to be a homemaker 100% of my time, but because it help us in our pockets, I enjoy working. I have a BSIE, MBA.
  • City
    Ready to go to Onederland
  • State
My Story:  I've always been overweight since I was a child, but mostly a little chubby now that I look back to it.  Everything under control, or so I thought.  During my adult years I tried different diets: Doctors Diet, Atkins, Jenny Craig.... all of them worked very well.  I mean, I lost the weight, to a certain point, but then, as the months went by, I slowly gained it all back, every time.
After i had my second son, life presented a big twist.  My precious boy was diagnosed with autism.  My family moved to find better services for him and I started coping any way I found how.  Again, I tried to keep my "chubby" self in control.  This time I did LA Diet and again it worked for a little while.... I started gaining more and more weight exponentianilly.  I didn't even recognized myself.  I hit the 200 and kept on going.  I felt sick, everything hurt, started taking blood pressure medication, my triglecerydes levels were dangerously high.  My morale was on its all time low.  Then, I did NutriSystem.  Again, it worked.  I lost over 50 pounds and felt wonderful.  But... you know it.... slowly and surely I gained them all back....
I tried again, this time going to what I always have considered the dangerous world of diet pills.  I didn't do too much of that, but this time nothing worked.  NutriSystem, Atkins, Let's Do Lunch (this one is a nice diet, which I still plan to incorporate in my new healthy self - it's not too well known, but I really think is healthy, you need to check it out!).  I also exercised and went to the gym.  I loved the way I felt when going to the gym.... however, my weight was still going up. 
So then, I did what I never thought in my whole life I would do: consider having sugery.  Seriously,  I never ever thought I would consider this. I kind of thought of it as in the same category as plastic surgeries or ehnancements, and I never thought of myself as someone who would risk undergoing surgery to look better. 
How wrong I was!  Bariatric surgery, at least the way I see it, comes out of medical necessity.  This is not a way to look fabulous, this is my way to become healthy!!!  So, when the feelings of defeat come over me (how did I come to this?) I say to myself: thank goodness there is a tool to help me become healthy!
So, I had my surgery only one week ago: 07/12/11 and I'm so excited to see the future in front of me!!! Yeah!!!!!

Height: 5 feet 4 inches
Starting Weight: 224 lbs
Weight on Day of Surgery:
Current Weight: 214 lbs
Goal Weight: 135 lbs
Weight Lost: 10 lbs
BMI: 36.7
Surgery: LAP-BAND
Surgery Status: Post Surgery
First Dr. Visit: 05/31/2011
Surgery Date: 07/12/2011
Hospital Stay: Outpatient
Surgery Funding: Insurance
Insurance Outcome: 1st Letter Approval
bandedhealthyme's Bariatric Surgeon
Waco, Texas

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
