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Everything posted by Geeewhy

  1. Geeewhy

    Are There Any Single Sleevers Out There..

    I wouldn't think there need to be a set amount of time... just let it happen organically. I personally don't bring it up, but if I'm asked why I don't eat much I will tell them. Over the last few months that's only happened once.
  2. Geeewhy

    Are There Any Single Sleevers Out There..

    Add me to the single list. 43 in Jacksonville, Fl, sleeved September 2011. I've also lost a whole person... a good sized whole person . I have to say my options in the dating world have expanded exponentially since I was sleeved... and that's a good thing
  3. Geeewhy

    9-20-2011 sleeve date

    Happy belated 7 months, 9/20'ers!
  4. Nice work! I eat on a schedule as well... I have to or I'd never eat, since I no longer get hungry. I have a question though... my nut said the body cannot process more than 30g of protein at one time, and the extra is just disposed of by the body. She told me to spread the protein around so that you get a protein throughout the say, so I eat 5 small meals per day, and usually end up with 80-90g of protein on the day. Is my nut wrong about the protein?
  5. Wow! It's hard to tell the photos are of the same person! You look great, and more importantly you look happy.
  6. Geeewhy

    9-20-2011 sleeve date

    Hey Panda! I'm shocked at how well it's gone, and I can't believe I only have 69 lbs to go. You're right with me though, only 81 for you! Amazing how quickly this 6 months has gone by. Hope you all are doing well... keep at it and we'll all be there in no time... like Ter pretty much already is, haha.
  7. Geeewhy


    I waited for 3 months and have had no issue. I probably drink once per week now. It doesn't seem to have slowed my weight loss down at all.
  8. Geeewhy

    9-20-2011 sleeve date

    Hey Ter! Glad to hear you're doing well. I'm still doing at least 1 protein shake a day as well, and still can't eat much volume as far as chicken. I do ok with Steak. Sorry to hear about your hair... thankfully I haven't had to deal with that. Of course, I wasn't blessed with flowing locks in the first place, hahaha. Keep at it!
  9. Geeewhy

    1St "cheat"

    My Nut told me to eat 5 small meals per day, rather than only 3, for precisely the reason of keeping my blood sugar up. It's worked great for me.
  10. Geeewhy

    Another New Guy...

    Congrats for taking the step dude... I can tell you it's been all I hoped it would be and more.
  11. Geeewhy

    Morning Wood

    Just a word of warning... it can be a painful thing if you're used to being able to roll over in your bed with no issue during the night. Learned that the hard way.
  12. Geeewhy

    Alcohol Post Op

    Hahahaha... FINALLY. Yet another way the sleeve is paying for itself
  13. Geeewhy

    Alcohol Post Op

    I'm a drinker, and I waited ~ 3 months. When I say drinker, I mean a couple times a month, not alcoholic-type. I have drank whiskey, white russians (getting the protein in with the milk, you know), vodka... etc. Never been a beer drinker, and I wouldn't be surprised if I never drank another beer. Be aware, your tolerence is waaaaaay down. I used to be able to drink about as much as I wanted and still be completely functional. No more! a couple drinks and I'm feeling it.
  14. I'm over 5 months out and have experienced no hair loss. In fact, my hair seems to be growing more and faster than before.
  15. Geeewhy

    Where Are All The Guys At?!?!?!?!?

    No fair sucking up!!
  16. Geeewhy

    Where Are All The Guys At?!?!?!?!?

    Not TMI at all. You're right where I was 5 months ago. Now I can walk and and walk. No doubt in my mind you can get there if you put the work in and follow the program.
  17. Geeewhy

    9-20-2011 sleeve date

    Happy 5 month (and 1 day) surgiversary. Hope y'all are feeling as good as I am
  18. Geeewhy

    Sex?!?!?!?! Omg Someone Help Me?!

    Yeah, exercise works till you walk into the gym and see yoga pants to the left of you and yoga pants to the right of you... hard to concentrate on your fitness. Pun fully intended :blush2:
  19. Geeewhy

    Where Are All The Guys At?!?!?!?!?

    Here! What can I help you with? :seeya:
  20. Geeewhy

    9-20-2011 sleeve date

    That's great Panda! Sounds like you're shrinking right on down! Great feeling, isn't it?
  21. 127 lbs since December?!??! Holy Cow! I'm guessing that should be December 2010? I was sleeved September 2011 and have lost 110 lbs since.
  22. Geeewhy

    9-20-2011 sleeve date

    Well she IS alive! Great to hear from you! Congrats on doing so well... I know you were a little frustrated early, but it looks like you came on great!
  23. Geeewhy

    4.5 Months Out From Surgery

    Thanks man! And yeah, we're both kicking butt and in that <100 to go range. What a great ride it's been so far!
  24. Geeewhy

    4.5 Months Out From Surgery

    I'm with you N2B8R. I'm shocked at how fast the weight has come off, and the differences I can see and feel in myself. Someone made the comment to me "You're almost like a new Greg" to which I replied, "No, I'm getting back to the real Greg. I've just been buried for a while". Feels so good, and I too am very grateful for this site. The support for everyone is amazing here.
  25. I had my surgery at St. Luke Hospital, and as they are trying to start a bariatric practice to help replace Novus, I have access to their staff. The nutritionist from Novus is with them now and she's great. I was thoroughly pleased with my experience with the Jacksonville Running Store. I went through the fitting process and I am also "neutral", and bought a nice pair of running shoes. But I don think they are almost exclusively running, so maybe not the best place to check for cross-training shoes.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
