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Chris S. - L.I.

LAP-BAND Patients
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About Chris S. - L.I.

  • Rank
    Aspiring Evangelist
  • Birthday 11/05/1951

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  • Website URL

About Me

  • Biography
    53 yr. old female, married with one 21 yr. old daughter who both support me in my choice to have this surgery
  • Interests
    stained glass, fused glass, computer stuff
  • Occupation
    real estate owner
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  1. Happy 61st Birthday Chris S. - L.I.!

  2. 8 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 8th Anniversary Chris S. - L.I.!

  3. Chris S. - L.I.

    Plantar facsiitis anyone?

    I had it years ago and the thing that helped was the Ultrasound.
  4. Chris S. - L.I.

    body wrap as alt to surgery

    Mike, Where is NY did you get this done? Chris S.
  5. Chris S. - L.I.

    Letter to all....from LOTSOFKIDS

    Diane, This is great news! I remember reading your story and praying for you. It almost seems like more then one person could possibly go through. So glad it turned out well in the end. You are blessed! Chris S.
  6. Call the office on Monday and see what they say about the ulcers.
  7. Chris S. - L.I.

    Dr. Kazmarski

    Where does he do surgery out of and is he with any other docs? How many Bands has he done? I'm a regular on a few Band sites and I have not heard of him, in fact I belong to LIBanders on Yahoo and I don't know anyone who has had surgery with him. How did you find him?
  8. Chris S. - L.I.

    Anyone downstate? L.I.?

    I was banded by Dr. Alan Geiss at Syosset Hospital. He is exclusive to Lap Band as far as Bariatric surgeries go (I think he's done over 1,500 at this point) so I don't think you will find and other support better then his and Dr. Powers.
  9. Chris S. - L.I.

    Anyone downstate? L.I.?

    Hi, Can you post a little more about Dr. David Mayer? I've never heard of him and I am involved in a few Lap Band Groups. How many bands has he done? He does his surgeries in Syosset but he's out of Huntington? I'm surprised because I thought my doctor, Dr. Geiss and his partner Dr. Powers were the only ones doing Lap Bands in Syosset Hospital. Thanks Chris
  10. If you don't want to take your scale to the doc just weigh yourself right before you go to the doc so you will be in the same clothes and then you will know the exact difference between the 2 scales.
  11. Chris S. - L.I.

    Dr. George Fielding - Dr. fielding, NYU

    He wasn't my surgeon but I hear he's one of the best in fact he has the Lap Band himself and I believe he has done thousand's and is one of the pioneers in banding. What did you think of him?
  12. Chris S. - L.I.

    band removal

    WHy don't you just get some fill or all of your fill taken out and then see how you feel?
  13. Chris S. - L.I.

    Saddam's Execution...

    No....us Bush-ites are glad that this man who tortured and killed so many of his own people is dead.
  14. Chris S. - L.I.

    George Bush: Worst American president in history

    Betsy Jane, I am curious if you know if she is a Democrat or a Republican. Chris PS I am so sick of this thread.
  15. Chris S. - L.I.

    I need ur advice please

    Rubyjade, "I have been banded almost 3 years and have been drinking with my meals to try and eat more food for at least 2 of those years. My esophagus problems were caused partially by this and partially by a too tight band. " What type problems do you have? I have been banded since 9/2003 and I can eat alot more then I used tobe able to. I also drink when I eat mostly when I go out to dinner. Chris

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