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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lash44

  1. Received great news today, my six month blood work came back excellent. Diabetes, gout, high cholesterol, blood pressure and prostate problems are gone or within normal limits. All these ailments I was taking meds for on a daily basis, some two and three times a day. 85 lbs. down in six months. It seems the body weight is leveling off at 190. For the last few weeks, I been floating between 190 and 195. I am a approaching 60 years old this fall, and this is the greatest gift I can get. One friend (who had the bypass in 2001) mentioned I added ten to fifteen years to my life. So happy, I am shedding a few tears (in high spirits). Can't wait until the wife get home to share the news with her. I guess we will Celebrate, pray first then rejoice. Continued thanks, Lash
  2. lash44


    Received great news today, my six month blood work came back excellent. Diabetes, gout, high cholesterol, blood pressure and prostate problems are gone or within normal limits. All these ailments I was taking meds for on a daily basis, some two and three times a day. 85 lbs. down in six months. It seems the body weight is leveling off at 190. For the last few weeks, I been floating between 190 and 195. I am a approaching 60 years old this fall, and this is the greatest gift I can get. One friend (who had the bypass in 2001) mentioned I added ten to fifteen years to my life. So happy, I am shedding a few tears (in high spirits). Can't wait until the wife get home to share the news with her. I guess we will celebrate, pray first then rejoice. Continued thanks, Lash
  3. yeah you look great, keep it up.
  4. lash44

    Sleever's Rendezvous...?

    Most places are cool with me. Floria Keys would me my first vote, Las Vegas is number two, and New Orleans is running third. This is a wild idea - A CRUISE (just a thought). lash44
  5. Is anyone familiar with Bluebonnets products. I have been using their Whey Protein Isolate and like it. They make a lot of stuff, a bit expensive stuff.
  6. As of today, I have gone from a size 52 waist to a size 38 since January of this year (approaching 80 lbs. lost). I now can get back in clothes that fit me in late 80’s (post disco stuff). Well instead of going out buy new expensive clothes I started dressing in the old 1980’s and 1990’s apparels. Hey, they fit; I am saving money, feeling good, what else is there to worry about – right. Wrong, my 20 year old son mentioned to me, a young lady asked him had I been away to prison because my style of clothes looks like I just got out of jail and have not kept up the latest fashions. That kind of burned my grits, not being a slave to new styles and wanting to save a few bucks in these rough times caused me rethink my logic toward new clothing. New jeans, cool shirts, and of course nice foot ware, why not get a few custom made shirts for a tailored suit for Father’s Day. Life changing moments is what's all about with us sleever’s. May all of our problems be so good? Also, I am not an ex-convict (smile). Take care.
  7. lash44

    Life changing moments

    Thanks 80 fashions is cool, some stuff I like but others needs to be replace. You are correct, I should treat myself to new clothes. I have a new look, a new body and a new attitude. Thanks
  8. lash44

    Life changing moments

    Thanks everyone for the nice replies. lash44
  9. Preliminary goal has been met. My pre-op weight was 275lbs in January. I am currently 195 pounds , the goal was 200lbs. Doctor wants me at 175, but I am comfortable in the 190’s. The new slimmer me has give me a new attitude. Overall, the surgery has been an overwhelming success.
  10. lash44

    Initial goal met!

    Most things are going very well. Still problems adjusting to some foods. Still have to learn not eat so fast, difficult habit to break. Buying new clothes is cool. Still learning new things, that's what make life exciting. Lash
  11. In late January I was 275 lbs. with an inch waist and all the issues with being overweight; items like diabetes, elevated blood pressure, high cholesterol, sleep disorder, gout, and headaches. I am now 204 lbs, with a 40 inch waste with none of illness I had before. My goal target weight 200 lbs. - which is 71 lost and 4 to go. Some people don't know its me. I feel just great, enjoying shopping for new clothes, dancing, and working out with my 20 year old son. Meeting new people, socializing and I will be starting a new business. To all who are considering sleeve surgery, please go for it. Do your home work, follow the plan. Have faith and it will happen. Lash
  12. Is there such a thing as loosing too much weight too fast. Sometimes I think, I am. Not complaining, just wondering. One time it was 5 lbs. in a week. Lash
  13. I attended two family funerals this weekend, one Friday and the other was Saturday. I don’t know how people in the rest of the country handle the passing away of love ones and friends. But in some parts of the south, there is something called the repast. This is where family and friends meet after the service. And there is food, lots of food, either it’s catered by professionals or each family member will bring or donate some type of food. Good ole fashion comfort food. Food items such as mac & cheese, dressing, turkey, chicken, Soups, sauces, ribs, potato salad, rice, cakes, candies and pies were just to name a few kinds of food which was in front of me to consume or refused. It’s no wonder how I gained so much consuming all this of good and fattening food. Thank goodness for the sleeve, I was only able take down a few ounces of food, the only thing in the south at family gatherings, Aunt Mae’s (we all have one) only know how fix up one type of plate. Hugh piles of food on the plate. No matter how little I ask her to prepare, she always stack it and pack it on. Asking for Greek yogurt and cottage cheese at one these events would be pure crazy. Other family members are looking at me as push away from the 2500 calorie plate and wondering how I loss so much weigh so fast. Some asked my wife had I been ill or sick, others wanted to know if I joined a gym and a cousin inquired was I on drugs (crack). Some knew about surgery, but most did not. All in all, it was an interesting set of events in the life of a successful sleeve patient. Lash
  14. Yes food also with my family is almost a religious thing. I can recall, the regular Sunday meal consisting of a some sort of meet, (roast, turkey, fried chicken, pork, or lamp) smothered in gravy, mac and cheese, potato salad, rice, stuff bell peppers, mash potatoes, bread pudding, cakes, pies, and sweet tea. I figured this was normal until I realized this was a fast track to a early health problems. Lash
  15. I am happy to share of the lost of 55 pounds, started at 275 in late January - as of today I am at 220 lbs. My goal is 200 but the charts and doctors says should be at 180. Maybe I get down to 190 and see how I feel. But today I am very happy. Have a nice weekend everyone, Lash
  16. lash44

    Loosing too fast?

    mbridgeman27, I started out at 275 in mid Jan. I am now at 218. Diet consist mostly Protein, eggs, lots of fish, skinless chicken, some carbs such as small amounts of grits, rice, and Pasta. Bananas and strawberry Protein shakes or smoothies for Breakfast a few times a week. (Bluebonnet Isolate whey Protein) exercise about 5 days a week (all aerobic, no weight training). Strawberry lemonade (crystal lite lemonade flavor mix, fresh strawberries, few packs of equal, 2 qt. Water & blend). Lash
  17. lash44

    Loosing too fast?

    Tiff, Thanks so much, as always good advice.
  18. lash44

    Loosing too fast?

    Thanks, I don't know about Keaton, but you look good. Lash
  19. lash44

    Bluebonnet Products

    Lanette, Thanks
  20. lash44

    Bluebonnet Products

    Lanette, Thanks
  21. lash44

    How do you tell when you're full?

    DisneyMOM, Real easy stuff, this is a trial and error system. Because it take a little time for the brain to know when it had enough stuff in your new stomach - please try this. At you first meal, eat about 2 to 3 ounces, wait a bit and see how you feel, at the next meal try a bit more, like 4 to 5 ounces, again wait awhile and sense how you feel. Repeat until you are comfortable, NOT stuffy full. This is only sure way, feeling full is individualistic thing, what works for other folks may not be your cup of tea. Remember the two keys to this is measurements and time (remember like in high school science class). Take care and be well, Lash
  22. Follow the plan, you will not fail. Everything has rules, and so does this surgery. Again if you follow the rules. You will not fail. Lash
  23. lash44

    The Century Club

    Cool. great, excellent, magnificent, and success. Lash

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
