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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lash44

  1. Jan 18th made one year of my life changing event. I want to thank all who help and supported me. My wife, children, and the members of VST all played an important part in my weight reduction. I am looking forward to the next year challenges. Again thanks Lash
  2. lash44

    Normal BMI and Doctor's goal!

    Very happy for you.
  3. lash44

    101 Pounds Down

    Welcome to the century club. Lash
  4. Meg, We know too well, how food play such an important part of in people lives. More in the New Orleans area than any other part of the country. Food in the Big Easy is easily a way for life for most. No matter how we look at it, its one the best places to eat and maybe one of the worst. I recalled Sunday after church meal were green salad, potato salad, mash potatoes, gumbo, greens, stuff peppers, rice, gravy, fried chicken, roast beef, macaroni and cheese, peach cobbler, and of course sweet sweet tea. What's ironic, diabetes and obesity ran rapid is my family. But we continued to enjoy the food. It's a cycle even at today's standards is difficult to break. But that's life in the Big Easy. Lash
  5. A few days ago I visited my old home town in southern Louisiana near New Orleans were in some areas being overweight with a beer belly is worn like a badge of honor. A few old friends were there and some new folks who I did not know. One friend stated I was poor looking since I lost 100 plus pounds. What was interesting was all but one of the gentlemen had some type of illness brought on by being overweight, and one had Parkinson's (person said I was poor looking). All had high blood pressure, most suffered from elevated cholesterol, others had gout, two had prostate cancer, and few were taking medication for diabetes. After good-naturedly listening to each tell about their illness and the associated complaints. I put in plain words how I had all the sickness in which they were talking about, and continued enlighten the good ole boys that this 60 year old have the energy of a twenty year old and only taking multi-vitamins; and all my illnesses went away with weight lost. In departing the area, I mentioned if they wanted more info how to feel better and possible extend their life to contact me. But for some strange and sad reason I feel I won’t hear from them. This was one fascinating experience. Lash
  6. I have been out of circulation for a while. Out traveling on business for 30 days or so. Did not weight myself while I was on the road. Now that I am back home. Yep, it's official, lost 100 pounds since January. It's very difficult to stick to meal plan while in cheap hotels and rental cars. To be honest, I did not. McDonald's fries and New York style pizzas (two of the things that made me overweight). Yet most of the time, it was Soups and salads. It's a personal accomplishment I would like to share and thank everyone; my wife, family, friends, and you. The readers of VST, thanks for the advice and support in aiding me in reaching this most important milestone. There was a time (30 years being overweight) I only dreamed about being at this point. To the folks that achieved this major goal and to the individuals who are working to get there. Keep up the good fight. Keep sharing. Keep encouraging. And most of all, keep the faith. Once again, thanks. Lash
  7. lash44

    Eating Out - Embarrasing???

    Tera, Get use to it and learn to ignore the ignorant. They are ignorant to your situation. They are not aware of the life saving decision for a healthier lifestyle. It's not you, it's them. Don't let others dictate your mode and your attitude. You are out to enjoy and Celebrate your meal. I once ordered a child's plate in a fancy restaurant, you should have seen the looks, stares and whispers. In leaving, I explained to the waitress about the surgery and suggested to request her on my next visit and she would talk to the chef about preparing smaller potions at a reduce price. Other times my wife and I will splint the the meal. Most restaurant's want your business. In today's economy, a little business is better than no business. Some patients have cards printed to issue to servers stating about their surgery. Please enjoy your new life, and don't let others make you feel bad. Take Care, Lash
  8. lash44


    Perfect example, good things happened when you do something good. Very happy for you. Lash
  9. lash44

    Sea food

    CT before surgery I could eat whole fried seafood platter which contains fish, oysters, shrimps, stuff crabs, stuff shrimps, hush puppies, and fries. Now fried food is a no no. But like you, I still love seafood. Remember only eat what your new stomach can tolerate, lobster, all types of fish, shrimp, crabs, seafood bisque. Try some good ole seafood gumbo, it has a mixture seafood like crabs, shrimp, okra, and other stuff. Some folks have it with rice, but that's a personal thing. Fish taco I hear is good, but never tried it. Grilled seafood, I like grilled catfish, trout or red fish. Lastly please try this one. Boiled shrimp New Orleans style, with corn on the cob, and potatoes. Hit me up and I will send you recipe. Lash
  10. I am 8 months out and doing great, 85 lbs down and off all meds. Had problems taking the BIG Multivitamins pills. Diffidently did not like the gummies. Tried liquid Centrum, and that was good and very affordable. Now I can't find it any more at the local Walmart. I prefer liquids over the pills. I am now taking ReViva High Potency Multivitamin Complete Nutrition Tropical Burst Liquid. It taste good and seem to working for me. Is anyone familiar with ReViva Liquid Multivitamins. Continued Thanks, Lash
  11. lash44

    New Grill

    I received a (Gig Green Egg) ceramic kamado style grill for fathers day. It's a grill, smoker, and outdoor oven in one. I am looking for some cooking ideas. meats, marinades, rubs, sauces, seafood, and veggies for us sleevers. Continued thanks. Lash
  12. I've notice I get very cold post op. Is it because I don't have the extra tissue as insulation keeping me warm. A few examples are in the super market and movie theaters I have to bring a light jacket. At night I must move the thermostat up a few degrees and/or use a blanket. Never had this happened before WLS. Any one else share this situation. Lash
  13. When four year old grand daughter asked you. What happened to your pregnant belly?
  14. This concern is common with folks that has undergone WLS. The body is magnificent machine. It will tell you when its stop losing weight. The most IMPORTANT thing is for you to stay on target. Stick to your diet plan and exercise. There is a new you, a fresh body, with a pristine attitude. It going to take effort in order for you to succeed in your long term goal. Please don't not fall back into yesterday's pitfalls. Take care & be well, Lash
  15. Guys, you will like this one. When you are in the bathroom and you look down and see your long lost member. (no pun on long).
  16. When you are in a restaurant with friends, family or coworkers as everyone orders full course meals. You get a stare and gaze (very strange look and a silent pause) from your party including the waitress or waiter for ordering a small cup of Soup or a kids meal.
  17. when your shoe laces are not knotted (tied) on the side
  18. when your shoe laces are not knotted (tied) on the side
  19. When your old clothes fit you like MC Hammer's balloon paints.
  20. He is calling other family members. Don't know about friends.
  21. Someone posted about losing friends for having successful sleeve surgery. Here's my experience. A lifelong friend came to Houston to have prostate cancer surgery. He did not mentioned the date and time of the surgery. Worried and concerned family and friends contacted me to check on him. He is overweight, and need to lose 100 pounds as part of his treatment. In visiting him, I explained the details of the sleeve but never suggested he have one (his wife asked). After he was discharged from the hospital and returned home (all cancer removed). I called him several times to check on his condition. Don't know if is his mental outlook about the cancer or my successful weight loss. But he is not returning my calls. I just put it to a friend lost. Lash
  22. lash44

    "Starving" to death

    Starvation mode is a defense the body recognizing something is wrong, its not getting enough fuel to operate normally. The body can not stay in starvation mode for an unlimited time. food is fuel the human body requires to survive. The body needs fuel to produce energy, the cells needs nourishment which come from the food. Without proper nourishment the the cells shut down. When the cells shuts down, life is terminated. Consider this, a plane needs fuel to fly. When the plane starts running low on fuel it begins misfires for a short period of time (the time is called a window); if fuel is not replaced or replenished within a that time period (the window closes) the plane crash. Lash
  23. lash44

    How do you see the world?

    Now that you have accomplished your weight loss goals and maintaining your new body mass. What's your feeling about folks who are obese or overweight. What goes through your mind when you see a 350 pound lady in the super marker line, or you notice a nice young man that happens to be a double plus size standing at the bus stop. Do you see the world differently now that you don't have to shop at Lane Bryant or The XL Shop for Men. What going on between your ears? Should you advise others who are morbidly obese to the avenues of successful weight management. Or should you preserve your personal privacy and keep your individual achievements only to your immediate environment. You have succeeded in the area where others have failed. Let's face it - there is a new part of you with a different mindset. What you do with it and how you handle it is entirely and utterly up to you. How do you see the world? Lash

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