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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sherrylynn

  1. I am in need of some advise and tips from all you successful people out there in band land. I was banded 6 weeks ago, for the most part doing ok. I go for my first fill on the 15th. I am hungry all the time and can eat pretty much as normal befor banding. Will the first fil curb this hunger? It is a hourly struggle not to nibble. I have lost 20lbs since banding and about 15 befor so about 35 in total, if i don't get this nibbling and grazing under control I will gain some back. Any tips you can share wouold be greatly appriciated. Thankyou everyone Sherrylynn
  2. sherrylynn

    Argon & successful bandsters

    would love to view your work gaffer
  3. sherrylynn

    Argon & successful bandsters

    No Gaffer I am not even considering it. I just mentioned it because I have never heard of the 2 combined befor, I have never tried diet pills, and have no plans to believe me. Sherrylynn
  4. sherrylynn

    Argon & successful bandsters

    Thankyou everyone for the advise, It is a struggle right now but I am coping. On another topic, I spoke to a lady who was recently banded and is also taking weight loss pills as well, have any of you ever heard of combining the two? In all my reading I've not heard of it until now.
  5. sherrylynn

    Argon & successful bandsters

    Hi Gaffer, I have not gotten a fill yet my first fill is on the 15th. you are doing fantastic. good job. I am amazed.
  6. sherrylynn

    what did U eat on UR post-op diet!

    Hi Kimberly, I'm 5 weeks post-op, the post op diet my doctor gave me for 4 weeks and them slowly I went back on regular foods, about 1200 calories a day, after day 2 I began having clear broths, cream soups, fat free sugar free jello, I found the Campbell's Gardene soups very good, carnation instant breakfast and protein drinks as well, after 2 weeks I was allowed to add cottage cheese, yogourt, fruit smoothies(Which I found great). It is very limiting i know especially when you start to feel yourself again. Good Luck
  7. sherrylynn

    Just wondering about fills

    Thankyou very much ladies that is good to know, being on the luquid diet and puree's i thought it would fall off so fast. Now I am feeling better about it. thankyou again. Mandi I am amazed at what you have accomplished, YOU ROCK girl. Sherrylynn
  8. Ok folks here is my question and situation, I was banded 4 weeks ago, I am having my first fill on November 15th. My weight loss has been slow, a lot slower than I ecpected, I followed the post op diet for 4 weeks and now i am slowing returning to eating regular foods , staying on basically 1200 calorie diet. I did lose about 15 lbs befor surgery and about 10 lbs since. I really expected to lose more in the first 4 weeks and most to that was in the 2 weeks after my banding, the scale has barely moved in 2 weeks and I am getting discouraged. So i guess my question to you pro's is, is this normal? i am assuming a fill will make a differance? Thankyou, Sherrylynn
  9. sherrylynn

    Just wondering about fills

    Hi Cindy, I was banded in Moncton New Brunswick, my doctor is a little backed up with fills, I am hoping to have a second fill 3-4 weeks after the first, the problem is he is to busy unfortunatly. he is the only doctor in the Maritime provinces that does WLS. So basically he is covering 4 provinces. but I knew that going into this journey, I am trying to be patient but I feel like time is being wasted . I will keep plugging of course.
  10. sherrylynn

    Staying OverNight at TLBC!!!

    Hi Kim, just reading your thread, I was banded on September 21st in Moncton New Brunswick, I didn't stay the nite but I think I should have, just as a precaution. if you do have to stay don't sweat it , it is a good thing. Best of luck. I can't wait to hear how you get along. Sherrylynn
  11. yesterday the gas pain came back with avengence....i've been walking 3 times a day...taking gas-x.....rolling my shoulders and lifting my arms above my head......when i try and stand it feels like my ribs are cracking....its seems to have settled under my left rib cage.....i've been moving around ....doing some small household chores...vaccuming and dishes...the moving doesnt seem to help it.....does anyone know of anything else i can do.....can my family doctor give me something ? please if anyone can help...i soooo need it...sherrylynn
  12. sherrylynn

    unbearable gas pain...what else can I do?

    Hi flower faery, I sympathize with you big time, I have what sounds like the exact same pain,I think it is trapped gas as well, mine started on Wednesday ,5 days after surgery, If it does not ease up, if i were you iI would go to an emergency dept and cry enough that they will do something about it, apparently there are was it can be released at the hospital(without going into detail). Mine has eased up to the point that I can stand and move around now , where for 2 solid days it felt as though my rib were cracking every time i moved. Let me know how you make out.
  13. sherrylynn

    unbearable gas pain...what else can I do?

    Hi Bernie, the gas has eased off but iI still have a pain under my left rib cage ,it hurts when i take a breath, but I am hopeful it will be gone soon. I am now down about 13lbs and very pleased, I just can't wait to feel myself again,hopefully within a few days.You are doing great, good luck with the lower back pain. Sherry
  14. sherrylynn

    unbearable gas pain...what else can I do?

    i hear you bubble belly, i dont know how much more i can take of this.....the problem is my gas is not coming up or out so to speak......i have pain with every breath i take....you are throwing up? oh my god thats awful....I to at the moment am wishing i didnt do this...i know that will pass once the gas pain is gone but man this is the worst pain I have ever had in my life.....only good thing is I am down about 12lbs....
  15. sherrylynn

    unbearable gas pain...what else can I do?

    6 days today Bernie, had my first cup of peppermint tea and now sipping on a second....so far not relief....but I am hopeful.....hope you are pain free soon
  16. sherrylynn

    unbearable gas pain...what else can I do?

    sipping peppermint tea now...hope it works..... thanks all...time will tell
  17. sherrylynn

    unbearable gas pain...what else can I do?

    thankyou bernie...i will see if i can find some...thanks
  18. I was banded on friday, I have pain in the front of my chest between my breasts, at first i thought it was related to the gas pain but the gas has subsided not gone but a lot better. i also thought it was happening just after i would sip my water, but no it happens any given time. This is very scary . Can anyone shed some light as to what is going on. Thankyou, Sherry
  19. sherrylynn

    New Band..chest Pain..help

    Thanks everyone for the nice replies, Dr.Sylvain Beausoliel in Moncton did my surgery. I did phone the clinic as a precaution,the nurse thinks it is related to the gas,it is better today but not gone, I am finding myself getting a little hungury. I have lost *lbs sine surgery on Friday so of course I am thrilled, now I just need to figure out the little ticker thingy. Thanks again all, Sherrylynn
  20. sherrylynn

    New Band..chest Pain..help

    Sorry Mandi I didn't answer your question, no I did not have a hernia repair, I wanted him to do it at the same time but he said he could not,i didn't push it.
  21. sherrylynn

    New Band..chest Pain..help

    Thankyou Mandi and everyone, I will call the clinic tomorrow, as that is the next time they will be there.it is slightly better, scary all the same. thankyou again, Sherry
  22. sherrylynn

    My time has come

    On Friday I will be banded in Moncton New Brunswick, its been a long time coming but my real journey will finally begin, I'm sure I will have a lot of questions once i get back home. leaving tomorrow and spending the nite in MOncton and surgery first thing Friday morning. talk to you all soon. Sherry
  23. sherrylynn

    Luke Luke come over to the band side!!

    Congrats, I will be banded friday Sept 21st, i can't wait until it is done and over. very nervous for sure.
  24. sherrylynn

    Its A Done Deal

    Patricia my surgery is Sept 21st....I'm still trying to accept the whole thing
  25. sherrylynn

    Its A Done Deal

    Hi Patricia, I have a general idea that it will be left of my belly button, not sure of how close tho. When did you have your surgery and what city? Glad to hear your getting aling so good.

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