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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sherrylynn

  1. sherrylynn

    Nova Scotia

    Annie55, to my knowledge Msi only pays for the procedure they do not cover the band yet. New Brunswick does now but I have not heard that the NS government has gotten on board yet. I was banded 1 year ago , I am a Nova Scotian and I paid for the band myself. Now, with that said unless something has happened very recently, I would love to know about it. Sherrylynn
  2. sherrylynn

    Almost 7 months out...no weight loss

    Sounds like you were not ready mentally to be banded. My question is, are you not affraid of something getting stuck? That scares the hell out of me because the last thing I want is a defill or the risk of slipage. keep talking to the successful banders, they are a wealth of info. I also suggest stay away from friends and family who like to eat out a lot. this 9is not easy for any of us. but please remember the band does work if you get to know it and use it properly. Best wishes , sherry
  3. sherrylynn

    Nova Scotia

    Folks New Brunswick health care now pays for the band ...yes I said the band. That is right from Dr Beausoliel himself. At my last appointment he told methis. Now this is only as of the first of April that the government in NB has inplimented this. Dr. B to my knowledge is still the only surgeon doing WLS in the MAritime provinces. Peace out....Sherry
  4. Hello everyone, I had my first fill yesterday, 4cc's in a 10cc band. It went very well, I did not mind it at all. So now I am on liquids for 48 hours and then puree for another 48 hours. When I drink I can feel it sitting there and after a few seconds it goes down. It does not hurt it is just a weird uncomfortable feeling. I now have this fear when I begin solids again I may choak or something. Is it normal for the fluid to sit for a few seconds befor it goes down? If so will that go away after a few days? I can't imagine what I will feel like on solids again. Thanks , Sherrylynn
  5. sherrylynn

    Income tax return

    I just had my taxes done. I am shocked at the return I am getting. Any of you who are able to claim your band and medical expenses will be very pleased. I certinally am. Sherrylynn
  6. sherrylynn

    Income tax return

    Just sent you a PM Rose.
  7. sherrylynn

    Income tax return

    I am a proud Canadian Doddie. Best of luck with your return.
  8. sherrylynn

    Nova Scotia fill nurse

    Does anyone have any info on the fill nurse in NOva Scotia, I believe she is in New Glasgow or Pictou maybe? Argon, anyone? help, the hospital I have mine done at is doing renovations and said I may not be able to get one possibly until the end of MAy? I destaratly need one now.Thanks Sherry
  9. I agree, her doctor is not informed. When I first approached my doctor she knew nothing and was against it but I insisted on a referl, since then I have educated her and she is thrilled with my progress to date, 60lb loss since banding Sept 21st 2007. good luck Juney, you will not be sorry if you follow proper procedures set by your surgeon.
  10. sherrylynn


    Hi want, I am from Nova Scotia and banded in Moncton New Brunswick. I am not sure how much research you have done yet on clinic's and such. What I can tell you Self pay in Canada for the most part is around $16000.00. Nova Scotia health care paid for the procedure for me but they do not pay for the Band itself, and that cost $4500.00 Hope this helps.
  11. sherrylynn

    Claming the band

    Hello everyone, I am wondering if anyone out there had any advise for claiming the band on income tax returns. Any advise would be helpful, Thanks a bunch. Sherrylynn
  12. Hi there, yes I was banded in sept 2007, immediatly after surgery I went from 5 pills per day down to 2 a day and my doctor believes as my weight continues to go down I should be off all diabetic medication eventually. Sherry
  13. Hello everyone , I had my second fill 3 weeks ago, I am up to 6cc's in a 10cc band. I followed instructions as usual . this week I am still having some difficulty eating, nothing major, just some pain while I am waiting for the food to pass through the band. Is it normal for this to be still happening, most mornings I cannot eat anything, not even oatmeal. It is something I can deffinatly put up with but would rather not if I didn't have to, I guess I am wondering if it is just taking a little longer for things to settle down in there after this fill. My first fill I had 4cc's put in and after 2 weeks I could eat anything I wanted, but I do not want that either, I simply want to be able to eat the required amounts I am suppose to. Thanks everyone. P.S.I am down 48 lbs total. Surgery was Sept 21st. The 48 includes 12lbs I lost befor WLS. Sherrylynn
  14. sherrylynn

    2nd fill 3 weeks ago...need advise

    <p><p>Hello Gaffer, it is not just in the mornings, it is anytime, but not all the time if that makes sense . Sometimes supper is easier and sometimes I can't eat at all. I am hoping fluids for a few days will settle this down, I'm crossing my fingers as i do not want a defill at all, but if i have to than so be it. One thing I am surprised at is the fact that food is just not enjoyable anymore. Of course I have my cravings ,especially anything sweet. </p> <p>Hello again Doddie, thankyou for the good wishes, and good luck to you as well. i still have 100 lbs to lose but I feel I can finally do it now. </p> <p>Sherrylynn</p></p>
  15. sherrylynn

    2nd fill 3 weeks ago...need advise

    thankyou everyone, I contacted my doctor's office today , and like I thought I'm back on fluids for a few days, for now to see what happens. I am in no hurry to have a defill. yes Doddie i do have the rest of my life, but i feel I have wasted to much time already being overweight, I am 46 and Iwish I could have had WLS sooner. I am now down 52 lbs and I feel great. And when I lose and don't expect to it gives me even more motivation. because I had a fill just befor Xmas I managed to lose 10lbs over the holidays. Thankyou for all the advise and help, I will keep you posted, Sherrylynn
  16. lizzie, there is a fill nurse in Nova Scotia, I think she is in Pictou, check with Mandy,AKA Argon, she uses that fill nurse, good luck.
  17. sherrylynn

    Argon's Activities

    Mandi, that is awesome, congrats to you , are you planning a celebration when you reach goal? Sherry
  18. sherrylynn

    First fill,what's normal?

    Nume130, I am trying to avoid having defill, I think I need to consentrate more on my chewing and my bite sizes. Still trying to learn how to use the band properly. this is such a learning experience. you never know what to expect.I will keep pluggging along.
  19. sherrylynn

    So, what's wrong with me???

    Dodie, thankyou, that is what I thought. I will be very careful.
  20. sherrylynn

    So, what's wrong with me???

    Hi folks, being a new bander I am not familar with the terms, What is PBing? I just had a fil 6 days ago,after I was on liquids for 48 hours and mushies for 48 more, I started back on solids yesterday, not going as well as I expected. Sometimes it hurts just drinking water, not all the time mind you, sometimes it hurts eating, Maybe i to am not chewing enough and not waiting long enough between bites. It is weird the thing you think that would go down easy don't for instance oatmeal, had a hell of a time with it. Today I had a few low fat crackers and cheese at lunch and that went down just fine. tonite I had a bowl of soup and at one point it hurt a lot , a bit came back up then there was some pain and then i could feel it going down. this is going to take some getting use to.
  21. sherrylynn

    MIDBand fill amount

    Very interesting thread. i just had my first fill on Thursday, 4cc's in a 10 cc band , although my doctor told me my band can actually hold up to 12cc's. Doddie are there signs to watch for for leakage?
  22. sherrylynn

    First fill,what's normal?

    Mandi, there were also 2 others present, 2 women i'm not sure if they are technicians nurses or other, Someone told me Dr. B's wife is one of them but I can't comfirm that.
  23. sherrylynn

    First fill,what's normal?

    Hey there Mandi, you got it right yes the radiologist injects the saline while Dr. B watches it on X-ray. I was so nervous but there was nothing to it.
  24. sherrylynn

    First fill,what's normal?

    thankyou glad to hear what i'm experiencing is normal. I had my banding done in Moncton New brunswick.
  25. sherrylynn

    Help! I have brutal acid reflux

    OH god, I so feel for you, being a new bander I can't advise you. I hope someone comes to your rescue soon.

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