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Amanda Mae

LAP-BAND Patients
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  1. Like
    Amanda Mae got a reaction from NWgirl in Bandfriendlyrecipes.com   
    Not sure if anyone else has posted this site or come across but somene shared it on a different online support group and I thought it was great so i wanted to share it with everyone here!!
  2. Like
    Amanda Mae got a reaction from NWgirl in Bandfriendlyrecipes.com   
    Not sure if anyone else has posted this site or come across but somene shared it on a different online support group and I thought it was great so i wanted to share it with everyone here!!
  3. Like
    Amanda Mae got a reaction from NWgirl in Bandfriendlyrecipes.com   
    Not sure if anyone else has posted this site or come across but somene shared it on a different online support group and I thought it was great so i wanted to share it with everyone here!!
  4. Like
    Amanda Mae got a reaction from NWgirl in Bandfriendlyrecipes.com   
    Not sure if anyone else has posted this site or come across but somene shared it on a different online support group and I thought it was great so i wanted to share it with everyone here!!
  5. Like
    Amanda Mae got a reaction from NWgirl in Bandfriendlyrecipes.com   
    Not sure if anyone else has posted this site or come across but somene shared it on a different online support group and I thought it was great so i wanted to share it with everyone here!!
  6. Like
    Amanda Mae got a reaction from NWgirl in Bandfriendlyrecipes.com   
    Not sure if anyone else has posted this site or come across but somene shared it on a different online support group and I thought it was great so i wanted to share it with everyone here!!
  7. Like
    Amanda Mae got a reaction from Angelizz10 in Wilmington, Nc   
    I am considering moving to Wilmington, NC - I haven't had a chance to talk to my normal fill doctor yet. does anyone live in that area? If so, how far do you have to travel for an adjustment?
    thanks in advance for your input!
  8. Like
    Amanda Mae got a reaction from NWgirl in Bandfriendlyrecipes.com   
    Not sure if anyone else has posted this site or come across but somene shared it on a different online support group and I thought it was great so i wanted to share it with everyone here!!
  9. Like
    Amanda Mae got a reaction from NWgirl in Bandfriendlyrecipes.com   
    Not sure if anyone else has posted this site or come across but somene shared it on a different online support group and I thought it was great so i wanted to share it with everyone here!!
  10. Like
    Amanda Mae got a reaction from NWgirl in Bandfriendlyrecipes.com   
    Not sure if anyone else has posted this site or come across but somene shared it on a different online support group and I thought it was great so i wanted to share it with everyone here!!
  11. Like
    Amanda Mae got a reaction from Teresa555 in Help!!! Finally Starting Solid Foods....   
    I almost forgot .... check out this website - the idea of cooking your meals in a cupcake tin is brilliant!! it definitely helps with portion control!
    the recipe forum on here also has a lot of great info!
  12. Like
    Amanda Mae got a reaction from NWgirl in Bandfriendlyrecipes.com   
    Not sure if anyone else has posted this site or come across but somene shared it on a different online support group and I thought it was great so i wanted to share it with everyone here!!
  13. Like
    Amanda Mae got a reaction from PattyGirl66 in Multi Vitamin   
    I found a powered Multi-Vitamin at GNC that has 10G of Protein in it - I use it as one Protein Shake a day and get all of my Vitamins - they had chocolate and vanilla - I found a few containers that were set to expire in 6 months and they start marking them down.
  14. Like
    Amanda Mae got a reaction from Imanurse in Protein Shakes   
    One of my favorite's was a "snicker" shake - put a little bit of sugar free butterscotch pudding and some Peanut Butter into a chocolate Protein Shake .. yummy!!
  15. Like
    Amanda Mae got a reaction from NWgirl in Bandfriendlyrecipes.com   
    Not sure if anyone else has posted this site or come across but somene shared it on a different online support group and I thought it was great so i wanted to share it with everyone here!!
  16. Like
    Amanda Mae got a reaction from Kiskis in Finally Hit Normal Bmi 24.9!   
  17. Like
    Amanda Mae got a reaction from NWgirl in Lessons Learned ... 1 Year Post-Op   
    The last two weeks have been particulary difficult and have really given me an opportunity to reflect on the last year of having the band. I wanted to take the opportunity to get my thoughts down in writing but also share my experience. I'm not a fan of long posts - for those of you who read this thank you and your feedback is welcome - for those of you who don't - I don't blame you!
    I was banded on April 11, 2011. For the first six months things were great!! I was losing weight steadly, getting my fills every 6 -8 weeks and was rolling right along. In October 2011, I had to have my gallbladder out - again no major problems. From there things seemed to start getting problematic. In early November, my band was too tight and I had some Fluid removed; December held the same results - more fluid removed. It seemed like I was going to the doctor every two weeks to get more fluid removed and was continually getting sick - i wasn't getting any answers on why the band kept getting too tight. I would expalin that I was coughing at night until I would get sick - even throwing up brownish liquid at points. Hindsight is always 20/20 but the doctor had the nerve to suggest that maybe I had an upper respiratory infection. I had upper GIs done to check for slipping and it didn't appear that was the problem. Mid-February 2012 I went in for my regular check up and had gained some weight so the doctor decided to do a fill - he put in 3cc in one visit!!!!! I immediately went back as soon as they opened the next day but my regular doctor was in surgery all day - one of his associates tried to remove fluid but after 6 - 7 attempts with no lidocain to numb my stomach I had to ask him to stop. I went to the emergency room and met up with my surgeon in between his surgeries and he removed more fluid - this was a Wednesday. By the weekend, I was throwing up blood and horribly sick - I felt like I had been hit by a mack truck. There are two offices in our area that do bariatric surgeries so i called a completely different group of doctors. I explained the situation i was in and they asked me to come immediately to their office - this was early March.
    My band was completely emptied in March and I started over with the new doctor. We went with an empty band for a few weeks to let my body settle down. Then we slowly started adding .5cc at a time every two weeks. The new doctor numbers your belly before he does a fill - that is nice!!! He was also insistent that I drink a Protein Shake everyday - the first doctor said NO Protein shakes - there are too many calories in them. The same problems started again - anything more than 1.5 cc in the band and I was getting sick. So ... last week I had another upper GI - the new doctor explained he was going out of town for a couple of days but that on Monday, April 30th to come to his office to review the results. Sunday, April 29th I get a call at 9:30 in the morning from the doctor - I couldn't believe a doctor took the time to call me at home on a Sunday. He was concerned because he was reviewing my upper GI and my band had slipped. I told him not much had changed from the previous week - I was keeping down fluids but that was about it.
    Well... This past Tuesday, May 1st - I had my first band removed and a new band placed. I also found out that during the first surgery I had a hernia repaired and was never even told!!! I am on the liquid post-op diet right now, I get to start purees tomorrow, and after my follow up on Monday we'll see how I can progress onto mushies.
    I have reached out to several different support groups on here and Facebook over the last week trying to decide if I should get another band, give up on weight loss surgery, or change to gastric bypass. I have met some amazingly supportive people and I have met some exteremly negative ones as well. The one thing that it definitely forced me to do was look in the mirror and be honest with myself and the question was - did I do everything right, follow the rules, could I have done something different to prevent the slip?
    So what did I learn in really being honest with myself?

    I rushed myself off of the post-op diet last year which made it more difficult for me when my band was tight
    I wasn't always honest with the doctor on how often i was getting sick because I didn't want him to take fluid out
    I was using the band as a starvation diet not as a tool to help me eat healthier
    I have to have a doctor I can be open with and trust

    What I am doing to differently this time?

    I am following the post-op diet exactly as the doctor laid it out - NO CHEATING!!!

    My doctor and I are going to have a very open and trusting relationship - he needs to know everything that's gonig on
    Eating the right foods is key to success - weight loss is never going to be easy for me- it never has been - the band is to help me - it's not a cure all

    I am going to participate in the support groups at the doctor's office and build a support network - I don't have to do this on my own

    Well - if you took the time to read this - thank you - writing it alone has been very therapeutic for me.
  18. Like
    Amanda Mae got a reaction from NWgirl in Bandfriendlyrecipes.com   
    Not sure if anyone else has posted this site or come across but somene shared it on a different online support group and I thought it was great so i wanted to share it with everyone here!!
  19. Like
    Amanda Mae got a reaction from NWgirl in Bandfriendlyrecipes.com   
    Not sure if anyone else has posted this site or come across but somene shared it on a different online support group and I thought it was great so i wanted to share it with everyone here!!
  20. Like
    Amanda Mae got a reaction from NWgirl in Lessons Learned ... 1 Year Post-Op   
    The last two weeks have been particulary difficult and have really given me an opportunity to reflect on the last year of having the band. I wanted to take the opportunity to get my thoughts down in writing but also share my experience. I'm not a fan of long posts - for those of you who read this thank you and your feedback is welcome - for those of you who don't - I don't blame you!
    I was banded on April 11, 2011. For the first six months things were great!! I was losing weight steadly, getting my fills every 6 -8 weeks and was rolling right along. In October 2011, I had to have my gallbladder out - again no major problems. From there things seemed to start getting problematic. In early November, my band was too tight and I had some Fluid removed; December held the same results - more fluid removed. It seemed like I was going to the doctor every two weeks to get more fluid removed and was continually getting sick - i wasn't getting any answers on why the band kept getting too tight. I would expalin that I was coughing at night until I would get sick - even throwing up brownish liquid at points. Hindsight is always 20/20 but the doctor had the nerve to suggest that maybe I had an upper respiratory infection. I had upper GIs done to check for slipping and it didn't appear that was the problem. Mid-February 2012 I went in for my regular check up and had gained some weight so the doctor decided to do a fill - he put in 3cc in one visit!!!!! I immediately went back as soon as they opened the next day but my regular doctor was in surgery all day - one of his associates tried to remove fluid but after 6 - 7 attempts with no lidocain to numb my stomach I had to ask him to stop. I went to the emergency room and met up with my surgeon in between his surgeries and he removed more fluid - this was a Wednesday. By the weekend, I was throwing up blood and horribly sick - I felt like I had been hit by a mack truck. There are two offices in our area that do bariatric surgeries so i called a completely different group of doctors. I explained the situation i was in and they asked me to come immediately to their office - this was early March.
    My band was completely emptied in March and I started over with the new doctor. We went with an empty band for a few weeks to let my body settle down. Then we slowly started adding .5cc at a time every two weeks. The new doctor numbers your belly before he does a fill - that is nice!!! He was also insistent that I drink a Protein Shake everyday - the first doctor said NO Protein shakes - there are too many calories in them. The same problems started again - anything more than 1.5 cc in the band and I was getting sick. So ... last week I had another upper GI - the new doctor explained he was going out of town for a couple of days but that on Monday, April 30th to come to his office to review the results. Sunday, April 29th I get a call at 9:30 in the morning from the doctor - I couldn't believe a doctor took the time to call me at home on a Sunday. He was concerned because he was reviewing my upper GI and my band had slipped. I told him not much had changed from the previous week - I was keeping down fluids but that was about it.
    Well... This past Tuesday, May 1st - I had my first band removed and a new band placed. I also found out that during the first surgery I had a hernia repaired and was never even told!!! I am on the liquid post-op diet right now, I get to start purees tomorrow, and after my follow up on Monday we'll see how I can progress onto mushies.
    I have reached out to several different support groups on here and Facebook over the last week trying to decide if I should get another band, give up on weight loss surgery, or change to gastric bypass. I have met some amazingly supportive people and I have met some exteremly negative ones as well. The one thing that it definitely forced me to do was look in the mirror and be honest with myself and the question was - did I do everything right, follow the rules, could I have done something different to prevent the slip?
    So what did I learn in really being honest with myself?

    I rushed myself off of the post-op diet last year which made it more difficult for me when my band was tight
    I wasn't always honest with the doctor on how often i was getting sick because I didn't want him to take fluid out
    I was using the band as a starvation diet not as a tool to help me eat healthier
    I have to have a doctor I can be open with and trust

    What I am doing to differently this time?

    I am following the post-op diet exactly as the doctor laid it out - NO CHEATING!!!

    My doctor and I are going to have a very open and trusting relationship - he needs to know everything that's gonig on
    Eating the right foods is key to success - weight loss is never going to be easy for me- it never has been - the band is to help me - it's not a cure all

    I am going to participate in the support groups at the doctor's office and build a support network - I don't have to do this on my own

    Well - if you took the time to read this - thank you - writing it alone has been very therapeutic for me.
  21. Like
    Amanda Mae got a reaction from NWgirl in Bandfriendlyrecipes.com   
    Not sure if anyone else has posted this site or come across but somene shared it on a different online support group and I thought it was great so i wanted to share it with everyone here!!
  22. Like
    Amanda Mae got a reaction from anewme0912 in Hi! New Here And I Have A Question.   
    I think most insurance companies require the six month program. I had to do it, so did my step-dad and my sister. I think its pretty standard. The doctor's are pretty good at making sure things get approved and that you are qualified before they put you through the six months.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
