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anne francisco

LAP-BAND Patients
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About anne francisco

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 01/04/1950
  1. Happy 63rd Birthday anne francisco!

  2. Happy 62nd Birthday anne francisco!

  3. anne francisco

    Where are all the Michigan people at??

    :clap2: Hi all, went to TJ Mexico and had my surgery April 9th by Dr Ortiz wonderful... Have read a few post that he might have taught the surgeons in Port Huron? If any one knows this to be a fact please let me know.They are going to do my fills after I get my first one here.
  4. anne francisco

    Obama...first african american...would you vote for him?????

    :fencing: Condoleeza Rice........ First black women president.... what do you think?
  5. anne francisco

    Obama...first african american...would you vote for him?????

    Take a trip to the south, I lived there for 10 years 30 miles from where the KKK started and never once seen a statue of the Grand wizard or the wizard of Oz or any other wizard! At the Saturn plant in Tennessee where my husband worked a man was fired just for wearing a hat with the Confederate flag on it. Also benefits were available to same sex couples but not a man and woman living together......... So please state the facts....
  6. Hillary....heck no! She is to wishy washy, just like her husband depends on the way the political wind is plowing is how she votes.... no more bombing bandage factory's and playing with cigars......
  7. anne francisco

    Obama...first african american...would you vote for him?????

    Sure, I would vote for him don't care if he's green if he has the same political view as I do. :clap2:
  8. anne francisco

    So what do you think about the surge?

    dirty old man you need a real life and get over President Bush was voted in twice!!!!!!!! by the way we haven't been attacked sense 9/11 and attacked is the key word here....over 2000 people was killed by those poor people with no technology and manpower !!!!!! My husband was in Vietnam and is 100% disabled and he says the reason we lost is because we left without winning the war !!!!! I would rather fight them over there then here in our own backyard like Israel!!!!!!! So what exactly have you given for all your freedoms besides a lot of hot air........
  9. anne francisco

    Where are all the Michigan people at??

    Hi,Am sitting in San Diego as I speak....was going to have my surgery next sunday...my son-in-law said why don't to call your insurance for the heck of it and see if they would pay...well low and behold they will!!!! So here I am trying to deside if I should go ahead and have it done in mexico or wait untill I go back to michigan? How long does it take to go throw Dr Deol for start to finish
  10. anne francisco

    So what do you think about the surge?

    your not a tired old man your a dirty old man
  11. anne francisco

    So what do you think about the surge?

    Lots of Bush haters.........
  12. anne francisco

    Where are all the Michigan people at??

    hi, called my insurance co. and they said they would pay for a lap band but with a 12 months diet program,can u get around that?

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