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Duodenal Switch Patients
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Everything posted by MINI-Me

  1. MINI-Me

    My "biggest" NSV Yet

    Thanks everyone ... I am so happy and excited. I'm downright giddy. People at work are teasing me since all I do is smile these days.
  2. MINI-Me

    Was not going to post

    I always say "The Sleeve Saved My Life", but for you, it was a double blessing. Yes, I said blessing. I've spent a lot of my life being negative and realize that it's silly. Stage 1 - you are going to beat this & we are all here for you. Thanks for sharing and please keep us posted!
  3. MINI-Me

    Is It True???

    I guess I'm bit of a rebel ... I didn't focus on low carb and started drinking some soda again around 3 months. I've been at goal since November 2010 and regularly drink soda now. (Pepsi Max is my friend in the morning since I cannot stand coffee, but need my caffeine fix!) I honestly think the sleeve and eating plans are as different as the individuals who have them. It works for me, but not for others. I definitely agree that a healing tummy should not have the acid and carbonation - dangerous and painful. But, it's been good for me. It's like my "treat". Funny though ... soda does not really fill me up, but a beer - goodness! One of those and I'm not hungry for a long time. Maybe I should have more beer in my diet? Just kidding!!!!
  4. Thanks for the tip ... I wish it was something like that, but I don't have the syptoms. (My husband has sleep apnea) ... I just want them to end!!!!!
  5. I think my doctor is going to nominate me for Medical Freak of the decade. I have been suffering from horrible night sweats for about 9 months now ... but they really started about a year ago. I'm talking about saturating my night gown and sheets several nights a week. Other nights, it may be mild or not at all. So far, we've ruled out Menapause and perimenapause with estrogen level testing (twice!) Medication interactions Hyperthyroidism Infection HIV Hodgkin's Disease Leukemia Sometimes when I wake up, I have that shaky feeling like you get when you haven't eaten in a while along with that sweat that just pours out from no where. Does anyone relate? I'm starting to wonder if I may have hypogylcemia only at night. Sounds like it is uncommon, but it does exist. When I eat some Protein (especially cheese) at night, it seems like the sweats are better. Not every time, but many times. Just a hunch right now. I have another follow-up appoint on Tuesday to discuss next steps since the Hodgkin's and Leukemia tests came back negative (NEVER SO GLAD TO GET NEWS AS I WAS ON THOSE - I was really scared!) And let me tell you ... drinking 60 oz of barium smoothie in 2 hours with a tiny tummy is no small feat!!!! Well ... just wanted to throw it out there to see if anyone else had this issue. If so, it would really be helpful to hear so I can talk to my doctor more about my "theory". Thanks for your help!
  6. MINI-Me

    Body Temperature

    I have another post out here. I am cold during the day (loss of insulation???) ... But having terrible night sweats. Blood tests show estrogen levels are great so not peri- or menopause. Still running tests to figure it out.
  7. Wow, wow, wow! I agree with Coops. The arms are super!!!! (along with everything else)
  8. Thanks everyone. We just ran a bunch more tests ... Waiting for the results. I am interested in the cool pj's. What are they?
  9. Congratulations! I am north of you & work at Mountlake Terrace. I know you are nervous. It's very natural, but you will do fine. I've heard good things about the care at Evergreen Hospital. Get ready to start your new healthier life!
  10. Wonderful news! Now on to your new life!!!!!!
  11. MINI-Me

    It's me !!

    I think you are doing great ... I was told most people can expect to lose 10 pounds a month at first and then gradually go down from there. You are bucking the trend at 32 in 2 months. Nice job!!!!
  12. MINI-Me

    14 months out -

    NTVTXN - You are absolutely fine. Please don't worry. Just keep eating the right things (90% of the time) and you will be able to maintain. Where I can falter is popcorn, chips, and alcohol. They go down so easily - especially when combined. If you kept eating the little amount you did a few months ago, you would continue to lose. From what you've said before, you are really happy with your body now. Your sleeve has matured, but it's still your tool. You can do this! PM me if you need any encouragement at any time.
  13. You got it! Legally, she cannot push, but that does not stop some people. (I like to think it's just a natural reaction of concern.) If pushed, just say it is for a medical procedure - that you are ok, but need to have it done. That usually quiets people down. Let us know how it goes.
  14. MINI-Me

    2 years post-op

    So good to hear from you again. You look so happy and beautiful. Congratulations on your new family!!!
  15. If it's cheating to finally win the battle over obesity, then tattoo it on my forehead. This is still work, but I can finally maintain - what a gift!!!!
  16. Sorry - it simply won't work. Here are my stats though ... Pre-op - 8 Month 1 - 18 Month 2 - 11 Month 3 - 10 Month 4 - 8.6 Month 5 - 7 Month 6 - 5 Month 7 - 4 Month 8 - 2.8 Month 9 - 4.4 Month 10 - 6.2 Month 11 - 1.4 I little spikes up and down, but on a monthly basis that's what I lost. At first in maintenance, I was a 3-pound shift throughout the month. I'm finding it is more like 5 now. I hate it when the scale bumps to 130!!!!!! But, I have to remind myself it's waterweight or some weird thing like the planets aligning - it's not about me & fat. It's a hard self-talk, but I'm getting better. Of course, anything over 130.0 (like 130.1, I got into full panic mode! )
  17. MINI-Me

    Surgery Complete!

    Congratulations ... each day will get better and better!
  18. Definitely talk with the surgeon before making any decisions. Many surgeons are concerned with GERD increasing after sleeve surgery, but it seems (at least from this board) that people have actually had GERD improve. Get the facts and make a decision. If you don't feel comfortable with the surgeon's thoughts, definitely seek another opinion. If the second opinion gives the same referral, it may be time to discuss the by-pass. If the surgeon has a lot of experience with by-pass and you need to have that WLS, then discuss your concerns and long-term effects. Maybe he can help settle your mind. Best of luck and keep us informed!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. This has been my experience (18 months) Sorry - graph is not attaching right.
  20. Congrats on your sleeve!!!
  21. MINI-Me

    my surgery's tomarrow!!

    Best of luck to you. Keep us posted!
  22. MINI-Me


    Congratulations on your surgery and awesome progress! Welcome to the land of the "posters".
  23. That my boobs stick out further than my stomach. That hour glass shape is here!!!
  24. sleeve 4 me - I can understand your fears. At about one year out, you are completely healed, and you have met goal. Maintenance is the part that we have all failed in the past - why will this be any different??? A couple of reasons WE WILL SUCCEED!: We have a wonderful tool called the Sleeve. We have this forum ... did you ever stick with a support group for a year before? See #1 See #2 Repeat as necessary. You've seen my struggle with going up and down a bit the last few months. I haven't really noticed any difference in my eating, but when I add it up, I'm between 1500-2000 calories a day. That worked for the first part of maintenance, but I think the honeymoon is over. If I choose to be a lazy butt & not exercise, I need to be at 1570 calories or less a day or risk gain. BUT, I have a tool that helps me be satisfied and not hungry at those calorie levels. Protein fills me up & stays with me. Pre-surgery, 1500 calories just wouldn't have done it. So, I am refusing to call this a diet. I do have to watch what I eat - for the rest of my life. But, I'm not dieting - I'm eating healthy and enjoying the occaisional treat - just like all "normal" people (especially those of us over 40) have to do. We are in this together. Please PM me if I can provide any help or just a shoulder to cry on. I'm there for you my friend!

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