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Duodenal Switch Patients
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Everything posted by MINI-Me

  1. For me, it was a sexy black dress. Also - I know you said it didn't count ... but I wanted to wear a bathing suit in public and not feel self-conscious. Well, I got to do that last May in Mexico. It was WONDERFUL!
  2. Coops - I have missed you! I know I can win it. Just hate that I let myself do this, but I what is done is done. I'm going to start knitting again so that my hands are too busy to eat. So, if I'm not holding the baby, I'll be holding my knitting needles.
  3. Besides walk, walk, walk, also try a heating pad for the shoulder pain. It helped me tremendously!
  4. Good for you for recognizing an issue and tackling it. For me, food has always been a part of after dinner activies such as watching tv, playing games, etc. I have to be very careful about my choices - I usually do cheese and maybe a glass of wine. That doesn't seem to sabotage my weight & keeps me satisfied.
  5. oh! I definitely know what to do - it's just doing it. Back on track this morning & my day is already loaded into Myfitnesspal.com.
  6. Thanks everyone. Good wake-up call for me. Has been so easy up til now - kickin my butt to the curb! ;0
  7. I have been attending this group for several months & have found it to be a great group. :thumbup1: If you live in the Puget Sound area of Washington, we'd love for you to come join us. (Our regular facilitator is on vacation this week, so I am leading the group. Normally, our conversations go off in many different tangents, but our main topic will be surviving the 4th of July BBQ's and making healthy choices.) YOU ARE INVITED! Monthly Support Group for patients interested in a positive, safe environment to discuss issues, ask questions, share stories, and Celebrate victories with weight loss surgery (all types welcome). Whether you are a current patient, are scheduled for surgery, or are just gathering information about weight-loss surgery then this is the place for you! Important Details: First Thursday of each month 6:30-8 pm Grandview Village * 5800 64th ST NE (near the Marysville YMCA) Marysville WA 98270 *when you enter the lobby the staff will direct you to the meeting room
  8. MINI-Me

    Tummy Tuck...have You Had One?

    You got it Diva! Maybe we can talk him into a lower price if we both do it together!
  9. MINI-Me

    The Scale Experiment

    I think this is a good strategy ... I no longer "diet", but I need to keep things in check. At almost 2 years out, I have plenty of restriction if I eat the "right" things. But carbs and junk food don't activate my full signal. I can just eat and eat (especially if we are talking popcorn at the movies)!!! Keeping an eye on the 5 pound bounce is very helpful to me. With that said, everyone needs to find out what works for them. Some still need the daily reminder to keep their committment to their health; others just "live" the life and a monthly check does it for them. I'm going to try the Friday/Monday schedule & see how that goes.
  10. MINI-Me

    Tummy Tuck...have You Had One?

    I cannot wait until I have the funds and vacation time available for a TT. I have consulted with a great surgeon in the area - he said I was a great candidate. I was quoted $6,800 cash price for an upper and lower TT. Thought that seemed reasonable. With the adoption of our new baby, that will have to wait a bit. But, I will be rocking a bikini by the end of 2012 - somehow, someway!!!
  11. MINI-Me

    Wtf? Rebound? How?

    Gosh! I so remember the frustration ... those last few pounds seemed like they would never come off. I bounced, giggled, teased, and tossed about. Then, one day, whammo! I dropped 4 pounds "overnight". Now, I know I really didn't, but that's what it took for the scale to show my hard work. I know you have a specific date in mind for your goal, but unfortunately, our bodies don't work that way. You WILL reach your goal ... just keep following your plan. Who knows when your "whammo" will happen!
  12. Hey there! I totally understand where your head is. I was like that too. My husband freaked out & said that if I got below 125, he was going to shove food down my throat. I've been maintaining at 125-130 for over a year now. As I said in my first post, I'm up a few pounds, but not going to stress. I'm still in the same clothes as I wore at 125 (123 for a few days, but shhhh!) If it is still hanging on by January 1st, I'll go back to basics and take it off. I really think it's a little extra snacking due to the holidays and Water weight. It's all good. Good to hear from you. I miss the "old guys". Have a great day!
  13. I am so proud of you!!!!!
  14. Being able to buy a Halloween Costume "off the rack" and it not be one for a "Plus Size" or "Larger" Woman. In fact, it was a sexy, skin tight racing outfit. My husbands eyes about popped out of his head and he was like "oh yeah - that's the one"! :Banane55:
  15. MINI-Me

    My biggest success Post-VSG

    She is adorable ... I'm so happy for you and the great example you are to women with VSG who want to have a healthy pregnancy. Once again, you are the VSG Poster Child. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. I was sleeved January 27, 2010. No issues with weight regain ... I can definitely eat more than when I was 6 months out. But, if I do Protein first, I really get full and it stays with me. That being said, I'm not 100% compliant with the protein first rule. I can definitely shove in the carbs, but I try to limit those days and have my carbs on the weekends. Best of luck to you!
  17. You are doing awesome!

  18. Are you really located in Lake Stevens??? :0) 'Cause so am I!

  19. MINI-Me

    Combo meals???

    LOL ... Portion control is so odd. I've pretty well trained myself to know the sizes of what I can eat, so I don't measure anymore. The other night I was talking while dishing up my food. All of the sudden my husband starting laughing and asking "what army was going to help you eat that"? Yep! I had dished up a pre-surgery portion. Good think it was family, caused I scraped it right back into the serving bowls. Gotta love the sleeve!
  20. MINI-Me

    Oh just typical and my luck

    Best of luck Coops ... keep your chin up & don't let this take you down!
  21. So, not really related to WLS, but for me, it kinda is. The night before my surgery, I was a bit jittery so I took a generic Tylenol PM to help me sleep. I slept a while, but then woke up with what my husband calls "jimmy legs" or restless leg syndrome. Yesterday, I had a rough day, felt a headache coming on, so I decided to take a few more & just collapse. Again, jimmy legs. Only this time, I'm still having them today. Ugh! I did some research on Bing and found that others have had the same reaction & it can last a few days. Definitely not taking that again! It's driving me nuts. I can't concentrate - I've taken a few walks around the ofice, but nothing is helping. :confused1: Any suggestions?
  22. Now ... I know what you are thinking ... Did MINI lose more weight? Nope ... in fact I am gaining it (not on me, but keep reading to find out what I mean). So, why the NSV? Because it is a baby!!!!!! We are in the whirlwind process of adopting a newborn baby boy. I have wanted to adopt for years, but it never seemed to work out. Well, the Lord provides in very mysterious ways and suddenly we are adopting and have less than 3 weeks until his due date. We are so excited!!!! So, why is this a NSV? Because even though I will be an older mom (in my 40's), I probably have more strength and vitality than I did with my pregnancy 10 years ago. I'm sure there will be a lot of late nights & being worn out, but I know I am in much better physical shape and can keep up with this little guy. I'll share again when he is here!
  23. MINI-Me

    My "biggest" NSV Yet

    Thanks again everyone ... this is such a great support group. We should be finished painting the nursery tonight. Then comes the fun part of putting all the stuff together and making it nice and cozy for him.
  24. MINI-Me

    One Year Sleeversary

    You ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
