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Posts posted by Dansha

  1. To THINONEDAY (soon), I don't know the size bougie used on me, but it's pretty clear it was larger than the ones used on most everyone else. Either that, or my stomach had greater elasticity. I have a followup next week and I'll ask.

    I do find, as TijuanaPlication suggested, that "soft foods" and liquids go down easier and may be consumed in larger quantities than solid food. Now that I eat foods like fish, I can't consume as much as before without feeling really full. I suspect the quantity tolerance also is much less for foods with lots of fat in them. My diet is really low in fat (and no breads). SO I can eat more. (The preceding doesn't explain why Dansha is challenged even by cottage cheese, though. Is it non-fat, Dansha?)

    To answer the question about my diet instructions, it was basically 10 days on liquids, a week on baby foods or Soups, then a week on soft foods. That 3-4 week period is supposed to take care of my regimented diet and limited exercise phase. After that, I'm supposed to just "be careful" and stop when I feel uncomfortable.

    I've seen a lot of different dietary instructions for sleeve patients - much more variability than seems necessary - but I've also seen a wide range of patient tolerance, from those that are eating "normally" after little more than 2 weeks to those that are still restricted after several months.

    Also, I've seen some widely different limits placed on activity. My instructions were to keep it light (except lots of walking) until 4 weeks, then proceed with more rigorous exercise, even free weights and the stairmaster, as my body permits. I follow the spirit of the instructions and just listen to my body, which has kept me out of trouble so far.

    Thanks for the good comments.

    No quite sure what you mean by challenged by cottage cheese. My typical day of eating is as followings. Breakfast at 3am is usually a container of greek yogurt and then I have a snack about 7 or 8 am which is a Protein shake. lunch is at 1. I would have a 1/2 cup of 1% cottage cheese. If I still feel I can eat more I will have maybe 1/4 to 1/2 cup green Beans and then a snack at 3pm is another Protein Shake or 2 oz. of cheese. At dinner !/2 cup to 3/4 cup of roasted chicken and some green Beans. I HAVE NEVER EATEN TWO CUPS OF ANYTHING at one sitting. I don't believe I could even if I wanted to. This is my surgeon's and my nut's nutritional guidelines.

    You are sooooo early in the game I would be careful as to NOT to stress the staple line, Good luck!!!!! :D

    Deb B)

    P.S. I energy levels and labs are great.

  2. TRUTH be told. There nothing you can do to stop our hair from falling out. It is a natural course of things to happen.

    Eating more Protein, shampooing your hair with special shampoos will make the hair you still have shining and pretty.... no doubt, but my nut and surgeon have both agreed everyone who has major surgery there is going to be hair shedding. Some more than others.

    They did suggests limiting your use of hair care products like hair color or perms and stop blow drying.

    I did a hair color last week and let me tell you. DO NOT DO IT!!!!! I let it dry naturally( NO blow drying ) As soon as I comb thru it large clumps of hair fell out. I literally screamed out loud. NO MORE HAIR COLOR FOR ME!!!!! Lesson learned. :(

    My best advice is try not to worry and know it is a natural thing and it will not last forever.

    Right now I have visions of Larry from the Three Stooges running in my mind and that style is just not me. :lol: I am seriously thinking about getting a cute wig. Similar to my hair now.

    Good luck to ALL OF US SHEDDING OUR HAIR!!!! It can freak you out.

    Deb B)

  3. Hey Warrior, I have Federal BCBS. I had my surgery in August of this year. I had no trouble what so ever. I had to have psycolgical clearance, dietician eval and a EGD. Once this was completed my surgeon's office send a letter of Medical Necessaity to my insurance company. I was approved within three days In July. I live in Kansas and I work for the Postal Service.

    I had HBP. Not any longer thanks to the sleeve. :)

    Good luck in your appeal!!! :D I will be pulling for you.

    Deb B)

  4. I can and I am sure most people on this forum can relate to your story.

    I am proud of you too. Good job in not giving in. A lot of people think WSL is the easy way out, but we know that it isn't the case. Everytime we go to the store or drive pass a fast food place we have to make a conscious effort to do what's right for our bodies. Hopefully this will get better with time and good habits.

    Awesome job on the weight loss thus far.

    Good luck baby girl.:D

    Deb B)

  5. Slow down.... baby girl. Why do you think it will be so painful? Do you have a low tolerance of pain? Every person is different.

    I, myself had very very little pain. Used my morphine drip for half a night, then said to myself I'm not in any pain, so why am I using it. I stopped it while I was in the hospital. If you do have any pain it will be manageable. The doctor will NOT send you home until it is.

    EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT. Don't stress over that.


    Deb B)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
