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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/02/2017 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    New Me 31317

    Syntrax Nectar

    Are they worth the cost? Seems very expensive
  2. 1 point
    Did you strain or over exert yourself recently? Are you taking anything for the constipation, and has it helped with the pain? I think this is something better left for your doctor.
  3. 1 point


    I was stalled for almost a month this month. Just started losing again Friday. Keep to the plan no matter how frustrated you become because it will pay off in the end. Also I lost 4 inches during that time so maybe measure yourself. That kept me motivated and going. Good luck!!
  4. 1 point

    Liquid Diet

    Sugar-free jello, chugging lots of water throughout the days, and adding protein powder to my soups.
  5. 1 point
    I am feeling the same right now. I am scheduled for tomorrow morning. I believe this feeling is completely normal. I can't wait to share my experience with you all.
  6. 1 point
    Thanks for the kudos! I am in this group - every day since surgery I have made a meal for my husband and son and then had something else to eat myself. I'll be glad when I can go back to a full diet in 2 weeks so I can make healthy meals all 3 of us can enjoy together once in awhile! :-)
  7. 1 point

    Carbs post surgery

    My surgeon told me not to eat rice, pasta,bread, or potatoes after surgery. He said it can stall weight loss or even make you gain. All surgeons are different though. Maybe ask your surgeon what he/she recommends. Did he give you a list of foods that are allowed?
  8. 1 point
    I was the total opposite. I walked into my consultation with my heart set on having the sleeve. My surgeon asked me one thing: "do you have acid reflux?" My answer: "yes. Not much though" and that was followed by "well VSG could make it worse." Along with that, and the amount of weight I'd like to lose, I pretty much walked out of there with my mind changed to the bypass
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point

    9 days out

    I had surgery 1/25/17. I arrived at the hospital earlier than originally planned. They originally scheduled me for a late surgery - 4pm. Four days before surgery, I got a call saying someone canceled and they were moving me up to 1pm. This of course changed my plans up tremendously and made prepping for surgery harder. I did the liquid diet for several days before surgery, and I became slightly unpleasant to deal with- especially the second day. But as the day before approached I did everything I was supposed to, remained on liquids, bathed with the special soap, drank as much as I could, threw away all my straws, no aspirin even though I had severe headaches, and went and had the urinalysis done. The day of surgery I arrived and was quickly asked to give another urine sample before I went to pre-op. I was then taken back, shown my bed and asked to get into the lovely gown and slipper set. After that they put on the leg squeezy things (to avoid blood clots in your legs because you will be stationary), put an Iv into my hand (ouuuuuuuch) and took my blood sugar and vitals. Then they left me with my one allowed visitor ( the nurse was actually very nice and allowed my grandma and boyfriend in for a while because I was so nervous). The anesthesiologist came to see me, asked me several family history questions and whether or not I smoke, exc. Finally the doctor came and saw me, I knew he was doing about 6 surgeries that day and they were running behind. He assured me everything would be fine and they wheeled me out. Entering the or is always terrifying to me. Here they are counting out surgical tools and I am beginning to panic. The nurses notice and call anesthesiologist to come and give me something to calm me down while they move me. I try to move to help them but they insist I remain still. They "hover" me to the operating table (they inflated my bed and literally hovered me over it was cool in hindsight). The nurse was very sweet complimenting my eyes but I jumped whenever they touched me. Finally they put the mask on, and either turned something on, or injected something because the last thing I heard was "goodnight....." I could hear voices long before I opened my eyes. I remember struggling with nurses, somewhere trying to tell them i had to pee. I didn't want to have an accident. I began to physically struggle and heard someone say, it's okay, let it go, you'll be fine. I guess I did but passed out shortly after. My grandma and boyfriend were right there with me whenever I was released to a room. I was unaware at the time but they had placed a catheter inside me (thank God they did this while I was out). I eventually opened my eyes. My throat was so dry, it didn't hurt but I remember looking at the clock and thinking, "it's time...for ice!" How wrong I was the nurse told me I couldn't have anything until tomorrow morning!!! It was only 6pm. I moaned and whimpered, I think from desperation, thirst, pain, exhaustion. I passed out again and woke up to my grandma leaving for the night. Sometime around midnight, the nurse came. She made me get up even with my protests, she forced me to walk around with the catheter in! I was hurting, and sullen. I just wanted to lay down. But she was insistent I had to get up and do laps. The next day I woke up and all I could think about was water! I was receiving fluids and antibiotics via my Iv but it wasn't enough. As soon as I could have it, I let it sit in my mouth forever, just embracing the feeling. Then I was told I had to be picked up for x-rays. They wheeled me around for what seemed like forever. Finally I had to sit in the waiting room for again what seemed like forever. Finally they take me in and make me drink these....god awful things...one is barium, and the other I don't know. But the purpose is to see if my stomach is leaking. Hooray! I pass the test and back out into the waiting room I go. Finally I get to go back to my room..but they won't let me lay down. They tell me I must sit up the majority of the day! I become grouchy, and about that time they come and take out the catheter. I sit there, hooked up to fluids and realize- I have to pee. I struggle with boyfriend's help to the toilet and try to sit down, even though it's...uncomfortable. not hugely painful but I mean I do have 6 holes in my stomach- one connected to a drain they have to empty every 6-10 hours. (Blood all kinds of crap) I am also coughing a lot of mucus, which hurts. A lot. Nurse gives me Breathing apparatus and tells me to practice breathing deep. (I do not do this- it hurts.) Finally I am allowed in my bed after I complete the correct number of laps around the nursing station. I sleep most of the day, but they bring me Jello and broth- I eat neither out of spite. That night I practice getting up and going to bathroom on my own. The night goes without incident except I can't sleep comfortably. I'm used to sleeping on my side and can't. Just as I fall asleep at 3am, a vampire nurse appears and stabs me with a needle to "take my blood- is time" I whimper, waking up boyfriend with my frustration. He wakes up frustrated as well because he is going back to work that morning. My third and final morning is full of frustration. Boyfriend is gone, grandma is late, dog has an accident that must be cleaned up. They kick me out of my bed early and force the regulation Laos down my throat. They do give me ice Water with crystal light and my last meds. The doctor comes in and clears me to go home. That is at 11am. We b don't actually get transport to leave until almost 3pm! Home: staying with grandma while I recover and take time from work. First day I sleep, but I do get up to walk 20 minutes two times a day, terrified of not following the routine. I sip the water but it is unpleasant. Day 2 complete and utter meltdown. Don't regret the surgery but do miss solid food a ridiculous amount. Not sure if strong enough to do this. Grandma consoles me in time of need. Only want water and sugar free applesauce. Sugar free pudding is too sweet, and I'm sick of jello, and lookin at broth makes me nauseous. Push through till day 7, have another meltdown over not food related issues. Continue eating applesauce (1/2 of a 4 Oz cup). Day 9: follow up with doctor, discover I am allergic to the adhesives in the bandages and sterile strips- causing me to itch and have redness. Doctor removes them and clears me for mushies! I'm so excited I come home and want 2 eggs!! ( turns out...one was enough, eyes bigger than stomach- must get that under control) Pre- surgery - 365 Doctor check in after 9 days-339 9 day loss- 26.5 according to nurse Excited, and full, and is about time for a nap! Sent from my SM-G930T using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
