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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/2011 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    August 2011 Bandsters????

    I'm leaving in a few minutes to go get banded. This should be interesting.
  2. 1 point

    August 2011 Bandsters????

    I feel the same way about dealing with the "afterlife" of having a band. Our lives have revolved around food that's one reason we are in this situation. In my life everything social involves food. We can eat dinner then have family over to watch a movie and order pizza. Since my husband and I have worked more than your typical 40 hr. a week jobs, coached, ran 3 boys around to sports it seems like we ate out more than we eat it. No seems like we did and still do. It is hard to have to come home and cook after work and it was always hard to find something everyone liked to eat. Something quick and not so healthy was always the way to go. This week we sent my youngest off to college, that meant a big get together at his favorite pizza place, then while at the campus it was Taco Bell then Italian restaurant with my oldest as we past through his town. Last night movie and dinner afterwards where they ordered fries, chili, shakes..... UHGGGG! All of this while I"m on liquids. Last night I was tired, the restaurant was cold, and it took everything I had to hold back the tears. I think I'll get better at, it is just hard now. Surgery is Wednesday. I've already lost 10lbs. Looking forward to wearing clothes that I've had in my clothes and drawers just waiting for me. Good luck. REGFERN
  3. 1 point

    August 2011 Bandsters????

    Good Luck to you then my surgery date is also Aug 31 as I work at a school and that will be a 4 day holiday for me and Iam taking wednesday and thursday off as well so will be 6 days all together to rest and recoup before I have to get back to work Iam finally at peace with my decision and ready to get on with it
  4. 1 point

    Carb Help....

    This morning I read an article on the "new" Paleo Diet, I realized it the diet I already eat. Grass fed meats, veggies and fruits, high on berries especially and nuts, little to no grains or dairy. The person who wrote the article even had a protein shake for breakfast made with berries like I do. She did say it was okay to eat a serving of grains a week as a treat. I didnt know I was so trendy.
  5. 1 point

    Pain Meds After Lap Band Surgery

    I had my inserted via micro surgury. I have one tiny incision in my belly button and 5 tiny punctures the size of freckles. So super minimally invasive. Very cool. No real visible scarring
  6. 1 point

    Pain Meds After Lap Band Surgery

    My doc gave me liquid vidicon. I was banded yesterday and have not needed to take it. I'm going to work tomorrow. I have shoulder and neck pain from the gas. But if you walk around it goes away.
  7. 1 point

    Keeping Lap Band a Secret

    Well, I am divorced so have no dh to tell, but my dear mom knows and she is actually the one who suggested I think about it as she knows how unhappy I am with my roller coaster of weight loss/gains over and over. I get so depressed about it. My sisters and brother know I'm looking into it. My brother's mother in law had it and he is very supportive in me getting it. ..and surely my dad will know eventually. I just know that at first he will be one that's not too supportive of it.... He just doesn't understand how I can't just make up my mind and lose it and keep it off. He just doesn't get that. ..and more than that....I fear he will blab it to others. That's what I don't like about him knowing, but he will have to know before hand. Other than them, just a few of my friends know that I'm planning on it, if all works out with my insurance and they are supportive, except my very best friend has some issues with it, because she has heard negative things, but she KNOWS my weight issues as we've been friends for many years. I think in the end, if I choose to tell her before hand, she will be supportive. There is one gal at my work that had it a few years ago, although she did not have the funds to continue getting fills so she hasn't done much to help herself lose anything more than the first 20 lbs or so. She knows that I'm looking into it because I have asked questions over and over, but she also knows that I'm not putting it out there for the whole office to hear. I am NOT ashamed of it, but like some others, I just don't want to hear the opinions of those who DO NOT understand the emotional eating/binge eating roller coaster of weight gain all their life. They DO NOT understand what it's like to be a thinner/healthier person inside of a fat and unhealthy body. I do not need them critiquing everything they see me eat.....as they sometimes do now . I don't do well with "food police". I would be under less stress with them not knowing. And I really do not plan on telling the manager/supervisor. I will just tell them I have a dr. appt. for each of the appts. It's none of their business why. And as for the sugery....I have vacation time to take still, so I'll plan it at least 30 days out if all possible. Also, after being banded.....you are not lying when you tell people that you are eating healthier, lesser amounts...etc. That is true. From what I understand, YOU are still the one making the food choices and how much....so even though you have a tool to help you, YOU are the one making the choices that lead to the weight loss, so I won't just automatically tell people I'm banded if my weight loss comes up. Most people I know, also know that I have been a follower of weight watchers for years. I have lost over and over to gain over and over. Now if they flat out ask if I'm banded, I cannot lie, so I will tell them...but also point out that it's all about the food choices I make, just as before. Educate them.
  8. 1 point

    Lap Band Fills / Adjustment Info

    I know there is a range of experiences and attitudes about fills. . . . . and I error on the side of being under filled. But to me, just doing liquids for weeks seems to be a sever way to lose weight with the band and not really how it was intended to work. Forgive me if you aleady know this, my motives are good , : But you do know that a band too tight can cause long term health problems like pouch dialation and possible slippage. (I had a slipped band so I know how painful that is and want to help others avoid it!) I just want to say that you might want to be careful about being too tight, in case it causes you some problems in the long run. Attached is some info I found useful.
  9. -1 points

    Does everyone really eat proteins first

    I think it is frustrating reading this site when people complain about the results and don't follow the doctors orders. I was very strict wit myself and followed my doctors orders to a tee for the first four months. I lost weight from week one. I think you should follow YOUR doctors orders until you see how it works. Once you are losing weight steadily, you can tweak things to better suit your life style. If you decide you know better before even trying to follow the rules, I fear you doom your self to failure. Restriction is a very odd thing. I get a fill, have resrticton until I lose around 8 lbs and then it starts going away. I only do fills every two months, so I have to know what I can eat to at least maintain when I'm not as restricted as I would like. If you are only going to be happy in the green zone, your in for a rough ride. BTW, I have 2.9 cc's in a 10 cc band and have lost 90 lbs in s year. 30 to go to goal.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
