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Showing content with the highest reputation since 02/15/2005 in Blog Comments

  1. 1 point

    My "list"

    Wow.. I love your list! So many things on there are on mine! Do yoga correctly, cross my legs, stop shopping at Lane Bryant because the clothes aren't very good quality and I've been mad at them since they changed their jean sizing to" 1 2 3 triangle" or whatever! I wear a swimsuit but it's really humiliating right now. Wrapping a normal size towel would be great instead of hunting down a "bath sheet". One thing I would add to my list is to ride a horse! I used to do that some as a kid and I haven't been able to as an adult for pity of the animal that would have to carry me. Riding a horse in the wine country.. now that sounds like fun!
  2. 1 point
    chef neil

    My "list"

    I have not made a list- on paper or on the computer... My wife has- and in 6 months has done a few... in my head... more cycling-longer-FASTER- MORE. walking- Jogging... day hiking. taking my shirt off in public. hit the stats that give me an extra 10% discount at work... clothes that I like to wear- not just clothes that fit...
  3. 1 point

    My "list"

    Wow you have such a great list and Ihave many of the same things on mine , here are some of mine: 1. Buy an item of clothing that is not double digit size 8 instead of 18 2. Be comfortable in my clothes 3. Wear a swimsuit withougt a ton of clothes over it 4. Not feel self conscious having to bend over in public to pick something up 5. Never have to wear a girdle regularly 6. Look down and see my feet 7. Be able to sit in and get out of a seat with grace 8. Be able to cross my legs while seated 9. Be able to shop in anystore and not over pay for clothes all the time 10. Not have people automatically assume I need the 2X t-shirt 11. Stop running my shoes over 12. Wear cute panty/bra ensembles 13. Feel Sexy 14 Wear heels and not feel like a cyclop 15. Borrow my sisters cute clothes and have something she actually desires/can wear 16. Dance and not feel like entertainment 17. Jog and not have an inferno raging in my chest 18. Participate in sporting events and not be in my own way 19. Eat in front of others without feeling subconscious or judged 20. Be in the photo and not always the one taking the photo.
  4. 1 point

    Black Eye

    Wow Day Dreamer, I feel your pain! I was about 50 pounds less just a little over 6 months ago, but I could not, no matter what I did, drop below 180 lbs, which was still 55 pounds overweight for my height. So, I had to gain weight just to get this surgery to make sure I can finally get past 180 lbs! How sad is that? It was the first time EVER I went to the doctor and actually hoped I weighed enough, or more, for WLS. i can really relate to all the tings you said you feel about yourself. I hope you can get insurance approval and can get a sleeve or bypass. I don't recommend the LB if you have more then 50lbs to lose. I went to my first seminar not ever expected to qualify, but here I am a little over two months later, laying in a hospital bed typing to you, and freshly sleeved! Bad choices didn't all form over night and they can be changed, in my opinion, with the wonderful tool of WLS. It's not the cure, the answer and will be suddenly easy, and you won't like yourself in the mirror the day after surgery still, but it gives you hope that in 4, 6, maybe 10 months, you will look in the mirror and find that beautiful you that you knew if there under the fat.
  5. 1 point
    Day Dreamer

    Secretly Fat

    Aww you guys.. here I am having my pity party and seems there are other people that feel this way. Yeah, I know I am a bit hard on myself - but I feel like I have to be. No one else is going to discipline me, if I don't. @ Aro - your words cut to my heart. I suppose women are a bit more cruel when it comes to judging but I know men do it too. I am ashamed to tell people I was a soldier... and worse if they ask "how long ago was that?". Wow. Really? @ Everyone - I thought I could have some "fat accpetance" but just can't get my mind around it. I feel like people stare at me everywhere I go. They must think, "Oh that poor girl. She is out of control". *sigh* But it is so much worse when your friends and family judge you. They remember this thin, fit girl.. then they see me. My own child thinks I am "sooo big". Ugh. I want to lose weight for her too. yes, for me, but for her too. I want to run and play with my daughter. I want to fit in the chair at the school when she has a recital. I want her to say my mom is soo pretty instead of my mom is sooo big. Food has become my enemy. I don't even like the smell of food anymore. Things that tasted good, no longer offer that console. I want the band to help me - help myself. Does that make sense? I need that extra edge to fight this war. Dieting alone is like fighting a war with a limited number of bullets.. [motivation]... once my bullets are gone, I will lose the war.
  6. 1 point

    Eating and Drinking

    HAHA I just asked my mom the same thing!!! SHe said no because its liquid as well. You only need to do this with solids so that the food can last and won't be washed away. My mom was banded 3 years ago so I go to her for alot of advice. SHe has lost 95 pounds and is in a size 8. She is my inspiration and my support partner.
  7. 1 point
    I havn't hit Onederland ,I'm not even close but that is an expression that people have when they hit there "GOAL WEIGHT" I kinda wish I was that close I hav't had my surgery Yet,I am still in the baby stages,I'll get there one day soon.....you take care and let us know when you get to Onederland...OK.....camille01
  8. 1 point

    Mixed feelings

    MsCarla, I was banded at the end of July 2010 and am down 40 lbs. Mine was elective surgery and was out of pocket. I had to lose 55 lbs. I tried everything and nothing worked! I decided, after long consideration that lapband was my answer. When I spoke to my 10 year old son and asked him his opinion, he told me that he loved me just the way I was, but that if I didn't love myself I needed to go through with this. He is way wiser than his years. Being that i am a full-time single mom and we do everything together I felt the need to explain the procedure to him and the implications.My Mother was a much harder obstacle to surpass. Eventually she came around. Besides my son, parents, and a couple of good friends no one else knew about my lap band. I decided I got enough criticism about my weight gain and any changes I make in my life that it was my choice. Everyone wants to know what "diet" I am on and commenting how good I look. I just smile and tell them lots of exercise and eating right. Mind you, these are a lot of people who use to call me fat and ask me if I was pregnant. She who laughs last has the last alugh. I feel wonderful and am nearing my goal and no one needs to know how I got there. Barbie
  9. 1 point

    Why is WLS a secret?

    I'd never lie to another fat person, because I feel that I'd be withholding potentially lifesaving information from them. But stuck-up skinny people who think they know everything about obesity because THEY don't like chocolate and THEY have fast metabolisms....another story.
  10. 1 point

    Never been so happy to throw up!

    So what is Sliming?

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