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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/20/2011 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    NSV - Shopping

    I'm going to put this here, because everyone I've told today is like 'yea.. that's good'. You know the 'we're tired of hearing about this stuff' kind of reaction. LOL!! Well, went shopping this weekend and I'm in the regular woman's section! YES!! no more Woman's sizes or W's behind the number I wanted to go all out, but restricted myself to three pairs of pants and 4 shirts (only one was an XL!!) It's been since I was in the Air Force 20 years ago that I was able to do that.. I'm just so freaking excited!! J.
  2. 1 point

    The carbonated drink myth

    I have thought about this a fair bit and I have come to the conclusion that 'carbonated drinks stretch your pouch' is a myth. It just seems a bit trusting to take that statement at face value. For a start, there are actually two holes for the gas to escape, either up or down... if food is blocking the down bit, then up it comes... I know that from experience LOL. The pouch is made from an elastic material and the brief time a little liquid is effervescing in it is not enough to permanently stretch it. I know if I drink carbonated drinks too fast that I pay for it either by burping or it coming back up... but I don't believe it can stretch our pouches. I am not advocating drinking sugary or alcoholic carbonated drinks... all I'm saying is that I don't think a bit of sparkling Water, soda water or sugar free diet sodas is going to be bad for us. We have to deprive ourselves of so many things, why deprive ourselves unnecessarily?
  3. 1 point

    Getting frustrated!!!!

    I may be misinterpreting your message, but it sounds like you were expecting the band to be some type of stop sign so you'd know when to stop eating. There are definitely some people out there for whom it works that way, but I've seen others say they can eat as much as they want. I'm only a few days post-op so I have no idea what category I will fall in...my hope is that I will be able to eat what I want but only a small portion of it will satisfy me so I won't overeat. I think you should talk to your surgeon and make sure he understands you're not feeling full. I don't believe you're supposed to feel stuffed after eating, but you at least shouldn't feel hungry again for several hours. And when you eat, it's on you to choose healthy foods in appropriate portions because you already know that in your case the band will not stop you. My advice would be to plan out some meals and Snacks in advance and follow that eating plan carefully and see what happens. Also, track everything you eat so you have an accurate picture of what your caloric intake is.
  4. 1 point
    Thank you so much for responding. I was so discouraged, but I've researched tricare and lapband a lot. As of March of this year, Tricare requirements have changed. You have to have a BMI of 35 with 2 comorbidities to qualify. I may even be denied at first, but my new surgeon is aware of this, and works closely with Tricare to get his patients approved. They do still use the Met Life scale, and the surgeon has to mark "small" body frame specifically. Met Life also adds an inch to your height, automatically assuming that you'd be wearing shoes when measured. My doc specifically states that you're not wearing shoes on the form for that reason. I've already had my psych visits (approved), and will meet with the nutritionist and exercise physiologist this thursday morning, and then my first appointment with my new doctor is that afternoon. I'm so excited! I hope I get approved!!
  5. 1 point

    Getting frustrated!!!!

    I'm in the same position as you are,so I totally understand your frustration. After reading so many stories I think I need to continue to work with my doctor to find the sweet spot with the right fill level. I need to get a fill level that will help me not be so physically hungry so that I can deal with my head hunger. We can't give up as we have just begun this journey. Many others have said that it takes time to get adjusted both physically and mentally to this new reality. Hang in there and know that you are not alone.
  6. 1 point

    Getting frustrated!!!!

    Did you want to be puking? Puking is so unhealthy for you and for your band, I can't imagine that puking would mean the band is working properly for you. It's hard to restrict yourself but you have to do it. I haven't had any fill and have lost 75 pounds. I've eaten properly EVERY SINGLE DAY since surgery and am at the gym everyday. If I can do this - you can do this - I swear. I never imagined I would be able to do it but instead of looking at the band as something to make me lose the weight, I am looking at it as the thing that is going to keep the weight off. So this time, I have hope whereas before the band I was done trying. I think you perhaps were hoping the band would work differently. Now that you know how it works for you - use it to your advantage. Get on track, track all your food and exercise. If you do that - a month from now, you WILL have lost weight. I promise. Best wishes to you!
  7. 1 point
    They have liquid meds you can take. Or you can crush up pills in powder with water ask your Dr.
  8. 1 point

    Discouraged with the band.

    i thought the whole point of the website is to be nice and encouraging...i guess some people need to go back to the first grade and learn how to treat and talk to people how they want to be treated...
  9. 1 point

    Does the lap band really work????

    200 lbs gone in 2 years. No, the band doesn't work. I work the band.
  10. 1 point

    Stomach pain after first solid food.

    I was excited to eat and went to Le Madelines to have quiche. I had the spinach one. I ate half of it, but left the crust. I also had a little tomato basil soup with it. I never felt full. I ate slowly and chewed well. About 1/2 to 1 hour later I had pain that feels like my waistband is too tight, but up high around my ribs. My stomach seems to be gurgling or growling on the left side near the ribs. Have you had this before? Any ideas? I took a gas X in case it is gas pains, which were gone.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
