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Showing content with the highest reputation since 02/15/2005 in Blog Entries

  1. 2 points
    I really don't understand why the scales are not moving for me. I try really hard to follow all of the lap band rules that I have been given and those that I have researched. I have limited the amount of sugar that I eat or drink. I eat very little sugar in my diet and the majority of things I drink are almost always sugar free. I eat small portions of food and I target eating my protein first. I try to work out at least 3-4 times weekly if not more. I can honestly say that my workout times are not long but they are within 3o minute periods. I may do some in the morning before work; I finish up that afternoon before bed. I try to get as much walking in at my job as possible daily. I work at a retirement facility, and I make rounds in the building as much as possible to get more walking in. I get a good bit of exercise daily even on my job. I have pretty good restriction but it maybe time for another fill. A couple of weeks prior I had some fluid removed because I was too tight, and I was unable to eat very little to no meats. There are still some foods that I am still unable to eat like apples and sometimes certain meats. Therefore, I was debating if getting a fill at this time was a good idea. I try really hard to stay clear of high calorie foods that go down easily. I just choice my foods carefully that are still high in protein, and I do eat slowly to avoid the stuck feeling in my chest. That is a very unpleasant thing to experience. In spite of the scales not moving, on a good note my clothes sizes continue to go down. When I first had my surgery, I was wearing a size 24-26 plus, but now I wear 18-20 clothes. Yesterday was my birthday and I wore a clinging red and black dress size 18 and it fitted me perfectly. I felt wonderful yesterday wearing that dress. If there is any advice anyone can offer to assist with the scales not moving for me, I would be more than please to hear it.
  2. 2 points
    Finished My first 3 mile JOG-Couch to 5k Wk9 Day 1!!!!!! So happy this time last year I couldn't even walk 30 mins good.Im so Happy. Its crazy I just got on the treadmill and put it on the wk 9 podcast. I said to myself well if I can get to at least 20-28 mins of it I know next week i can do 30 mins-- then I just keep running. And she said on the podcast you have just finished 3miles congrats. Ok I felt like Rocky! LOL! I know now I can do 3 mile jogs starting 3 times a week . I am still 217 lbs well gained .4 so 217.4. My first Couch to 5 K jog was in July at 245 lbs and I struggled with jogging 30 second intervals at 2.0 speed. I am happy to have this opportunity in my life.
  3. 1 point

    Ohhhhh now I get it! lol

    So year out... couple weeks over.. this time last year I was on liquids only so the spiritual fast I do every January was very easy...protein shakes and more protein smoothies.. I had been doing it for weeks prior to my surgery and just kept on it while I healed. So here we are this year... January and this year's spiritual fast is here.. no meat, no bread, no sweets. Just all natural fruits, veggies, etc... essentially vegan for a month.. NO animal products. This means alot of gluten free, wheat free and organic eating.. Oh look that was in the aftercare diet.. So now here I am eating veggies and "whole" foods, all organic and gluten free and in the 3 days (started on the 3rd) I've been doing it, I haven't had one single issue with my band, getting stuck or getting that overly full feeling sneaking up on me. Wouldn't you know that in 3 days I've lost 10lbs?!?!?!? PRAISE THE LORD.. last year I lost 42lbs on the fast but I did it for 6 or 7 weeks if you include the pre-op diet. If I keep up at this rate for the month... Hmmmmm I'll be ALOT closer to goal... In my prayer time, I heard to stop eating wheat, it's the gluten that keeps me fat because of my blood type. Then I went online and researched and sure enough... there it was clear as day, O blood types shouldn't eat wheat products because the gluten reacts with our bodies and we pack on pounds... As someone who has lived most of their years on the planet eating sandwiches, hamburgers and pasta.... it ALL makes sense... either way the point to this post is.. I totally get it now and will be making these changes, and adhering to the true aftercare diet...this time next year, I'll be on a billboard... Watch!
  4. 1 point
    So, I returned to work today after two week winter break. Within my first 20 minutes of being there, 5 different people approached me at different times; each saying how great I looked and asking if I had eaten over the break. In the hours to follow, 4 more people said similar things to me about how I am constantly losing and managing not to even gain over the holidays. I admit, I hardly eat cause I'm at my sweet spot, but I swear, although I can't be sure....I've only lost about 7 pounds in the last month (I made a habit to weigh myself less frequently). What are these people seeing??? They saw me three weeks ago and I am not much different. Anyway, any compliment, I'll take. My mother told me today that I appear to be 170 instead of 191....then, I couldn't help but to get on the scale tonight....and it said 193. Whoa, I gained 2 pounds!?!?!?!
  5. 1 point
    You can not be a chicken when it comes to working out. Yes, I am egging you on to get up off the roost and work out. It's not a yolk. I am not pecking on anybody. I am pecking on all of us yolk-els on this site. For many, a good work out regimene will be the most eggsitement you have had for a good while. And that is the point eggs-actly ! Hens forth I want to see every one scramble everyday to work out . And if you do not ,guess what you will have on your face ? It doesn't have to be an eggscrutiating work out. Just a little more than you did the day before. Shell you decide it's not worth it, just read the peeps on this site about exercising. It's not hard to shell that excercise is a vital part of success to lose weight.. Omelet you go now. Keep smiling and your sunny side up . Blessings.. Dolly... Eggs to you. !
  6. 1 point
    Humming Bird

    Hobbies help

    I finished my first real quilt and was trying to figure out how to post pics in a thread to share with friends. Spending time doing some sort of hobby helps me stay away from too many snacks. I guess for now all I can figure out is how to post pics in my blog or an album.
  7. 1 point
    My Band-a-versary has come and gone...305 before I started 209 the week BEFORE Thanksgiving....now it is New Year's Eve and I am out of control........Again...sigh...up to 219. I am afraid that I won't be able to get myself undercontrol. That thought is always nagging in the back of my mind, you know the one that the weight loss is just a dream that it isn't real. I am still having a hard time seeing myself as a thinner person. I see people sometimes that I haven't seen in over a year.... They truly don't recognize me....I really like that :-) So, it is back to the gym, in for a fill, and back in the saddle for me.....I really want to lose another 70 pounds.. this year... GOTTA have a goal right? Maybe the girl in the mirror next New Year's Eve will be getting dressed for a party in a cute little black dress
  8. 1 point

    Lapband Surgery

    I have recently had lapband surgery in June of 2010. I have lost 76 lbs. I went from a size 18 pants down to a 6/8 pant size now. It has been a very long road. My band had slipped about 4 weeks ago. I had to have it repositioned. It was almost like having the surgery all over again. It was a much harder process this time. I had to do the whole liquid and soft diets again. I did not set very well with me the second time. I was not looking forward to having to go through that beginning stages all over again. .
  9. 1 point


    My doctor is setting up a consultation. So this put me at the beginning. I heard a story today that this guy band broke. And he complainted about the changes was to fast. And he didn't get the support from his doctor after having the band for a while. He wouldn't not recommend this to anyone. I read alot in the last few days since I became a member on this site. And every story was very touching and they hit home time to time. I just wanted to know if anyone had this problem. And if you have any input on what will really need to know plus any input on the steps I will be taking? I will be doing this on my on without any encouragement or help. Any help is welcome!
  10. 1 point

    Band Mishap!

    I had my first band mishap today! All of my kids but one are gone for the holidays to be with their dad, the one that isn't out of state went over to a friends house to spend the night and my husband is deployed. So I'm feeling depressed and lonely, and don't feel like cooking, or doing anything else really. Because I'm feeling sorry for myself I bought fast food, a spicy chicken sandwich. I came home crawled into my bed turned on the TV and ate that sandwich like I wasn't banded! WOOOOOHoh BIG MISTAKE! I felt it land in my pouch and IT HURT! So I took a drink of the other thing I am not supposed to have when banded: POP! It was an explosive mix...literally. Pre-band I was always able to make it to a container of some sort before throwing up the contents of my stomach. However this time no such luck. On sec I'm drinking a pop the next.....lets just say spicy on the way down nice spicy on the way UP Not so much! Despite the cleanup, and the slight burning in my throat, I'm glad this happened. I lost 15 lbs pre-band to get the surgery, but I haven't lost any weight since being banded, I had lost some after the fill but gained it back when I figured out I could eat again. I am not getting the message. I needed a swift kick in the bum and I'll probably need more. I think I'm going back to the protein shake diet. 4 shakes, protein bars, and one meal. I'll supplement with vitamins ect. I'm not a huge fan of food. I don't eat because I really like food I eat because I'm either hungry or bored. I liked the shake diet. I felt full now I feel like I'm always hungry. I wonder why that is? New Years Resolution: Protein Shake Diet! Does it still count as a New Years Resolution if I start today?

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