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Just Banded!!! On Wednesday - May 6, 2009!

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First off, I am so excited that there is a website dedicated to lapband patients.:biggrin: As odd as this may sound, no one, except for my boyfriend and of course the doctor and staff that banded me, knows that I received this procedure. Therefore, I am really hoping that all of you here can be my support group so that I feel like I am not alone on this journey. I have read many of your stories and am so grateful that everyone shares so openly and honestly.


After much research, I decided to be banded by Dr. Michael Feiz in Southern California. Dr. Feiz is not only Board Certified and a Fellowship trained Weight Loss Surgeon, but also an educator a USC. His current and extensive experience with overweight patients made me feel comfortable enough to go forward w/ a consultation on April 1, 2009 for the Lapband. That day, Dr. Feiz gave a very detailed comprehensive consultation and I left his office feeling educated and mindful of what to expect if I was to be banded. Knowing that this procedure wouldn't be covered by my insurance company, I spent a month trying to figure out my finances. During this time, I was able to do further research on Dr. Feiz and the lapband and it became apparent that I made the right decision.


My surgery day was this past Wednesday, May 6, 2009 @ 8:00 am. As far as the whole experience thus far, everything has gone smoother than expected.


I arrived at the surgery center at 7:00 am. I was pretty relaxed waiting for my name to be called and in no time, I was called in. After kissing my boyfriend good-bye, I was taken in, did my wardrobe change, pregnancy test, and then laid on my hospital bed. My nurse and I made small talk while she checked my vitals and went over my chart and medical history. Then, my anesthesiologist went over her questions and meticulously explained what my anesthesic involved and what to expect; she even told me about post-surgery pain from anesthesia which would be felt in the shoulders, chest, and sometimes a mild sore throat (I definitely felt pain in the shoulders the 1st and 2nd day, but because she explained it so well, I was not alarmed at all). After this step, my nurse came back and inserted my IV (she did it so very gently, I barely felt a pinch!). After a short wait, the doctor came in! We went over any questions I had and he thoroughly explained what I should expect during my recovery and how we are going to work together so that we can achieve results that I will be happy with. He examined my abdominal area, ask me if I preferred my port to be on the side or above my navel (we decided on the side) and I was off to the OR! In the OR, I remember telling my anesthesiologist that I was comfortable and then... good night!


I forgot to check the time when I finally woke up in the recovery room, but I remember feeling like I had an amazing nap. My nurse let me rest and after about 30-40 mins, I was alert and asked for a sip of water (the sip did wonders!). I clearly remember that I was surprise because I was not in pain. I only felt slight soreness, but not pain. By early afternoon, I was ready to go home and was wheeled out of the surgery center. The rest of the day, I still did not feel any pain; I was more or less just groggy and little short of breath from going under. As soon as I got home, I took my meds and alternated between resting and slow walking. When my mouth was dry, I sipped on water or sucked on ice. That night, I was able to sleep flat on my back, but shifted slightly to the sides when I felt the soreness in shoulders (I used a pillow to prop me up a bit).


The next day wasn't bad either. I thought I would feel some pain, but there was zero pain in my abdominal area, just slight tenderness around the incisions. The only thing I really felt yesterday was gas and chest pains. Walking definitely helped, but sitting in a slouchy position was a no no! That position would ignite heart burn sensations, which was something I never really felt before... it can be a bit uncomfortable. Again, I hydrated w/ little water and this time, some crystal light, but spent the rest of the day walking around the house and resting.


Today, I feel good. I still don't feel any pain so I stopped my pain meds. If anything, I just a little uncomfortable from gas and heart burn. I noticed that even sips of water or crystal light would start the chest pains again, so I finally called the doctors office and learned that sipping a little differently (without air) may stop that feeling, which it did. I guess my stomach pouch is so small that the slightest sips could bring in air, which creates that pressure in the chest. Right now, I'm having a little miso soup, but oddly enough, I haven't had any hunger pains since I've been on a liquid diet (which started on Monday - May 4, 2009). And althought I shouldn't be worried about losing weight so soon, I weighed myself just to start tracking myself... DRUM ROLL!!!! :crying: I've shed 12 pounds since I went on this liquid diet or 6 pounds since being banded on Wednesday!


In all, I can honestly say that I wasn't a bit nervous about getting the lapband - not even a little bit. And I truly believe that this was the result of everyone doing their part to inform me and help me be as comfortable as possible with getting banded. My nutritionist, psychologist, nurse, anesthesiologist, surgery coordinators, and Dr. Feiz took their time to fully explain every detail with me, which is imperative for any surgery, but especially when it has to do with something that will be a part of you for the rest of your life! Now, I look forward to making successful lifestyle changes so that I can be more than happy with myself! I wish you well on your journey and look forward to making friends here! Let's hope the next couple of days will go as smoothly as the start of this whole journey!!!

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First off, I am so excited that there is a website dedicated to lapband patients.:) As odd as this may sound, no one, except for my boyfriend and of course the doctor and staff that banded me, knows that I received this procedure. Therefore, I am really hoping that all of you here can be my support group so that I feel like I am not alone on this journey. I have read many of your stories and am so grateful that everyone shares so openly and honestly.

After much research, I decided to be banded by Dr. Michael Feiz in Southern California. Dr. Feiz is not only Board Certified and a Fellowship trained Weight Loss Surgeon, but also an educator a USC. His current and extensive experience with overweight patients made me feel comfortable enough to go forward w/ a consultation on April 1, 2009 for the Lapband. That day, Dr. Feiz gave a very detailed comprehensive consultation and I left his office feeling educated and mindful of what to expect if I was to be banded. Knowing that this procedure wouldn't be covered by my insurance company, I spent a month trying to figure out my finances. During this time, I was able to do further research on Dr. Feiz and the lapband and it became apparent that I made the right decision.

My surgery day was this past Wednesday, May 6, 2009 @ 8:00 am. As far as the whole experience thus far, everything has gone smoother than expected.

I arrived at the surgery center at 7:00 am. I was pretty relaxed waiting for my name to be called and in no time, I was called in. After kissing my boyfriend good-bye, I was taken in, did my wardrobe change, pregnancy test, and then laid on my hospital bed. My nurse and I made small talk while she checked my vitals and went over my chart and medical history. Then, my anesthesiologist went over her questions and meticulously explained what my anesthesic involved and what to expect; she even told me about post-surgery pain from anesthesia which would be felt in the shoulders, chest, and sometimes a mild sore throat (I definitely felt pain in the shoulders the 1st and 2nd day, but because she explained it so well, I was not alarmed at all). After this step, my nurse came back and inserted my IV (she did it so very gently, I barely felt a pinch!). After a short wait, the doctor came in! We went over any questions I had and he thoroughly explained what I should expect during my recovery and how we are going to work together so that we can achieve results that I will be happy with. He examined my abdominal area, ask me if I preferred my port to be on the side or above my navel (we decided on the side) and I was off to the OR! In the OR, I remember telling my anesthesiologist that I was comfortable and then... good night!

I forgot to check the time when I finally woke up in the recovery room, but I remember feeling like I had an amazing nap. My nurse let me rest and after about 30-40 mins, I was alert and asked for a sip of water (the sip did wonders!). I clearly remember that I was surprise because I was not in pain. I only felt slight soreness, but not pain. By early afternoon, I was ready to go home and was wheeled out of the surgery center. The rest of the day, I still did not feel any pain; I was more or less just groggy and little short of breath from going under. As soon as I got home, I took my meds and alternated between resting and slow walking. When my mouth was dry, I sipped on water or sucked on ice. That night, I was able to sleep flat on my back, but shifted slightly to the sides when I felt the soreness in shoulders (I used a pillow to prop me up a bit).

The next day wasn't bad either. I thought I would feel some pain, but there was zero pain in my abdominal area, just slight tenderness around the incisions. The only thing I really felt yesterday was gas and chest pains. Walking definitely helped, but sitting in a slouchy position was a no no! That position would ignite heart burn sensations, which was something I never really felt before... it can be a bit uncomfortable. Again, I hydrated w/ little water and this time, some crystal light, but spent the rest of the day walking around the house and resting.

Today, I feel good. I still don't feel any pain so I stopped my pain meds. If anything, I just a little uncomfortable from gas and heart burn. I noticed that even sips of water or crystal light would start the chest pains again, so I finally called the doctors office and learned that sipping a little differently (without air) may stop that feeling, which it did. I guess my stomach pouch is so small that the slightest sips could bring in air, which creates that pressure in the chest. Right now, I'm having a little miso soup, but oddly enough, I haven't had any hunger pains since I've been on a liquid diet (which started on Monday - May 4, 2009). And althought I shouldn't be worried about losing weight so soon, I weighed myself just to start tracking myself... DRUM ROLL!!!! :thumbdown: I've shed 12 pounds since I went on this liquid diet or 6 pounds since being banded on Wednesday!

In all, I can honestly say that I wasn't a bit nervous about getting the lapband - not even a little bit. And I truly believe that this was the result of everyone doing their part to inform me and help me be as comfortable as possible with getting banded. My nutritionist, psychologist, nurse, anesthesiologist, surgery coordinators, and Dr. Feiz took their time to fully explain every detail with me, which is imperative for any surgery, but especially when it has to do with something that will be a part of you for the rest of your life! Now, I look forward to making successful lifestyle changes so that I can be more than happy with myself! I wish you well on your journey and look forward to making friends here! Let's hope the next couple of days will go as smoothly as the start of this whole journey!!!

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Hi chubby cheeks,

I was banded May 7,2009. I have a little more pain than you, maybe because they had to do an hiatal hernia repair. The gas pain in my chest and upper back is getting better, I walked and used gas x. I can barely drink. one cib, one water, one popsicle, one water, one protien shake. Did not finish any. I'm not pushing, when I feel full I stop. Good luck to both of us on this journey.

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Congrats!!! I was banded on 5/6 also. So far the gas pains are much better. I didnt take any pain medication last night and I rested well. Belching is kinda uncomfortable, r u having that problem???

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Congratulations on your banding and the amazing weight loss. Sounds like things went very smoothly.

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I know how you feel about keeping this a secret. I didn't tell anyone until about 5 months post-op (I had lost 80 lbs) and I still haven't told my family that live halfway across the country.

This is the best support group. Keep blogging. It has been a lifesaver for me.

You will meet people on here that you will consider friends. I hope you have found the forums and get with a group of people that were banded this month. It is a great resource because they are people that are going through what you are going through at the same time....then you have the blogs and other forums for advice from the people that have been banded a while and doing great.

The best advice I can give you is in my blog. My Secret Journey. Start at the last page first and you'll find things like Banster's Guidelines and What My Band Does Form Me and How I am doing what I am doing. I hope they will be helpful.

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I'm having surgery this coming Thursday, May 14th, and because you took the time to tell me step-by-step what happened, my journey will be much smoother.

Thank you so much!


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Hi chubby cheeks' date='

I was banded May 7,2009. I have a little more pain than you, maybe because they had to do an hiatal hernia repair. The gas pain in my chest and upper back is getting better, I walked and used gas x. I can barely drink. one cib, one water, one popsicle, one water, one protien shake. Did not finish any. I'm not pushing, when I feel full I stop. Good luck to both of us on this journey.[/quote']

Congrats on getting banded! How is the gas pain now? I was in the same shape.. it was pretty dreadful. Especially when I would get up from lying down or like you said, drink something. But now I am actually feeling way better. I didn't use gas x, instead, I walked a lot, A LOT! It didn't do much for heartburn, but that's pretty much gone now too. Good luck to both of us is right! Look forward to hearing how well you're doing!

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Congrats!!! I was banded on 5/6 also. So far the gas pains are much better. I didnt take any pain medication last night and I rested well. Belching is kinda uncomfortable, r u having that problem???

Yeah, belching was very uncomfortable. I still slightly feel heartburn when I need to burp, but it doesn't hurt nearly as much. I'm so glad we can track eachother on our journey on this website. I've been wanting to see the progress of others banded on the same day (5/6)! I hope your recovery has been well!

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I know how you feel about keeping this a secret. I didn't tell anyone until about 5 months post-op (I had lost 80 lbs) and I still haven't told my family that live halfway across the country.

This is the best support group. Keep blogging. It has been a lifesaver for me.

You will meet people on here that you will consider friends. I hope you have found the forums and get with a group of people that were banded this month. It is a great resource because they are people that are going through what you are going through at the same time....then you have the blogs and other forums for advice from the people that have been banded a while and doing great.

The best advice I can give you is in my blog. My Secret Journey. Start at the last page first and you'll find things like Banster's Guidelines and What My Band Does Form Me and How I am doing what I am doing. I hope they will be helpful.

YAY! I'm not alone about keeping this a secret.. pheww! Thank you for informing me about the forums.. I'm about to check them out. And I will follow your blog. I am sure they will be very helpful on this new journey! Thank you!!!

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I'm having surgery this coming Thursday' date=' May 14th, and because you took the time to tell me step-by-step what happened, my journey will be much smoother.

Thank you so much!


Oh Mary, I am so very glad to hear that! I was a bit worried that my entry would be boring, but I am very meticulous and realize how important it is to be detailed and educated on something like this or for any surgery. Being prepared and informed helped me maintain a very positive, comfortable, and calm attitude prior to surgery. And in fact, I am sure that is also why I am doing well in recovery! Anyhow, thanks for taking the time to read my blog and good luck on the 14th! You will do great!!! Keep me posted on your experience, I look forward to hearing from you!

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Congratulations on your banding and the amazing weight loss. Sounds like things went very smoothly.

Thank you band_groupie (great name)! Things are great. I hope things will continue to run this smoothly.

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