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Angry at the Band or the Doctor??

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I went in yesterday. I am at 9 mos. postop now. Had a gain of 3 lbs. So again I have lost about 40 lbs. give or take. But NOTHING since November. I tried very hard to go in there very calmly and low key. The nurse AGAIN said she thought I had stretched my esophagus from repeatedly eating too much and the band was too restricted! What a JOKE! I have SELDOM if ever felt any restriction from this dumb band. They just do not believe me. She sent me for a barium swallow test to see. I went this morning. All looked FINE to me. And I felt that the band did not look like it restricted my stomach AT all. But I know the fill part is on the inside and cannot see it. But the top did not look restricted either. Anyway I then was sent to the dietician AGAIN. I lost it in there. She asked me if I was ANGRY and felt I had been CHEATED and I said YES!!!!! I was told I would feel SOMETHING that would give me a signal to quit eating when that upper part of my stomach was full. I have felt very very little if anything EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where is the restriction they promised in their pre-surgery HYPE!????! What a bunch of liars! I think they are getting the $$$$ and do not care about what I SAY I feel or do not feel. I have no control whatsoever about what is being done to me or NOT done to me. Why did I even get this stupid thing!?? IF I lose any weight it will NOT be because of the band. And I will be lucky if I can because I sure could not before so why could I now!? Right now I do not care WHAT they do--put some in, take it out, whatever!! I don't have any say in it so who gives a care!! I am just frustrated and upset about his beyond belief. I thought that this would just give me that little help I needed and I have gotten almost NOTHING as far as help with eating with this thing. So no more fills I guess, here I go on my own. My eyes are tearing up just thinking about this. what a waste of time. I cannot read about others who are successful because I hear that their doctors give them fills when they need it and listen to what they are struggling with. Great. I get the doctor's office that just does not care. That is it for today. yuck. :cursing::thumbdown:

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I went in yesterday. I am at 9 mos. postop now. Had a gain of 3 lbs. So again I have lost about 40 lbs. give or take. But NOTHING since November. I tried very hard to go in there very calmly and low key. The nurse AGAIN said she thought I had stretched my esophagus from repeatedly eating too much and the band was too restricted! What a JOKE! I have SELDOM if ever felt any restriction from this dumb band. They just do not believe me. She sent me for a barium swallow test to see. I went this morning. All looked FINE to me. And I felt that the band did not look like it restricted my stomach AT all. But I know the fill part is on the inside and cannot see it. But the top did not look restricted either. Anyway I then was sent to the dietician AGAIN. I lost it in there. She asked me if I was ANGRY and felt I had been CHEATED and I said YES!!!!! I was told I would feel SOMETHING that would give me a signal to quit eating when that upper part of my stomach was full. I have felt very very little if anything EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where is the restriction they promised in their pre-surgery HYPE!????! What a bunch of liars! I think they are getting the $$$$ and do not care about what I SAY I feel or do not feel. I have no control whatsoever about what is being done to me or NOT done to me. Why did I even get this stupid thing!?? IF I lose any weight it will NOT be because of the band. And I will be lucky if I can because I sure could not before so why could I now!? Right now I do not care WHAT they do--put some in, take it out, whatever!! I don't have any say in it so who gives a care!! I am just frustrated and upset about his beyond belief. I thought that this would just give me that little help I needed and I have gotten almost NOTHING as far as help with eating with this thing. So no more fills I guess, here I go on my own. My eyes are tearing up just thinking about this. what a waste of time. I cannot read about others who are successful because I hear that their doctors give them fills when they need it and listen to what they are struggling with. Great. I get the doctor's office that just does not care. That is it for today. yuck. :cursing::thumbdown:

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Hey Bio Teach! Don't give up yet, has anyone said to go back on your liquid diet again with only the protein shakes, water, broth and juice? Just might give you the kick start that you need to get a handle back on this journey. Remember also that the band is just a tool, it is not magic and it by itself will not make us loose the weight. We still have to work at it everyday just like before. We still have to give up our favorite foods just like before and we have to start an exercise program just like we have never wanted to do in the past. A friend of mine who has been truly successful with the LB told me she has totally stayed with the couple of cups of food allowed at each meal and it has been really hard for her but she has lost over 100 pounds now. Sure our head will tell us anything we want to hear but our stomach is very quite and if we do not listen we will not hear that we are full and we should stop eating. So limit yourself to small portions, exercise by taking a walk for 30 mins three days a week, keep your protein up and your carbs down! THIS WILL WORK IF YOU WORK WITH IT! Remember it is all about us, we can do this! This is a good talk to myself also, Cheryl

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Thanks Cheryl. I do exercise every day almost at about 30 minutes fast walk with my doggie. So that is OK. I have two goals until next month. 1) write all down. OK I am on day 2 but I will sure try. 2) no eating between meals. Now that is a BIGGIE for me. I appreciate your thoughts and comments. I really felt I needed to VENT. Not sure where I will go from here. But thanks.....

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Hi, Bio - when I read your comments I felt like dejavu. I felt exactly the same way you are feeling. As Cheryl said, this is not the magic tool. Do me a favor? When you eat out, when your food is brought to the table, automatically ask for a doggie bag and remove 1/2 your food. You can drink before you eat, but once you start eating, wait 1/2 hour after eating before you drink again. Those were two adjustments I had to make that assisted with my weight lost. I got my surgery in June, 08 and I have lost a total of about 40 lbs. When I hear other people talk about 75-10o lbs weight lost, I get frustrated, but then I have to remember that it's not going to leave overnight. Just be patient and take it one day at a time. I would love to hear about your progress.


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Hey Fit. Nice to hear from you. I would not wish this PLATEAU--is that what it is? on anyone else but am glad to hear that I am not the only one who hasn't lost 90 pounds in 9 months. I don't feel like this is going to work I just don't. Nothing is happening. It has again been about a week and I have lost nothing. I have been weighing. I have done so MUCH exercise this week. Wednesday I went to a State Park for my son's Geology class and we hiked on rugged trails with lots and lots of steps and walking in creek beds and stuff like that for 4 1/2 hours. We timed it! Man I was sore but I did make it. I think my family was not sure about that. Then I did walk my normal amount at least the rest of the days too. I feel fine now. I also have written down what I have eaten pretty much for a week now so that is a biggie. I have not really analyzed it much, just wrote it down. Fit, I am pretty good on eating out. I never eat the BREAD or rolls. Hubby knows to get them away. I eat salad with fork dressing. If I eat potato it is half and same on butter. Then I eat my meat, sometimes I split that too. sometimes I bring it home. This week I was on Spring Break so we ate out a lot, that is a fact but I think I am OK. I never, never eat desserts out or home and I never ever eat at buffets either. I don't know what is going to happen from here on with my band. I really feel I will not lose any more weight until I really feel that spot and I sure hardly ever do now. But at the doc's office they seem to not believe me so--whatever. I will keep on keeping on and do the best I can. it just seems to not be good enough to lose any more weight. I must be OK with the esophagus stretching thing because I had the test Tuesday and heard nothing from them. I did not think I had stretched it. Looked fine to me on the barium thing. As I said, it is out of my hands. I am doing what I can do and then either they help me with it or they don't. I am not going to fret about it anymore. Next time I go in there that is the attitude I am going to take. They can send me to the dietician 100 times and the counselor 100 times. I KNOW that I am not getting the help from this band that I should be getting and that is that. I can eat just about ANYTHING and quite a quantity and no real problems or feeling from it. So there. I know in My HEART that is the case. Well back to the grindstone of school tomorrow. Gotta go and more later.

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Just feeling a little blue tonite. Probably just very tired. Lots of extra schoolwork to do this weekend along with my regular laundry and stuff. I think I have about 6-8 hours of grading, seriously, and I am just tired thinking about it. I have a buddy I got here who was struggling and has finally gotten enough fills that she has hit her sweet spot. She says she can eat a few bites of things then that is it. She needs to eat a little more often but the weight is starting to come off. Well, that is exactly what I understood would happen with this band. Of course that is not what I have. I am trying hard to write down my food. But I am not doing that well with eating and quantities. I was not good before the band and still cannot control it well now. I am very afraid my weight will now start to creep back up as it has many, many times before when the weight quit coming off. I always hit this. I am still feeling that I will not get any more fills from my doctor. I think I only need maybe 1 or 2 more. I think the 1 just might do it. But THEY think I am just an overeating pig so they are not going to give me any more. And I am trying NOT to fret about it. I cannot make them give me fills and I have to quit getting mad because they won't. It is a no-win situation that I am stuck in and the band just did not help me. Now I am stuck with it and it doesn't work because not enough is in. So I fear that I will again FAIL at this yet another weight loss try. I will probably be FATTER and just have a band in there. Just GREAT. Wow, I have been better about not letting this bother me this week than I am right now. I think I am just toooooo tired. Better go.

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Hi BioTeacher! I have felt all of the same feelings you are talking about and I am exausted. I have a 4cc band and I have had several fills and one unfill and even if I feel like there is restriction for awhile it doesn't last. I very easily get back into my old habits, I am an emotional eater and I too thought I would get a feeling of when to stop eating but I don't. I now have 3 1/2 cc in and the only time I felt like I was in control was when they put in 4cc but I had heartburn so bad and got sick almost every day. I would have put up with it if it wasn't so bad for my health I am a diabetic for 24 years so I feel like it is now or never. I got banded July 21, 2007 and had lost 60 pounds but I have gained back 10. I went for a fill last Wed. and I only had shakes for 2 1/2 days I'm not sure it's going to work this time either. You know if I could have done it without the band I would already be thin. I needed something that would help me feel when to stop and help me as I thought the "TOOL" would. It did for5 months, now why is it not helping? My doc is not too hard on me but I have gotten the you are expecting too much from the band lecture, you need to do the work. If I could have done the work I wouldn't be on this web site right now!! At this moment I'm not helping you at all and I'm not being positive but I want you to know you are not alone in your feelings and thoughts. I am bound and determined that I will make this work with my help because I feel it is my last chance, I've tried everything else!! Take care and good luck!!

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Hey Noel! I am glad you wrote about my blog even though it sounds like my story. Sounds like you thought the very same thing that I did. Why is this working so WELL for so many people and not for us?? It is OK you really DID help me more than you think because I do not feel stupid like I am nuts about what I thought the band should do. And it is possible it just may not work for me. I just feel better knowing I am not crazy and the restriction I am supposed to feel just ain't there. I will hope the best for you too. Hope the refilling does get there. That seems like a really SMALL band you have there anyway. Why can't they get the size of the opening right? You wonder for sure. Just keep in contact and maybe we can figure this out and at least not think we are both nuts! Thanks for writing. Right now this is about all I have to vent my frustration and loss of hope with this dumb thing I put in my body!

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Hi all.. well its such a tough journey and your blogs all prove it.. I had my band fitted about 2.5 years ago. and it didn't work.. wow i was so upset and felt judged and blamed by the doctor. I have now emigrated to NZ and there's no lap band support for miles and miles. I last had my band looked at in July 08 (the hospital in the uK agreed to check for leaks) as i complained so much. They said it wasn't leaking, but it just didnt' work. Its filled to the brim with fluid..

Well since Jan of this year it now works. i have no idea why or how or what changed.. strange.. so i have lost weight. but i wish i was more on track.. I vomit too much and in my head i still eat too much. I do get heartburn when i drink wine or have spicey food. and orange juice is now out of the question.

I am amazed and pleased for people who find the band so great. i guess they get v good after care support. For me i am all alone now. but am trying to learn to eat better... but its still a long journey.

One of the awful things for me is that i can't lie down with anything in me. not even a mouth full of water.. so i have to put my fingers down my throat before bed. yuk.. its another thing which has recently started happening.

I do hope the band is ok.. i don't have anyone to ask.. i am just grateful it now restricts the amount i can eat.

good luck with it all.

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I am sorry to hear your having so many problems with the band and I agree with you.. These surgerons dont care after they get your money ! Infact my surgery was pushed up because of it and my surgeron skip some of my pre op testing .. and know i have a really horrible infection from the surgery.. . and i have been on so many meds i lost count and i have seen a lung dr know for a nebulizar treatments and i have to go for sleep study.. and i have to take a month leave of work.. and i am only losing like pounds every other week because i am so sick i cant even breath to go walking ... if i know what i new then i would never have done this to myself.. people i would advise go back to WIEGHT WATCHERS OR JENNY CRAIG! if i could i would have this removed but i wont go back to that hosptail ... and im trying to find a new surgeron if anyone knows of one that will take me . I live in patchogue NY ... i tried to call another dr but they wont take me because i already had surgery.. this is the most frustrating and upsetting thing i have ever done and it dosent cure anything ... its just a chop shop for fat people!

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one more thing ... look for if you overeat i usually get a pain under my breast bone on the left side and thats when i know i am done.. this is the hardest thing ever i did and you really get no support after words from the doctors office... we have been fighting with them .. i had gotton sick and found outhtere was no covering dr and they were telling me i am not sick and dont go to the er .. just go to your primary care docotor because know your there problem was i told ... they dont tell anyof this in the beginning ... and my office has no post op meetings...

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