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Returning for Support and Reminders



So, I am back on the site for the first time since my bypass surgery back in July 2014. I never realized how much I actually need the support of others who have had weight loss surgery. I thought that having my mother around would be a great support system. Even though the therapist, in the pre-op therapy session, told me that she believed my mother sabotages my weight loss goals. When I said that carbs like potato chips and bread are my down fall, she started bring chips into the house 2 bags at a time, buying 10lb bags of potatos and started buying bread again ALL the time. I realize that it is my choice to eat the stuff but it has been hard to resist in the past two weeks. I have more support from my coworkers than I do her, which is amazing to me. :o One thing that I have learned is that I can no longer let her be the only person in the house who cooks. I have to take control of my kitchen and make sure that I have more healthy than not food in my pantry. If I hear her say, "Healthy food costs too much" one more time, I am going to SCREAM!!! Of COURSE healthy food costs more, but if she is not paying for it then why is she complaining. Anyway... That is what prompted me to come back to the site. I need support and to see some reminders that weight loss success can be attainable. I had slowed down my weight loss because I did not want it to go too fast and I end up looking like some kind of bobble head. That has happened to a lot of people. I also do not want to start looking too old. Hmmm...vain much? I suppose so. But, hey, I am being honest.


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I am sorry to hear that your mom is working to help sabotage your progress. It definitely is not easy to do, and having someone who is trying to hold you back like that must be really discouraging. I'm here, anytime you need to chat.

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Stay focused on your goals and great job with realizing that you need to be in control of the preparation of your meals! Only a chat away...

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Thank you both very much for the encouraging words.

Trace ~ the funny thing about it is that she does not realize that what she is doing could be considered "sabotage". No matter how many times I have explained it. But at least I know what to do about it now.

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