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Did I just cry at work?

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Kristina Mccarthy-Martin


No matter how old I am, I always try to pull it together and look professional at work. Most of the time I succeed. Today I failed. Usually I am the youngest person in the office (really isn’t saying much now that I am in my mid-thirties) which in itself lowers my credibility. The over achiever in me also plays into this.


Stress can come at you full force, or in little pieces building up. Effective stress relief is a requirement in life. I am in serious need of finding a new tool. When I was in college, I would hit tennis balls as hard as I could against the backboard. After I hurt my knee, I would go shopping. Then I would have buyers remorse and return stuff. After shopping it was baking and eating it. No chocolate for me today = tears.


I saw this coming a few weeks ago when my eyelid twitch returned. The last time I had a twitch I was in college and the doctor’s resolution was to be less stressed. Ha good one!

Furloughs…Potential RIF…spouses inconsistent pay…rental house…weight loss…pending surgery…knee pain…work project…3 hours in the ER…then a phone call that resulted in tears. The phone call in itself should not have resulted in me crying, but alas I had reached my breaking point. It is really unfortunate that I work in a cubicle and someone can walk up at anytime, like my boss.


Everyday is a new day. Just have to hope tomorrow is a better one. Also need to find a contractor to remove the brick wall from my cubicle.


Next up on the to do list: Research stress relief techniques. Need to be prepared next time. Have any suggestions? (Other than food, shopping, or alcohol.)

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I'm so sorry you're going through all of this stress. :(

I know this might sound weird, but have you tried rubbing a smooth stone or silver dollar? When I get overwhelmed I do that... it obviously doesn't fix the problem, but it gives me something repetitive and easy to focus on and it kind of calms my body down.

I hope things get better for you soon, and I hope the pending surgery and everything else goes well!

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I've done it too. I've cried in my cubicle. I'm not at that job anymore. But decorating your cubicle could help! Like one of those glowy color-changing lights you can get at Ikea or those earthy-happy stores at the mall. Bright and friendly artwork is good too! Also, you can get one of those natural light lamps, that will help. Good luck!

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Moan, b***h, complain, rant - ALL YOU WANT! That's what part of this forum is for, let it out, and make it loud! It will get better in time, hang tough, you didn't get where you are by being a total wimp... I can tell ;-)

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I crochet, and have recently learned to knit. I find that doing that calms me down considerably, not sure if its just because I'm focusing on what I'm doing with my hands so I don't think about whatever it is that I'm stressed about or what, but it works!

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I feel your pain...in my office I'm youngest (until recently), one of only a small handfull of women, and don't report directly to the groups I support. I have no choice but hold it together.

It can be tough, but you know what...you have to let it out. We all have that fine line and once crossed, you have to let it out. Better to cry than throw a full out tantrum (which I've seen the guys do from time to time around here).

You don't have to always be "together". It's okay to let yourself be human. Just think...the world didn't end because you cried at your desk.

What I've found is that I need to get sucked into something else when I get stressed. For example, I will walk to another location in the building, or read something quick on my cell phone, or heck, come to this site.

Once you find your happy place/activity...keep falling back on that. Just know, that the world won't end if you're human and experience human emotions.

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Do you work in my office, because it sounds like you do? I also feel your pain. Just throw several kids in the picture, my third speed camera ticket in the mail today and a death in the family and it might be my blog. You know what put things in perspective for me today in cube land? My neighbor several cubes down that I hadn't seem around the office in awhile. She stopped by. She had no hair, no breasts, and looked like hell. She has been through treatment for breast cancer this last year. In the end it made all my things a little more trivial.

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A while back I was the one crying my our office. (My boss isn't the easiest to work with) But I started listening to quiet music in my office space and it really keeps my mood up and helps me stay relaxed. Hope it's gotten better for you since you wrote this. Glad you only have one more day to work and then off for so long, sounds like it will be a much deserved break.

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Thanks. Things are looking up. I decided to take a little me time after the surgery. I think it is well deserved and I didn't want to be stressed while healing. Although I do have to admit that I have been guilted in to working part time. Darn work ethic.

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