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Self Talk

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"Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you greater than any obstacle." - Christian D. Larson...I have to constantly surround myself with positive thoughts and quotes, etc. I have been doing this for a long time, it has helped renew my mind, focusing on what is going to help and not hinder me. Sometimes my mind can be a frightening place, and it has been that for years of emotional eating, out of control habits where food is concerned and all to the detriment of my health. I developed Diabetes, and was on oral meds and 5 shots a day and my numbers were still not where they were supposed to be. So I realized, a while ago, I had to change my mindset first, and the rest will follow. It's so easy to listen to and believe the negative things you tell yourself. I honestly remember telling myself how much I hated me and what I had become, I could not look at myself in the mirror without disgust at what I saw. My kids would judge how much weight mom lost according to if they could connect their hands around me when they hugged me. So after a bad marriage, and a bad 5 year relationship, I decided to work on ME. In doing so, I found the person I lost, and surprisingly she was waiting to make an entrance. She sat in the background being emotionally battered for long enough and food was her only friend. I tried denying the Diabetes and it got worse, they had to change insulin doses all the time just to see what might work, and it caused me to feel sick more often than not. But I had to press through, and had to realize that I AM worth fighting for, I AM worth my time, and I don't want my kids to know life without me at this point, I'm still young. That's where the positive talk came in to play and I can honestly say that with all things this helps me the most. I feel better because I am working on me from the inside out. This surgery was just icing on the "virtual" cake!!! Now I am self motivating me for the start of the rest of my life, and it feels great!!! I try not to let the negative things get me down, because I've been down that depression/anxiety road before and I don't like that path in life at all. Some things I say over and over that really help are as follows: "There is nothing to great of accomplishment for one who knows the power of one's word and follows one's intuitive leads." - "The perfect plan includes health, wealth, love and perfect self-expression. this is the square of life, which brings perfect happiness." - "When you feel the world pushing against you...drop your head, lower your shoulder and dig in deep and push back." - and the best one so far, by Joel Osteen: "You need to associate with people that inspire you, people tat challenge you to rise higher, people that make you better. Don't waste your valuable time with people that are not adding to your growth. Your destiny is too important." Believe that...YOU are important, YOU are so worth the effort you put in to yourself and YOU will be the BEST YOU that you can possibly be. As the song says...."YOU are AMAZING, JUST the way YOU ARE!!!"

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Wow....inspiring for sure..The only problem is trying to change everything anyone has ever said to you that was negative about yourself and finding the new you.

I grew up in a family that measured looks and size..I always came out lacking in both....I grew to believe I was worth nothing and was stupid and any other negative thing you can think of....They always brought up my weight and felt better knowing that they were smaller then me..It made them feel powerful...

Now I am letting that person out that was ridiculed so much through out my life...When I was thin or fat did not matter I was not worth much.....

I am interested in seeing what is left inside of me and how I will learn to see myself....Thank you for your post....I have a long way to go to even feel a little of that about myself!!!!

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I've been through many years of ridicule for my weight, directly and indirectly...I have been outgrowing Lane Bryant Clothing, and then coming to where I am now. My ex-husband made me feel less than human, and I gained most of my weight due to the depression and anxiety from that relationship. I had to realize that only I could change myself, and I had to realize that everyone will always have their opinions, but I don't have to be the brunt of them. The man I grew up with was very conditional with his praise, or love or whatever, and that played a big role on how I felt about me...I felt if I performed to expectations I would get that love and attention from the only man I knew, at that time as dad. Later in life I realized he was doing the same to my younger siblings and I didn't like that, the only difference, he is their biological dad...I put a stop to the conditional stuff and he told me I was no longer his daughter. I felt like a ton of bricks was lifted off of me! Finally I stood up for ME, and it felt so good. That was the first step in my life that I took at realizing I don't have to take the negative from others and make it my own . I am responsible for my happiness and I've come to a point where I make myself very happy and it shows!!! My mom/best friend...gave me this book that helped me so very much, it's by Florence Scovel Shinn and it is called the Complete Writings of Florence Scovel Shinn for Women. It features The Game of Life and How to Play it, Your Word is your Wand, The Secret Door to Success, and The Power of the Spoken Word...it really changed how and what I let into my life. I recommend this book to my friends often. Another GREAT read is Deadly Emotions by Dr. Colbert...AWESOME and this DR knows his stuff!!!

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