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Closet Sleever

Ms. Mannix


I must admit, I'm a "closet" sleever.


No family or friends know what I'm about to do because I choose not to share. i feel ashamed that i cannot lose the weight on my own. I've been trying for years only to regain the loss weight & then some.


My mother has been petite & tiny all of her life, so shes never understood my plight. If she knew, oh would I hear it... Yup, even at the age of 49, she still tries to be controlling. Our phone discussions are never about life events initially, the 2nd-4th question from her is, "HOW IS YOUR WEIGHT?". {I cringe at this question}


My friends are all shapes & sizes. My smaller friends call WLS a cop out. My overweight and obese friends say they're ok with their weight, but they're always on a "diet".


Instead of acceptance & encouragement, I'm sure I would receive critcism & hateration...{Hateration= a form of jealously and negative emotion about your situation or circumstance, b/c individual isn't able to obtain/acheive the same success}


The "excuse" I plan to use with all (including coworkers) is, I had my gallbladder removed & I'm now watching what I eat with a high protien & low carb diet with excercise incorporated within.


Yes....... this is my story & my truth. MY truth shall set me free.

Thanks for stopping by...I now feel a little lighter, less burdened.


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I understand your thoughts on this....and I LOVE "hateration" lol.....funny. I am hoping to have my own surgery soon and am dreading the comments from the peanut gallery also. I probably won't tell most people in my life except those closest.

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there are few who know how I've lost weight. I just tell others that I am watching my portions and kicking up my physical activity. Its definitely on a need to know basis...

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I wasn't planning on telling anyone other than DH & my sister (by the way, I can so relate to the Mom relationship LOL and I'm 49 as well)....

I have 2 friends who have had WLS and we exercise twice a week together--and both were open about their surgery.....I feel badly not telling them, but once it's out in the open, it's out there, and I'd rather keep this close to home....

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I have been careful who I have told so far (I have my first appointment with the surgeon on 7/19/13). This is such a personal decision and it seems to belong with religion and politics on the "off limits" list. I don't want to hear anyone's judgement. I had a friend years ago that would say "It's None Ya, None Ya Business!" That sums it up for me. It isn't anyone's business but mine.

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I feel the same way as you do. The only one's who know are my 2 kids, my "sleeve sistas", my personal trainer and my wls surgeon (of course). I've always been a private person about my life and it's just no body's business!!

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Bravo for sharing this. I have told a total of 4 people who I know will not judge me but support me through this journey. However, I will be saying the same thing (gallbladder and hernia for me) for those that I work with esp since I work with a person who has major body issues and won't get it. I agree with tbrown9 - its nobody's business!

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I am also a 'closet sleever'. They are 5 people that do know. My husband, my two children, my mom and my friend. I feel exactly the way you do. My Mom insists that my sister-in-law (that is so jealous of everything i do) will find out. I feel like it's our business who to tell and who to not tell. I am also 49 and my surgery is July 15th.

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I am very similar. Absolutely no one will know until I actually have had moderate success. I plan to tell my employer I am having my gallbladder taken out. When it is obvious that something happened, I intend to only tell friends of mine who are in similar situations (morbid obesity) in order to educate them and give them hope that it is not permanent. Question for you guys though, when you dieted, did you also keep that a secret? I often did diets with the aforementioned friends, and my biggest requirement was that they not share the fact I was dieting with anyone. Seems like a lot of people are just willing to put that information out there, and I always seemed very withholding when it came to discussing food, eating habits, etc unless it came to discussing with a professional (Nutritionist, surgeon, PCP, etc). Did you all treat dieting the same way?

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I, too, have kept the information close. Only family know about my surgery. I was sleeved 14 months ago and have told those who remark on my weight loss that I have been dieting and exercising, which is certainly true.

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I am LOVING the support. Thank you all.

Peppermint....Good luck to you on 7/15...Can i say i love the NoneYaBusiness??? {smiling}

Tbrown.....I've joined a few support groups in the area in search of "Sleeve Sistas"... for they can Relate, they will Appreciate & they won't HATE.....RAH!

SteelersGirl....My point as well...I have a lot of those co-workers...Perhaps I'll throw in a hernia. {It wouldn't hurt}

Kaylee....Yay to you!! I'm glad you can share with your mother....now the S-I-L...(whew, that's another story}, good luck to you on the 15th. Keep in touch!

NJ8988.....You are a beacon of hope. Educating your friends is definately beneficial. YOU will lead by example!

And to answer your question...When I dieted, I chose not to tell that either. The work place is TOXIC. You tell a few that you're on a diet & they become the FOOD POLICE! Don't eat that, you should watch that, Salt isn't good,Watch your sugar! How many cookies did you take?? I thought you were on a diet, How much did you lose? Are you going to "work" that piece of cake off? It NEVER ends.. Yada yada YADA...SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY!!! I eat my lunch & try not to make it a GRAND discussion. if it's an office celebration, I've learned to take a fork full of a few things...If I really don't choose to eat it, I toss it. No harm done & I don't appear to be anti-social. Walk away from the food....Out of sight, out of mind.

Notime...KUDOS to you!! 14 months?? That's GREAT... I will share with my family and friends one day, {but not today}..lol....Continued SUCCESS to you!

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