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One week after being sleeved.

blogs/blog-0235372001367871545.jpgHi my name is Erica, I've always been on the big bone or Heavy side so this past few months I started looking into the gastric sleeve process and I started to educate myself about the pros and con's of the surgery. when I went in to see my doctor he was so warn and understanding i then felt really comfortable going on through with the surgery. so I had to do some pre surgery tests before i could set a surgery date. That took about a month and I had my date set after the date was set i had to wait 2 weeks to allow time for my pre op liquid diet. So, I've had my surgery and all I can say is it is the hardest thing I've ever done in my life! the first two to three days after surgery were the worst! but, its been almost a week now and I'm feeling better. I still can't eat real food yet I'm on a all liquid diet but the pain has let off some. I have five small incision's on the upper on my stomach. I have been taking pro mod high protein liquid (it tastes awful) so its been very hard getting enough down. I've also been eating the cool pops.


I was under the impression after my surgery I wouldn't be hungry any longer but boy was I wrong! My family has been eating everything and I feel like I'm starving to death here but can't eat. I think this is a awful feeling and I'm hoping it will pass soon!


I'm Praying that this gets better! someone please tell me it will??


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it does get easier, I didnt have the same probs your having but it was hard at first and it still is hard but I wouldnt change it for the world I am down 76lbs and feel so much better, I dont crave things and I do get hungry but not like I use to. good luck on your journey

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hi I am 5 weeks out first week was a killer!! I smelt food and my mouth watered, my advice drink drink drink, get a good PPI (im on nexium) and essential good shakes! I did unjury & premier (very satisfying) Now im onto solids, I am really struggling to get in 500cals per day. I am topping up with 1 shake or a smoothy (with a scoop of protein in) once you go on to solids you will feel the restriction BIG TIME!!!

I am 24lbs down and now loving my sleeve, hang in there it gets better, also the gherelin is still in your system.

best of luck rachel.

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Thanks y'all :) yesterday I had some homemade soup it was good but i felt like i cheated I'm not sure why I felt like that? maybe because It was good? I had my husband go out and buy me a food choper and I put about a 1/2 cup into it and blended it up unto baby food form it went down good and stayed down. thanks for everyone's support. and I'm open to any suggestions! thanks again.

<a href='http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com'><img src='http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/tickers/58085-angeliclady/bodyweight.png?ts=1367943965' /></a>

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