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1 month out



I'm sure other people are feeling this way, but I'm so tired of not feeling good after eating. This morning, I scrambled one egg, couldn't eat anything else afterwards. For lunch, I had egg salad (1 egg and 1 tbsp light mayo), a cheese stick, and 2 crackers. I just feel so bad after eating that it takes away from the satisfaction of enjoying my foods. This has been going on for about a week now. I have a check up appointment with my doctor on Friday, but sure wish that this feeling would go away so I can get to feeling normal again.


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OMG, I am feeling the same way. I am 5 weeks out and feeling miserable today. I want to be able to enjoy food. I also made a scrambled egg. Ate 2 bits and then stomach upset. I am hoping it passes.

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i was sooo worriedit was just me and i had a problem! I usually have to go lay down after I eat for about 20 minutes!

I dont eat breakfast because I dont have time to lay down. at lunch THANK GOD my planning period is with my lunch cause I go lay on the sofa in the lounge for a few minutes for it to pass!

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Maybe that is a bit too much food right now and that's why you feel bad or hurt. I'm 5 weeks out and I could either do the cheese stick or the egg and mayo. And i'm not sure I could eat the entire egg! lol Just depends. And the cracker may be getting stuck, sometimes bread type stuff does that! Just suggestions =) Hope it gets better!

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I am also 1 mth out with a doctors appt. on Friday and am feeling exactly the same way. I don't really want to put anything in my mouth because I know that I am going to feel bad afterwards. Maybe its just a phase for this period, I hope. I'm really sick and tired of being sick and tired. I am working on getting in my liquids and have been coming really close, but I know that I am not coming no where near what I need for proteins. UHG!

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Feel the same as each of you guys!! Not happy about it at all. Kind of have second thoughts. I know thats bad but want to feel " normal" again. I keep telling myself , at 8 month point things will be different, in a good way:)

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I was feeling the same. I'm a little over a month out. I read a book about gastric sleeve and adjusted my meals. I agree with determined. When I was feeling sick after eating it generally was because I ate too much. Plus, I let some carbs creep in. The book said to concentrate on protein and produce so that is what I do (of course I know about protein but I was still trying to have a meal and I just don't have room so now I limit it to my protein and if there is room, produce). My meals are not exciting but I haven't felts sick lately. I might have a hard boiled egg for lunch and that feels good in my sleeve. Now I try to keep my meals about that size and I've had not more trouble. I think we just need time to feel things out. Try to keep your meals smaller and you might feel better too. Good luck! I know it is horrible to feel that way!

One other trick, My nut said that it helps to have pineapple tidbits with protein. The acid helps break it down. It does seem to work!

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6 weeks out for me, almost 7 and I feel the same way most of the time, sometimes after eating I feel like I have swallowed a giant stone, other times I feel like it's all going to come back up again, I dont throw up but I feel like I'm going to. Everything repeats on me. I chew everything to total much and it feels like it's stuck. eating is a pain. I'm almost never hungry, but I cant tell when I'm full cos I almost always feel full.

scrambled egg and grilled chicken are getting very old.

I suspect I may be eating a little to fast, but who wants to eat cold or re heated scrambled egg ew..

le sigh.

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Eating to fast will make you feel that away my Dr said it takes about 4mos for the stomach to get back on track you had a surgery that remove 85% of your stomach out

time will help but get all of your protein In I have to get 65g-70g a day Good Luck!!

I also use my timer on my Iphone to help me to slow down..

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I am 2 months post op, and I have the same thing going on. It's just that we can't eat like we used to. You will learn to listen to your stomach and towards the last bites it will say hey I'm full already. Don't feel like you have to finish something.

I get the worst feeling when I take one bite to many and when I eat to fast, which I have yet to perfect at a slower pace. I usually will take my walk after dinner to help it digest.

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If I eat to fast man o man the pain I use my timer on my Iphone for 10mins and I stop for 10mins then I can stop or take another bite it helps to slow me down all ways been a fast eater and chew chew chew hard to do!!

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