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10 days post op... Mixed emotions

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Now I said when I started this whole journey that I would be completely honest with myself about life before and after the sleeve. Half of me is like yes!!! I did it! I'm On my way to a new life. The other half is like Tia wtf did you just do. Juice and sipping and vitamins forever? Was it that serious? I'm definitely having mixed emotions about this procedure at this point in m journey.


I'm 10 days post op an have lost 20 pounds (22 pounds if you wanna count the day I left surgery at 2 pounds heavier than my starting weight)... Unfortunately I feel this is due to the fact that I haven't even gotten 10oz of liquid in a day since surgery and no protein. Everything I want my stomachs says no and spits it out. From broth to protein to Gatorade. I have this foamy spit that comes up by the loads. Looks like little gas bubbles in it and I'm not sure if this is my body's way of releasing gas or my body's way of saying nothing will stay down. So frustrating!


I have found that the premier protein shakes are a bit more tolerable than any other protein shake but I can ony tolerate maybe an ounce an hour. If that! Also vitamin water is my best friend. It's the only thing that goes down and stays down. Minus a few burp ups I may have...


Overall I guess the journey has been interesting but definitely one filled with so many emotions. Ups and downs on a daily basis. The few people that I've met in this forum have done wonders for getting me through the last week and I thank goodness I have this place to vent and release my thoughts. It'll take me literally 50 pounds to drop a dress size so at least I can hang onto all this fashion for a while.


Other their than that I've been a trooper since about the second day post op. out and about shopping and hanging out. Went to a football game last night and getting ready to go roller skating this evening. Things will get better but my doc has me on liquids for a full 4 weeks s by the end of this ill probably never want to see or hear anything about soup again in my life. I thank god for the opportunity to get to my goal weight but I'm also saddened that this is all there will ever be!


Looking forward to better days...

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It gets better. I really got depressed at two weeks out and even now the drinking feels like a chore but you will make it once the weight starts falling off you will feel better! Hang in there

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Gosh so sorry about you keeping stuff down not sure what that foamy stuff is but I know I have seen it written about somewhere. How do you have the enery to do all that stuff I was sleeved December 13th and I am pooped?

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Hang in there....I was told by the nutritionalist that the foaming ...bubbles is normal and gets better when you increase your fluid intake.

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Hang in there. If I had a dime for every time I asked myself why I did this the first couple weeks we all would b rich. I'm almost to week 5, it gets easier on the emotions.

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It really does gets better !!! take it slowly and sip sip sip!! the first month I was up like 24/7 just trying to get all the water in and some kind of protien I had to set an egg timer and sipped 1 oz every 10 or 15 minutes....

also I totally hate the foamies!! yukkkkk that usually means for me that I took in too much on my stomach .... dont over do it and take it slow, you will be feeling better before you know it !!!

I am 3.5 months out and down 80 lbs .... so well worth everything I have been through....

started 338 now at 258 started at a size 26 now 16

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It does get better, I am also 3.5 moths out and I am down 62 lbs. and feeling great. I felt the exact same way you did and asked myself what have I done. It is totally a whole new life and you will enjoy it soon.

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I know it gets better but the emotional roller coaster I've been actually living through the bad days does take a toll. Now I'm like ok I have no pain, no nausea, noncustodial reflux but will take one sip and burp and its back up.

As for the energy I have tons for some reason though when I work out I can't even run for a full 15 minutes.. But no head hunger or anything, once I'm out and about food is the last thing on my mind...

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I had the foam immediately coming out of surgery and it kept choking me - hence I vomitted for the first 48 hours because of it. My doctor told me it was from the first leak test they did in the OR and that the only way to get rid of it was to drink as much as possible and push it out. I actually felt foam coming out of me when I peed.

I was sleeved on the 19th, so we're pretty close together. Sound like you're recovering a lot better than I am. I'm still in bed most of the day. Can get up and do things for a short while, then back to bed. Even sitting up on the couch is proving pretty uncomfortable. The idea of exercise? Hahahaha.

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