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He Likes Big Butts And He Can Not Lie



blogs/blog-0285766001349726421.jpgIn the six months that I have been on this site, I have read many posts, updates, and blogs. I have seen that we all have very similar fears and concerns when it comes to the sleeve. Today I plan to address one fear that I have/had that I haven't seen on here. I am not sure if it's becasue the fear seems so far fetched to most or if it's something else completely. What I do know is this fear was one of my BIGGEST reservations about having this surgery.


Now, most people worry about having to get in protein or the pain associated with the surgery and after. Others worry about hair falling out, change of taste buds, and even not eating enough. I have heard cries of concern over drinking while eating, hormonal changes, and even the ever popular, "will I ever be able to eat ________ again?" Now, I am not belittling these concerns. I've had them all and still have some. A great example is one I had yesterday. My husband wanted pizza for dinner. I know I can't eat pizza anymore. It doesn't sit well with me and I am only able to take maybe two bites before I feel like I may slime. However, I know how much he misses having it on weekends so I ordered him one. For me, I got a child's size chicken alfredo. I knew it would last me at least three meals, but I REALLY wanted pasta and I wanted alfredo sauce. Well, after spending way to much money for it, I brought it home, opened it up and took a bite of just the chicken. As I chewed I noticed an off taste. I ended up spitting it out and throwing the rest down the garbage disposal. Then I burst into tears. All I wanted was something different than my normal grilled chicken breast (plain). I wanted the pizza and all it's yummy cheese and peperoni that seemed to laugh at me for not being able to taste it. I wanted to go off on my husband for his ability to eat said pizza and go back for seconds. But, once my raging hormones calmed down (I'm PMSing big time) I opted for a lean shake....my third for the day. As I was drinking it, I began to tear up and talk about some of the above fears. Mostly I wanted to know if I would EVER be able to have certain foods again. Because to be honest with you, right now it doesn't feel that way even though I know over time I will be able to have a little bit of things that I miss.


Even with all the crying and anger of that fear showing it's ugly two mouthed, four hands head, I still have/had one other fear that is/was bigger than any other. So sit back as I tell you a story...


11 years ago while playing an online game, I received an IM from some random man. "Hello", was all it said. As I was getting ready to hit the X to rid my computer screen of the interruption another message in the box popped up. "I love your quote!!" Now, this was back when dial up was considered fast and AOL was the best service around. My quote was by Mark Twain and read, "When I was 14 I found my father to be the most ignorant man in the world. However, when I turned 21 I was astonished to see how much the old man had learned in only 7 short years." This was quoted to me almost everyday by my father and as I grew older, I understood it more and more. Needless to say, we chatted. He begged to meet me. I said no. I was a size 18/20 and I didn't think anyone would find me attractive at that size. Also, i didn't want to be killed by some random guy on the internet. LOL Well, he took his time and we talked on the phone and internet for four months. I fell for his intelligence and I felt so comfortable with him on the phone that it was like I already knew him. Then he asked again....can we meet? I told him yes but in a public place and then dropped the bomb, "I'm not a thin girl. So, if you're looking for a tiny girl, I'm not her. I'm not huge but I have meat on me." Without missing a beat he responded, " Good, I like a woman with some meat and curves." Well, I thought he was crazy. Who would like that? No man I had known would admit to liking a woman bigger than a size 8. Now, 11 years later, he's my husband and is currently snoring on the couch. :)


I told you all that to get back to the fear. Once I got to know him even better, I saw that he didn't lie to me at all. He loves a bigger woman. He can't imagine being with a woman who's smaller than a size 12 or 14. So, when I began thinking about the sleeve and discussing it with him, that was my biggest scare. What if he isn't attracted to me once I'm thin? What will happen when the boobs and butt have shrunk and he can feel my ribs when holding me? Will he lose interest and decide to get his big butt, curvy, voluptuous lady somewhere else? Will I no longer turn him on the way I have for years? Will me getting healthy cause me to lose the man I love?


There, it's finally out there. I know I am not the only woman who has had that thought and I won't be the last one. This is why I decided to put it all out there and discuss it. Now, I know he has supported me through this with no issue. He loves me thin, fat, curvy, with big boobs and a big butt or without them. He's a wonderful man and I'm very lucky to have him. However, even knowing that I still have times where that fear will come out of nowhere again and I am forced to think about it and try to push it back down in the dungeon. Those times come when he jokes with me about my "little boobs and little butt" or when he starts poking at my ribs and saying things about how tiny I am now. (Note: I am currently a size 16/18.) As he jokes all i can think is, "I still have 75lbs to go.....what will he say/do then?" Will he still want to be intimate with me at 140 or will I be just a pile of bones in his eyes?


So, as a therapist, I do what any therapist would do....I ask him!!! He has assured me that he doesn't care my size as long as I'm healthy and happy. But when asked about my boobs he does admit he would like to see them lifted and filled....but what man wouldn't? I can't hold that against him. I want that also so at least we're on the same page. So, needless to say, he likes big butts and he can not lie but he'll love my tiny butt and droopy boobs just as much!!! Now, I just have to figure out how to work on these concerns and fears of mine. I know it's my issue, not his and I have to own it and change my thinking. But that doesn't make it easy to do...then again, nothing about going through the sleeve process is easy. :)


So, let me know ladies....was this a concern for any of you? If so how are you coping with it or how have you coped with it? I would really love to hear your thoughts on this. Oh and FYI, the photo isn't my butt...mine is much smaller now. LOL


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That worries me a little too. I met my boyfriend when I weighed about 170 and and then after a number of stressful things happened I got up to 240. Now I'm down to 220 and I am sure he will be ok with me being 170 and probably even 150 - but what about if I get down to my doctor's goal of 130 or my personal goal of 120.

But what worried me more is that I might have to have knee replacement surgery at 55 or that my blood pressure which used to be low all the time and had started creeping up to the 140's and I might have a stroke or heart failure. Or that I might die in my sleep from sleep apnea.

I want to be healthy and if he's not happy with that I'm a strong, independant woman and I will get along just fine without him.

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If he says he's happy with you thin, I think he is. I did have this issue too....for about 3 seconds. And I have a very close male friend who tells me every day to stop losing weight because he likes me better big. He said last week that my face looks better when it was fuller. Oh well!!! My face feels better thinner!!! Sounds like you got a great and supportive husband and when the time's right for both of you, go ahead and get that boob job!

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GIRL! My hubs loves me any which way as long as I'm his. I however don't like the skinny bony arse that I have now. I have to get in the tub to shave right? I just feel better to soak and let the hairs get as close as a shave as possible. Well as I do this, shifting from one cheek to the other, man I feel the difference! lol...

More than anything my hubs wanted me healthy and happy. And that's all he cares about. But I can understand the fear. I believe your hubs will love you no matter what.

Although that boob job is pretty darn appealing even more so now to me than before... hmmm.... (hey I like them full too! and they are mine!) lol

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My hubby is the same way... he does like the cush but he is loving having me be more energetic and healthier. I think in some ways its harder on me....my boobs didnt hang so low before because my belly was holding them up lol... and now my face is deflating.... arghhhh!! BUT still would rather deflate than be buried so its a trade off. I have to admit I love my clothes hanging off me and feeling bones where there was padding before. You gotta love our men.... mine has proven time and time again that he's in it for the long haul...big/little, sick/healthy.... I love dat man!!!

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@ Leslie Hudson-Couch I have to agree with you...I feel so much better and I have a wonderful man that is with me no matter how big/small I am. I also know it's MY worry and not his....something I make sure he knows as well. I think we are very lucky to have men that love us no matter what....I'll take that over a man who cares what size I am any day of the week.

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I totally understand where you are coming from. I weigh today the same as I did when we got married 7 years ago; and I know he likes a heavier set woman. He told me straight out he's not looking forward to the saggy skin (my aunt had RNY done 2 years ago and hers is really bad, but she was quite a bit heavier than I am) but I told him if he loves me then he would want me to be around as long as I can be, which if I don't have this surgery won't be long at all. He says he understands, and he tries to show support, but deep down he just doesn't get it. But it is what it is, and if he doesn't like the new healthy, skinny, energetic me....saggy skin and all, then I guess he can go on his way. I will be just fine, because I will be alive!

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@Trish J. What a great outlook. My husband is such a huge supporter of me. Though he misses my boobs he does like my butt now that it has more of a shape than just HUGE. LOL. He also makes me feel better about my concerns by letting me know that he wants me happy and he doesn't care what shape I am as long as I'm happy. It's a shame your husband can't be more supportive. I wills ay that Scott, my husband did have to be told many times the first few months that he can't keep trying to get me to eat....I don't think he was trying to sabotage me, I think he just felt so bad eating in front of me.....but after we talked about it...he seemed to understand and now doesn't offer anything more than once. Keep me posted on your progress and keep your head up!!!

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Great topic! I do worry more about the skin at this point. I don't like the thought of deflated breasts either. I was always rather happy with the girls! I've seen some videos on You Tube and the skin is most bothersome. If it was just me and I could wear some spanks and not care about sex all of that it might not be so bad. But I like sex and I don't want to trade in one body I'm not happy with for another I'm only happy with in clothes. Oh well. I would still rather live a productive and happy long life! I can have more surgery if it really bothers me.

My hubby is awesome. He has NEVER ever pressured me or made me feel bad about my weight. He is very easy for me to be with that way. Part of me very much looks forward to rocking the sleeve with him (wink wink). But I admit another part of me is scared of his reaction to me. I imagine he will be accepting of my new body but he, too, mentioned that he was not excited about extra skin.

This journey is not only life changing for us but for our loved ones. Luckily it seems like we have some pretty good husbands!

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