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Nov 22 Sleeved And Now I'm Miserable Help

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I felt so great after surgery, I couldn't believe I had gone through it and felt so good. Day 2 I was able to walk around and I was so ready to get moving. I wanted to prove to myself that I could handle my business, I was given my 30 cc of water and that went down pretty good then move on to the 60cc and that was horrible, I threw up some blood which I was told was from the surgery sitting in my stomach. Okay, that's fine, I guess I can wait another day.. Day 3 drank my water and all was well.. got to have some dinner and boy was I excited!! Day 4 I was released from the hospital and I was so ready to start my new life.


So why my first few days at home went pretty well with the liquids, I was just happy to have WATER!! But day 7 I was so ready to have some tomato soup and it was everything I could've wanted.. Then day 8 was horrible, I tried some scrambled eggs and that was the start of the vomiting!! (TMI sorry) When I went for my follow up appt. I was told that some things will be difficult to process in the beginning so I figured okay take eggs off the list of food, but now it seems like everything is coming up and then it's an all day process and water and juice can't be had either. I throw up the whole day and even after everything has come out I still throw up siliva?? What is up with that. I am so afraid to have anything now, cause I can't live without water or kool-aid.


Has anyone had this happen or could anyone please shed some light.. The hospital where I had this done is in our neighboring state and it's difficult to get an appt with the doctor, so if this continues I guess I will have to go to the urgent care near my home and hopefully they will be able to help me out.. I don't even know if they can handle anything like this??


Anyone out there.. please help!

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Nothing sits well with me either except cream of wheat and yogurt. Both cause runny you know what, but I know my body needs something in it. Eggs make me slime. Most solids do. I am one month out and can start anything in a day, but I am weary. I can also do protein smoothies but they also have the same effect as above. Water makes me burp, as does other liquids, but the slimes are the worse. It is hard to go out socially at this point. That part stinks. I can get about three bites in at most, and that is very weird to me. BUT, I am losing weight, and this is what I signed up for. And by the way--I could eat more right after surgery than I can now. I think that is common. Hang in there!!!

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I was sleeved on 11/22 as well. My doctor prescribe a liquid only diet and I can not have eggs until 12/19. I know that each doctor has their own recommendations but maybe it's too soon and was the reasoning for you voimiting.

I hope it gets better for you. The only thing that keeps me going right now is the fact that I have lost 15 pds since surgery.

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Also, I had the surgery out of town and I have had to take a trip to my local ER. It was great. I was pumped full of fluids to the point I was a little puffy but I felt so much better...

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Sweetie; So sorry you are having a rough time.

I still can't tolerate scrambled eggs at over a year out. Really weird what our new stomachs can handle. Listen and learn that is what the first 6 months are about. Also had a lactose intolerance for 3 months. Have you tired some soup, don't recommend tomato as it is too acidic, try lipton chicken noodle strained of all particles or hot and sour soup from your local chinese restarant again strained.

For over the first month, yes 5 plus weeks, I only had liquids. My new tummy was really mad at me. Started off slow with cottage cheese (one bite) and then greek yogurt. I know the desire to chew is overwhelming but get some liquid protein and try to keep hydrated. It is so important to sip each and every 15 minutes. Set your watch. You will be miserable if you are not hydrated well. Try g2 gatorade or zero powerade to keep up the electrolytes.

What does your surgical diet plan provide to eat? Start off small. Slow eating. Used to take me 30 minutes to eat 1/4 cup. Poached eggs or egg salad worked but not scrambled. Tiffykins had this too.

Hang in there - things will get better slowly. Hugs.

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I also still cannot tolerate eggs in any form (scrambled, boiled, egg salad, whatever)--and I ate them practically daily before being sleeved. You will probably need to try different types of protein as you go and see what works for you. It might be that chicken is great shredded, or maybe tuna, or cottage cheese--my point is, you will find your "go-to" foods with trial and error, and you will also find some foods that your sleeve just doesn't like any more. Mine hates grilled chicken but tolerates boiled chicken in tiny bits in soup--so I can have soup if it's "smushy." I can eat Wendy's chili but not a hamburger patty. My sleeve LOVES dairy and veggie sources (beans, peas, lentils), so I'm okay with protein variety, but it took me a while to realize that eggs, grilled chicken, tuna weren't working any more.

You're also eating kind of early, I think--- maybe start out with some yogurt (Greek has extra protein), but watch out for excess sugar--that's another thing that makes my sleeve freak out. You can make some sugar-free pudding and stir in some protein, too, and if you zap up some cottage cheese in your blender with a little sweetener, it makes a nice protein-rich topping for jello or pudding or melon (when your doc says you can eat that).

Keep portions small and undereat--try to eat until you're not hungry, not until you're full. HUGS to you, and best wishes! You've got a great tool--now you are in the learning-to-use-it-to-best-advantage period.

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Well ... My understanding is that you have to be on a liquid diet for a month and then pureed food diet for another month then fork tender foods for another month and you have to introduce one food at a time just like a baby stomach. that is because your stomach needs to heal first before you can add foods that can scratch you incisions and cause leek or bleeding. besides every time your throw up you have to go back to clear liquids for 24 hours. i truly believe that if follow these steps you will feel better. good luck and let me know what happens.

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Stop Eating Now and Stay on Liquids . But you have to count your protein, carb, and fat intake and your 64oz of liquid so you don't get dehydrated.

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i would go back to the point of where you felt terrific, even if it still makes you sick, like thenewme said, you need your protein and wter. don't force yourself to try something you might not be ready for. give yourself some more time to heal. it must be really hard to have to wait, but probably well worth it in the end. good luck :)

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I was sleeved on Nov. 23rd.. and by the grace of God..all has went perfectly! I am 12 days out.. and I can eat egg subsitute, cheese, refried beans and milk products. I have not thrown up at all.. I drink slow..eat slow and make sure I listen to what my new stomach says! If it girgles...I know it is done for that moment. I wait 15-30 mins and try again. I can only eat about 1 tblsp per meal..but I stay with my 2 protein shakes a day! I consume about 600 calories per day, 70+ proteins and maybe 20 carbs. I am not able to get 64 oz water... the most I have done is 52 ozs. Ususally I make sure I get atleast 48 oz per day. I feel great... and go see my surgeon tomorrow for my 2 week post op! I praise God for his healing in my body... and I know that He is the reason for my great success! I wish you the best and I too will be praying for you. If it were me..I'd go back to the hospital and have them check for a leak... it is very possible that is your problem. There was a lady in the room next to mine that was experiencing a leak too... I would rather be safe than sorry! God bless you!

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